Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 19.009
Totale 19.009
Nazione #
IT - Italia 19.009
Totale 19.009
Città #
Genova 13.168
Genoa 2.410
Rapallo 1.920
Vado Ligure 1.446
Bordighera 65
Totale 19.009
Nome #
null 200
Clinical characteristics, management and in-hospital mortality of patients with COVID-19 In Genoa, Italy 195
The perception of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea/Hypopnoea Syndrome (OSAHS) among Italian general practitioners 167
Administration of a polyvalent mechanical bacterial lysate to elderly patients with COPD: Effects on circulating T, B and NK cells. 165
The administration of a polyvalent mechanical bacterial lysate in elderly patients with COPD results in serological signs of an efficient immune response associated with a reduced number of acute episodes 151
A new tool to assess and monitor the burden of chronic cough on quality of life: Chronic Cough Impact Questionnaire. 149
'Emergency exit' of bone-marrow-resident CD34+ DNAM-1 bright CXCR4+-committed lymphoid precursors during chronic infection and inflammation 148
Antiallergic drugs and quality of life. 145
Genuair® Usability Test: Results of a National Public Survey of the Elderly 144
The bacterial lysate Lantigen B reduces the number of acute episodes in patients with recurrent infections of the respiratory tract: the results of a double blind, placebo controlled, multicenter clinical trial 141
The relationship between allergen immunotherapy and omalizumab for treating asthma 139
Allergic diseases and their impact on quality of life. 137
Clara cell 16 protein in COPD sputum: A marker of small airways damage? 137
Viruses and bacteria in acute asthma exacerbations--a GA² LEN-DARE systematic review. 136
Recommendations for assessing patient-reported outcomes and health-related quality of life in patients with urticaria: a GA(2) LEN taskforce position paper. 135
A new tool to evaluate the impact of chronic urticaria on quality of life: chronic urticaria quality of life questionnaire (CU-QoL). 134
RhinAsthma patient perspective: A Rasch validation study 134
Allergic rhinitis and asthma ad hoc survey: clinical and psychological perspectives. 133
An update on allergen immunotherapy and asthma 133
Patients beliefs on intravenous and subcutaneous routes of administration of biologics for severe asthma treatment: A cross-sectional observational survey study 133
Patient-physician relationship in the management of asthma: Multicentric approach in Latin America 133
COPD treatment: Real life and experimental effects on peripheral NK cells, their receptors expression and their IFN-γ secretion. 132
Sub-lingual administration of a polyvalent mechanical bacterial lysate (PMBL) in patients with moderate, severe, or very severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) according to the GOLD spirometric classification: A multicentre, double-blind, randomised, controlled, phase IV study (AIACE study: Advanced Immunological Approach in COPD Exacerbation) 132
Clinical and Functional Characteristics of COPD Patients Across GOLD Classifications: Results of a Multicenter Observational Study 132
CD4+CD25highCD127- regulatory T-cells in COPD: Smoke and drugs effect 132
Chronic Urticaria Patient Perspective (CUPP): The First Validated Tool for Assessing Quality of Life in Clinical Practice 130
Sleep complaints and sleep breathing disorders in upper and lower obstructive lung diseases 129
Basi Patogenetiche ed anatomopatologiche della flogosi allergica nell’asma bronchiale 126
Illness perception, mood and coping strategies in allergic rhinitis: are there differences among ARIA classes of severity? 126
Asthma management in a specialist setting: Results of an Italian Respiratory Society survey 126
Minimal clinical important difference (MCID) of the Thai chronic urticaria quality of life questionnaire (CU-Q2oL) 126
Why use long acting bronchodilators in chronic obstructive lung diseases? An extensive review on formoterol and salmeterol 126
Determinants and impact of suboptimal asthma control in Europe: The INTERNATIONAL CROSS-SECTIONAL AND LONGITUDINAL ASSESSMENT ON ASTHMA CONTROL (LIAISON) study 125
New therapies for allergic rhinitis 125
Pitfalls in respiratory allergy management: alexithymia and its impact on patient-reported outcomes. 125
Why do doctors and patients not follow guidelines? 124
Recommendations for assessing patient-reported outcomes and health-related quality of life in clinical trials on allergy: a GA(2)LEN taskforce position paper. 124
Biosimilars in allergic diseases 124
Which factors affect the choice of the inhaler in chronic obstructive respiratory diseases? 123
New treatment options in allergic rhinitis: patient considerations and the role of ciclesonide. 123
Long-acting bronchodilators improve health related quality of life in patients with COPD. 122
The Portuguese version of Rhinitis and Asthma Patient's Perspective (RAPP): Validation and assessment 122
Manifesto on small airway involvement and management in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an Interasma (Global Asthma Association - GAA) and World Allergy Organization (WAO) document endorsed by Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) and Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA2LEN) 121
Umeclidinium for the treatment of uncontrolled asthma 121
"Trying, But Failing" - The Role of Inhaler Technique and Mode of Delivery in Respiratory Medication Adherence 121
Pidotimod: The state of art 120
Quality-of-life issues in survivors to anaphylactic reactions to drugs 120
Patient-reported outcomes in asthma clinical trials 120
Randomized controlled trials and real life studies. Approaches and methodologies: A clinical point of view 119
Asthma management failure: a flaw in physicians' behavior or in patients' knowledge? 119
Disease awareness in patients with COPD: measurement and extent 119
The unmet need for pertussis prevention in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the Italian context 119
Effects of mometasone furoate on the quality of life: a randomized placebo-controlled trial in persistent allergic rhinitis and intermittent asthma using the Rhinasthma questionnaire. 118
ARIA 2016: Care pathways implementing emerging technologies for predictive medicine in rhinitis and asthma across the life cycle 118
Continuing Medical Education:an international reality 118
The impact of GINA suggested drugs for the treatment of asthma on Health-Related Quality of Life: a GA(2)LEN review. 118
Worldwide differences on the concept of control of asthma. 117
From "blockbusters" to "biosimilars": An opportunity for patients, medical specialists and health care providers 117
Asthma treatment: 'magic bullets which seek their own targets'. 117
Rhinasthma: a new specific QoL questionnaire for patients with rhinitis and asthma. 115
Minimal important difference of the Chronic Urticaria Quality of Life Questionnaire (CU-Q2oL) 115
Quality of life and patients' satisfaction in chronic urticaria and respiratory allergy. 114
Asthma and COPD: Interchangeable use of inhalers. A document of Italian Society of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immmunology (SIAAIC) & Italian Society of Respiratory Medicine (SIMeR) 114
Sleep disturbances in allergic diseases. 113
The ARGA study with general practitioners: Impact of medical education on asthma/rhinitis management 113
Adherence to asthma treatments: 'We know, we intend, we advocate' 113
RHINASTHMA-Adolescents: a new quality of life tool for patients with respiratory allergy 113
Does asthma control correlate with quality of life related to upper and lower airways? A real life study. 112
ARIA-suggested drugs for allergic rhinitis: what impact on quality of life? A GA2LEN review. 112
Cost-description and multiple imputation of missing values: the SATisfaction and adherence to COPD treatment (SAT) study 112
Non-invasive ventilation in acute respiratory failure of patients with obesity hypoventilation syndrome 112
InternationaL cross-sectIonAl and longItudinal assessment on aSthma cONtrol in European adult patients--the LIAISON study protocol. 110
Quality of life in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: the subjective impact on children and parents. 110
Disability in moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Prevalence, burden and assessment-results from a real-life study 110
Impact of asthma and comorbid allergic rhinitis on quality of life and control in patients of italian general practitioners 110
The link between allergic rhinitis and asthma: the united airways disease. 109
Specific recommendations for PROs and HRQoL assessment in allergic rhinitis and/or asthma: a GA(2)LEN taskforce position paper. 109
Phenotypes/endotypes-driven treatment in asthma 109
Guidance to 2018 good practice: ARIA digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care for rhinitis and asthma 109
“ Immunologia dell’apparato Respiratorio e metodiche di studio “ Cap 8 108
Targeted therapy for allergic asthma: predicting and evaluating response to omalizumab. 108
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patient well-being and its relationship with clinical and patient-reported outcomes: a real-life observational study. 108
LABA/LAMA Fixed Dose Combination in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: The Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life 108
Systematic review on the efficacy of fexofenadine in seasonal allergic rhinitis: a meta-analysis of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials. 107
Obstructive lung diseases and inhaler treatment: results from a national public pragmatic survey. 107
The relationship between asthma control and quality-of-life impairment due to chronic cough: a real-life study. 107
The anti-inflammatory properties of tiotropium 107
Prevalence and prognostic value of cardiac troponin in elderly patients hospitalized for COVID-19 107
Sleep apnea risk in subjects with asthma with or without comorbid rhinitis 106
Disease activity only moderately correlates with quality of life impairment in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria 106
Adherence to treatment: assessment of an unmet need in asthma. 105
The role of Pneumococcal vaccine 105
Cabbage and fermented vegetables: From death rate heterogeneity in countries to candidates for mitigation strategies of severe COVID-19 105
Coping with asthma: is the physician able to identify patient's behaviour? 104
Rhinitis: Adherence to treatment and new technologies 104
Withdrawal of inhaled corticosteroids in COPD: A meta-analysis 104
MACVIA clinical decision algorithm in adolescents and adults with allergic rhinitis 103
A Framework For Step Down Or Therapeutic Re-Organization For Withdrawal Of Inhaled Corticosteroids In Selected Patients With COPD: A Proposal For COPD Management 102
Disability in COPD and its relationship to clinical and patient-reported outcomes 100
Does a low-density gas mixture or oxygen supplementation improve exercise training in COPD? 100
Totale 12.210
Categoria #
all - tutte 64.768
article - articoli 64.175
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 593
Totale 129.536

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.037 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 620 795 507 115
2020/20211.886 117 119 224 240 115 127 127 176 126 202 150 163
2021/20222.448 129 164 117 243 53 251 119 572 182 216 106 296
2022/20232.336 250 121 23 241 329 414 72 186 407 56 190 47
2023/20241.120 61 162 24 118 99 173 92 81 59 29 99 123
2024/20252.439 47 268 132 228 493 381 343 503 44 0 0 0
Totale 19.655