100018 - Dipartimento di Lingue e culture moderne
An Edifying "Pictura Loquens". Alberico Gentili’s "Commentatio" and the Defence of Drama in Elizabethan Oxford
2020-01-01 Ragni, C
An Italian jurist in Shakespeare’s England. Alberico Gentili’s theories on the London stage
2017-01-01 Ragni, C
Dido in Oxford. William Gager’s Ovidian play in Elizabethan England
2016-01-01 Ragni, C
Finding the Sources for Marlowe’s Lucan: A Lexicographical Proposal
2021-01-01 Ragni, Cristiano
Il Massacro di Parigi di Christopher Marlowe
2017-01-01 Ragni, C
L'educazione sentimentale di Lucy Maud Montgomery
2020-01-01 Ragni, C
La Nazione e il Teatro. Alberico Gentili, Shakespeare e l’Inghilterra elisabettiana
2020-01-01 Ragni, C
Marlowe’s “damnable opinions”. Bruno, Machiavelli, and Gentili in The Massacre at Paris
2016-01-01 Ragni, C
MICHELE MARRAPODI (ed.), Shakespeare and the Italian Renaissance. Appropriation, Transformation, Opposition
2019-01-01 Ragni, Cristiano
Renaissance Drama: Excluding Shakespeare. Criticism: (2a) General with Helen F. Smith; (2b) Marlowe
2018-01-01 Ragni, C
Renaissance Drama: Excluding Shakespeare. Criticism: (2b) Marlowe
2019-01-01 Ragni, C
Review of Camilla Caporicci. 2013. The Dark Lady. La Rivoluzione Shakespeariana Nei Sonetti Alla Dama Bruna. Passignano sul Trasimeno: Aguaplano
2015-01-01 Ragni, Cristiano
Review of Domenico Lovascio. 2015. Un nome, mille volti: Giulio Cesare nel teatro inglese della prima età moderna. Roma: Carocci
2016-01-01 Ragni, Cristiano
Shakespeare’s Demiurge. New Origins and Old Trick in "The Tempest"
In corso di stampa Ragni, Cristiano
Shakespeare’s “Quarrel Honourable” and Gentili’s “Iusta Contentio”. Henry V and the Forging of the Nation
2016-01-01 Ragni, C
Which English, anyway? Teaching Linguistic Variation to Speakers of Other Languages
2020-01-01 Ragni, C
«Da “Barbaro” a “Genio”. La Ricezione Italiana di Shakespeare tra Sette e Ottocento»
2018-01-01 Ragni, C
«‘We are all in there’. Report of the International Irish Gothic Conference, Perugia, 5-6 December 2013»
2014-01-01 Ragni, C; Pozzuoli, L
“[...] Only to keep men in awe”. L’Anticristianesimo di Marlowe, contra imperium?
2018-01-01 Ragni, C
“A stranger, and learned, and an exile for religion”. Alberico Gentili, Shakespeare and Elizabethan England
2014-01-01 Ragni, C