Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.869
Totale 3.869
Nazione #
IT - Italia 3.869
Totale 3.869
Città #
Genova 1.747
Genoa 1.032
Vado Ligure 566
Rapallo 503
Bordighera 21
Totale 3.869
Nome #
Association of TMEM16A chloride channel overexpression with airway goblet cell metaplasia 156
Stabilization strategies for unstable dynamics. 153
Revisiting the body-schema concept in the context of whole-body postural-focal dynamics 136
Saliency based sensor fusion of broadband sound localizer for humanoids 123
Detecting Biological Motion for Human-Robot Interaction: A Link between Perception and Action 115
View-Invariant Robot Adaptation to Human Action Timing 113
Biological movement detector enhances the attentive skills of humanoid robot iCub 112
Eye gaze tracking for a humanoid robot 108
A Robot reading human gaze: Why eye tracking is better than head tracking for human-robot collaboration 107
'Connecting experiences': Towards a biologically inspired memory for developmental robots 107
Adaptation to a humanoid robot in a collaborative joint task 104
Eye tracking for human robot interaction 103
Can a Robot Catch You Lying? A Machine Learning System to Detect Lies During Interactions 97
Estimating human actions affinities across views 96
Designing an Affective Cognitive Architecture for Human-Humanoid Interaction 95
Cultural differences in speed adaptation in human-robot interaction tasks 93
Computational model of biological motion detection: a path toward view-invariant action understanding 87
Gaze contingency in turn-taking for human robot interaction: Advantages and drawbacks 85
Weight-aware robot motion planning for lift-to-pass action 80
Trust and Social Engineering in Human Robot Interaction: Will a Robot Make You Disclose Sensitive Information, Conform to Its Recommendations or Gamble? 75
Can Emotions Enhance the Robot’s Cognitive Abilities: a Study in Autonomous HRI with an Emotional Robot 73
A computational model of biological motion detection based on motor invariants 72
A Cognitive Architecture for Socially Adaptable Robots 72
Will People Morally Crack under the Authority of a Famous Wicked Robot? 72
Your eyes never lie: A robot magician can tell if you are lying 64
Careful with That! Observation of Human Movements to Estimate Objects Properties 63
Towards an Affective Cognitive Architecture for Human-Robot Interaction for the iCub Robot 61
A Robot with Style: Can Robotic Attitudes Influence Human Actions? 59
A Biological Inspired Cognitive Framework for Memory-Based Multi-Sensory Joint Attention in Human-Robot Interactive Tasks 59
Can a Humanoid Robot Spot a Liar? 58
"iCub, We Forgive You!" Investigating Trust in a Game Scenario with Kids 57
Modeling the development of visual perception with computational vision 55
Action similarity judgment based on kinematic primitives 55
Detecting Lies is a Child (Robot)’s Play: Gaze-Based Lie Detection in HRI 54
Comfortability Analysis Under a Human–Robot Interaction Perspective 53
From Movement Kinematics to Object Properties: Online Recognition of Human Carefulness 49
Eager to learn vs. quick to complain? How a socially adaptive robot architecture performs with different robot personalities 47
Kinematic primitives in action similarity judgments: A human-centered computational model 44
Human vs Robot Lie Detector: Better Working as a Team? 42
Human Motion Understanding for Selecting Action Timing in Collaborative Human-Robot Interaction 41
At school with a robot: Italian students’ perception of robotics during an educational program. 40
A Controllable and Repeatable Method to Study Perceptual and Motor Adaptation in Human-Robot Interaction 39
The informative content of optical flow features of biological motion 39
What if a Social Robot Excluded You? Using a Conversational Game to Study Social Exclusion in Teen-robot Mixed Groups 39
Robots with Different Embodiments Can Express and Influence Carefulness in Object Manipulation 38
Are Robots That Assess Their Partner's Attachment Style Better At Autonomous Adaptive Behaviour? 36
A pilot study towards the implementation of perceptual and motor adaptation in robots 33
Can Robots Elicit Different Comfortability Levels? 32
Can robots impact human comfortability during a live interview? 29
Biased Attention Near iCub's Hand After Collaborative HRI 29
Property-Aware Robot Object Manipulation: A Generative Approach 28
A user-centred framework for explainable artificial intelligence in human-robot interaction 27
Perception is Only Real When Shared: A Mathematical Model for Collaborative Shared Perception in Human-Robot Interaction 26
Comfortability Recognition from Visual Non-verbal Cues 26
A Self for robots: core elements and ascription by humans 25
Human Experience And Robotic Experience: A Reciprocal Exchange Of Perspectives 24
Training School Teachers to Use Robots as an Educational Tool: The Impact on Robotics Perception 22
Can a Robot's Hand Bias Human Attention? 22
If You Are Careful, So Am I! How Robot Communicative Motions Can Influence Human Approach in a Joint Task 20
Ex(plainable) Machina: how social-implicit {XAI} affects complex human-robot teaming tasks 19
Towards transparency of TD-RL robotic systems with a human teacher 19
Toward Robots' Behavioral Transparency of Temporal Difference Reinforcement Learning with a Human Teacher 19
Validating a Cortisol-Inspired Framework for Human-Robot Interaction with a Replication of the Still Face Paradigm 16
Natural Born Explainees: how users’ personality traits shape the human-robot interaction with explainable robots 12
Towards Third-Person Visual Imitation Learning Using Generative Adversarial Networks 10
Exploring Children's Strategies in Responses to Robot's Advice during a Group Task with iCub and Nao 8
Modeling Human Motion: A Task at the Crossroads of Neuroscience, Computer Vision and Robotics 6
Totale 3.978
Categoria #
all - tutte 17.674
article - articoli 5.791
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 11.728
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 155
Totale 35.348

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020302 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 60 103 75 12
2020/2021348 15 105 19 23 10 31 10 32 13 42 22 26
2021/2022391 7 14 21 39 15 37 12 92 41 40 9 64
2022/2023633 48 61 5 81 92 77 39 41 89 1 85 14
2023/2024587 17 53 28 91 39 107 37 57 15 16 40 87
2024/2025965 53 102 62 79 176 144 182 167 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.978