Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 2.892
Totale 2.892
Nazione #
IT - Italia 2.892
Totale 2.892
Città #
Genova 1.248
Genoa 686
Vado Ligure 605
Rapallo 333
Bordighera 20
Totale 2.892
Nome #
Topographical art and landscape history: Elizabeth Fanshawe (1779–1856) in early nineteenth-century Liguria 190
Geoheritage map of the Portofino Natural Park (Italy) 144
The Bisagno stream catchment (Genoa, Italy) and its major floods (1822, 1970 and 2014): geomorphic and land use variations in the last three centuries 104
The Palm Landscapes of the Italian Riviera 102
Geomorphological Landscape Research and Flood Management in a Heavily Modified Tyrrhenian Catchment 95
Geological landscape and stone heritage of the Genoa Walls Urban Park and surrounding area (Italy) 94
Urban Geomorphology in Coastal Environment: Man-Made Morphological Changes in a Seaside Tourist Resort (Rapallo, Eastern Liguria, Italy) 86
Travel, Modernity and Rural Landscapes in Nineteenth-Century Liguria 86
Historical Geomorphological Research of a Ligurian Coastal Floodplain (Italy) and Its Value for Management of Flood Risk and Environmental Sustainability 84
Desertificazione, migrazioni e conflitti: il caso della Contea di Turkana, Kenya 75
Questioning the view: Historical geography and topographical art 75
Indagini geostoriche per una caratterizzazione dei paesaggi dell'Alta Langa 71
Genoa ‘the Superba’ old city - Unesco World site - geomorphological heritage 68
Coupling historical maps and Lidar data to recognize man-made landforms in urban areas 67
Dinamiche di rinaturalizzazione tra criticità e opportunità di sviluppo: il caso della Liguria 58
The role of historical agricultural terraces in geo-hydrological risk reduction: a case study from the Bisagno Stream catchment (Genoa, Italy) 57
Evaluating land use changes and geo-hydrological response in small Mediterranean catchments with outstanding cultural and natural values. Abstract number 345 57
Survey and inventory of artificial cavities in the historical centre of Genoa (Italy): a contribution to the development of an experimental Underground Master Plan 55
Il Polcevera: un laboratorio per la città di Genova 55
Travelling in Italy during Turner’s Lifetime 54
Assessment of heavy rainfall triggered flash floods and landslides in the Sturla stream basin (Ligurian Apennines, northwestern Italy) 53
Catalogo 53
Per un’ecologia politica dei Borderscapes: il caso del confine tra Polonia e Bielorussia nella foresta di Białowieża 52
'Saved from the sordid axe': representation and understanding of pine trees by English visitors to Italy in the eighteenth and nineteenth century 52
Coupling Historical Maps and LiDAR Data to Identify Man-Made Landforms in Urban Areas 52
Clarence Bicknell (1842-1918) dans les Alpes Maritimes: entre paysage et botanique 49
Sustainable tourism in inner areas. The case of Val di Vara (Liguria, Italy) 46
Artificial cavities and geo-risk assessment: the case of "The Strade Nuove and the system of the Palazzi dei Rolli" Unesco World Heritage site in Genoa (Italy) 45
Urban rewilding: Human-wildlife relations in Genoa, NW Italy 43
Man-made landforms and geodiversity within old Genoa city (Italy): an unique and complex geomorphological landscape in Mediterranean area 43
Art and landscape history: British artists in nineteenth-century Val d'Aosta (north-west Italy) 42
L’importanza del patrimonio diffuso nelle regioni marginali: riflessioni a partire da una valle dell’Appennino ligure-piemontese 40
Heatwaves and physiological discomfort: the strange case of the year 2022 on the ‘Kiss Pass’ of Portofino Natural Park, Italy 38
La Terra vista da mare: un progetto di lettura multidisciplinare delle coste liguri tra Ottocento e Novecento 38
Between authenticity and belonging: residents’ and tourists’ perception of the Cinque Terre (Italy) in Pixar-Disney’s Luca 38
Nuove spazialità ai tempi del Covid-19: il caso di Genova 36
Fluvial landscapes: exploitation, marginalisation and rewilding in Genoa, NW Italy 34
Rediscovering Lost Landscapes: Topographical Art in north-west Italy, 1800-1920 34
Second world war air-raid shelters in Genoa (Italy): knowledge, protection and use of an underground historical and cultural heritage in urban enrivonment 32
Photography, topographical art and cartography: the productive landscape of the Italian Riviera 31
The Region of Liguria 29
Culverted rivers in the historic center of Genoa (Italy) as an emblematic case of human pressure and fluvial landscape changes 28
The Region of Piedmont 27
Mobilità ciclistica, sostenibilità e turismo 27
Viaggiatori e vedutisti inglesi a Isola del Cantone e in Valle Scrivia 25
Culverted watercourses as an anthropogenic constraint of flood risk in the historical centre of Genoa (Italy) 24
La pandemia ha cambiato le abitudini di viaggio e la percezione dello spazio turistico? 23
Topographical Art and the Rediscovery of Lost Landscapes: Understanding Ligurian Rewilding 1850–2020 22
Paper Landscapes: Topographical Art and Environmental Change in Liguria 22
Tourism, Environment and Italian Internal Areas at the Time of COVID-19: New Challenges and Opportunities 21
Ancient Woods, Trees and Forests 21
Topographical art and historical geography: amateur English representations of Ligurian landscape in the early nineteenth century 20
Paesaggi, percezione e rappresentazione: lo sguardo del turista in Liguria 20
STUDIO SUL TURISMO VERDE E SOSTENIBILE. Risorse green e attori locali per una Liguria competitiva 19
Fonti odeporiche per la storia del paesaggio tra epistemologie sereniane e nuove prospettive metodologiche 17
Le strade militari del “fronte sud-occidentale” (Alpi Marittime) tra sfide di gestione e opportunità di sviluppo turistico 16
Identification, computation, and mapping of anthropogenic landforms in urban areas: Case studies in the historical centre of Genoa, Italy (UNESCO World Heritage) 15
The ‘Deluge’ of 25 October 1822 in Genoa, Italy 14
Topographical art, travel accounts and the landscape history of viticulture in 18th and 19th-century Italy 14
Cartografia e promozione del territorio: un approccio analitico-comparativo alle carte turistiche della Liguria del secondo dopoguerra 13
null 11
Le conflittualità nelle aree naturali protette: fra (non) tutela e (de)militarizzazione del territorio 11
Sport e turismo: un connubio tutto da quantificare 11
Sustainable Tourism in the Mediterranean Basin: The First Recipient Region for International Tourism 3
Totale 3.129
Categoria #
all - tutte 12.406
article - articoli 7.254
book - libri 341
conference - conferenze 1.664
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 111
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.036
Totale 24.812

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020388 0 0 0 0 0 0 69 42 50 100 102 25
2020/2021243 44 27 10 23 24 13 4 13 21 21 19 24
2021/2022416 13 21 13 28 14 32 14 95 39 59 24 64
2022/2023455 40 38 12 14 54 41 5 57 57 3 110 24
2023/2024609 26 44 17 67 51 156 40 34 11 58 59 46
2024/2025674 68 91 86 76 212 129 12 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.129