Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 37.300
Totale 37.300
Nazione #
IT - Italia 37.300
Totale 37.300
Città #
Genova 24.790
Genoa 4.580
Rapallo 4.480
Vado Ligure 3.340
Bordighera 110
Totale 37.300
Nome #
Miopericitoma: una rara e difficile diagnosi 1.334
Elastolisi del derma medio e alterazioni degli indici della coagulazione: due casi 288
Le cheratosi attiniche nei pazienti con trombocitemia in trattamento con idrossiurea; L'esperienza della clinica dermatologica nella gestione dei farmaci biologici nella psoriasi moderata grave; Angiosarcoma della mammella. 264
Serology of Lupus Erythematosus: Correlation between Immunopathological Features and Clinical Aspects. 172
Tumore a cellule granulose; Granuloma anulare del pene; Il pemfigoide nodulare e altri pemfigoidi atipici. 166
Atomic force microscopy for biomechanical and structural analysis of human dermis: A complementary tool for medical diagnosis and therapy monitoring 165
A calcified lipoma of the foot in a 100-year-old Italian woman 159
Prevalence of stratified epithelium-specific antinuclear antibodies in 138 patients with lichen planus 156
Elastolisi del derma medio e alterazioni degli indici di coagulazione. 147
ACE inhibitors can induce circulating antibodies directed to antigens of the superficial epidermal cells. 144
Serological diagnostics in the detection of IgG autoantibodies against human collagen VII in epidermolysis bullosa acquisita: A multicentre analysis 144
Dermatite flagellata clinica e terapia. 142
.Scleromyxedema: A multicenter study of characteristics, comorbidities, course, and therapy in 30 patients 141
The prevalence of herpes zoster and pityriasis rosea in patients with psoriasis: a preliminary study. 140
Epidemiological study of onychomycosis in older adults with onychodystrophy 140
A molecule of about 70 Kd is the immunologic marker of chronic ulcerative stomatitis. 139
Specific autoantibodies in dermatomyositis: a helpful tool to classify different clinical subsets 138
Association of pemphigus and bullous pemphigoid with thyroid autoimmunity in Caucasian patients. 137
Localized aquagenic urticaria dependent on saline concentration 137
The high incidence of anti-Ro/SSA and anti-p200 antibodies in female patients with connective tissue diseases confirms the importance of screening for congenital heart block-associated autoantibodies during pregnancy 137
Linear IgA disease presenting as prurigo nodularis. 136
Pyoderma gangrenosum-like CD30+  cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in a patient with mycosis fungoides. 135
Adhesion molecules in keratinocyte 134
A patient with immunological features of paraneoplastic pemphigus in the absence of a detectable malignancy. 134
Pemphigus following tetanus and diphtheria vaccination. 133
Allergic contact dermatitis from myrrh 133
Use of animal skin substrates for indirect immunofluorescence diagnosis of subepidermal autoimmune bullous diseases. 131
Erosive pustular dermatosis of the leg. 131
Bilateral Warthin tumor in psoriatic patients in therapy with multiple immunosuppressive therapy 131
Changes in neurosyphilis presentation: a survey on 286 patients 129
Hydroxychloroquine in psoriasis: is it really harmful? 128
Familial autoimmune enteropathy with circulating anti-bullous pemphigoid antibodies and chronic autoimmune hepatitis. 127
A case of linear immunoglobulin A bullous dermatosis in a patient exposed to sun and an analgesic. 125
A Case of Complete Adult-Onset Kawasaki Disease: A Review of Pathogenesis and Classification 125
Remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema associated with parvovirus B19 infection: two new cases and review of the comorbidities 123
Bullous pemphigoid in Liguria: a 2-year survey. 123
Scleromyxedema with an interstitial granulomatous-like pattern: a rare histologic variant mimicking granuloma annulare. 123
Allergic contact dermatitis from a wet suit 122
Atypical presentations of bullous pemphigoid: Clinical and immunopathological aspects 122
Can ultraviolet rays induce a granulomatous reaction after hyaluronic acid dermal filler injections ? 121
Pyoderma gangrenosum: a systematic review. 120
Frequency of IgA antibodies in pemphigus, bullous pemphigoid and mucous membrane pemphigoid 120
The role of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in rosacea: A 3-year follow-up 120
Atypical exanthems associated with HHV-6 reactivation after hematopoietic cell transplantation 120
Measurement of a possible patch-testing outcome indicator. 120
Cutaneous sporotrichoid leishmaniasis resistant to pentavalent antimonial therapy: complete resolution with itraconazole. 119
Different Responses to Ustekinumab of Two HLA-Cw6-positive Homozygous Twins with Psoriasis 119
Antidesmoplakin antibodies in pemphigus vulgaris 118
Dermatological consultations in an observation unit of an emergency department in Italy 118
In vivo enalapril-induced acantholysis. 117
Secondary cutaneous effects of hydroxyurea: possible pathogenetic mechanisms. 117
Oral pemphigoid autoantibodies preferentially target BP180 ectodomain 116
Peristomal allergic contact dermatitis caused by Stomahesive paste: An additional case. 115
Comparative study of indirect immunofluorescence and immunoblotting for the diagnosis of autoimmune pemphigus. 115
Cutaneous adverse effects during therapy with an epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitor. 115
Sensitization to pepper (Capsicum annuum) in a latex-allergic patient. 114
Two cases of oligosymptomatic neurosyphilis in immunocompetent patients: Atypical neurosyphilis presentation 114
The use of Biochip immunofluorescence microscopy for the serological diagnosis of epidermolysis bullosa acquisita 114
Linear IgA bullous dermatosis of childhood with autoantibodies to a 230 kDa epidermal antigen. 113
Diagnosis and disease severity assessment of epidermolysis bullosa acquisita by ELISA for anti-type VII collagen autoantibodies: an Italian multicentre study 113
Is contact allergy rare in psoriatics? 113
Ultrastructural study of chronic lesions of erythema elevatum diutinum: "extracellular cholesterosis" is a misnomer. 112
Dyshidrosiform pemphigoid: a well-defined clinical entity? 112
A patient with hyper-immunoglobulinE syndrome 25 years later 111
Analysis of antigens targeted by circulating IgG and IgA antibodies in patients with mucous membrane pemphigoid predominantly affecting the oral cavity. 111
Bullous pemphigoid: three atypical cases 111
Pemphigus herpetiformis associated with prostate cancer 111
Primary syphilis of the oropharynx: an unusual location of a chancre 111
Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita in a child. An additional case. 110
Subacute prurigo-like linear IgA disease. 110
Epper syndrome: an additional case. 110
Contact dermatitis from para-phenylenediamine used as a skin paint: a further case. 109
Sensitivity of different assays for the serological diagnosis of epidermolysis bullosa acquisita: analysis of a cohort of 24 Italian patients. 109
Changes in Androgen Receptor Expression as a Molecular Marker of Progression from Normal Epithelium to Invasive Cancer in Elderly Patients with Penile Squamous Cell Carcinoma 109
Systemic minocycline as a therapeutic option in predominantly oral mucous membrane pemphigoid: a cautionary report. 108
Linear IgA bullous dermatosis with autoantibodies to a 290 kd antigen of anchoring fibrils. 107
Pityriasis Rosea in Children: Clinical Features and Laboratory Investigations 106
Diagnosing Pemphigus foliaceus: a retrospective analysis of clinical, histological and immunological criteria. 105
A Survey of Current Knowledge on Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Sexual Behaviour in Italian Adolescents 105
Pigmentogenes Pityriasis Rosea 105
A case of linear IgA disease in a child with IgA and IgG circulating antibodies directed to BPAg2. 105
Gene expression profiling in dermatitis herpetiformis skin lesions 104
Anti-desmoplakin antibodies in erythema multiforme and Stevens-Johnson syndrome sera: pathogenic or epiphenomenon? 104
Erythroderma with pemphigus immunofluorescence. An erythrodermic variant of pemphigus? 104
Reticular erythematous mucinosis: a review of patients' characteristics, associated conditions, therapy and outcome in 25 cases 104
Mid-dermal elastolysis with prothrombotic abnormalities: two cases. 103
Prise en charge thérapeutique de la rosacée 103
Psoriasis as a cardiovascular risk factor: Updates and algorithmic approach 103
Photosensitivity induced by mesalazine: report of a case 103
Annular and arciform lesions of the palms as unique manifestations of secondary syphilis 103
Could colchicine represent a new therapeutic approach for lichen planus pigmentosus? 103
Linear IgA bullous dermatosis after contact with sodium hypochlorite. 102
Are clinical phenotype and autoantibody profile always concordant in pemphigus ? A study in a cohort of pemphigus patients. 102
Amyopathic dermatomyositis with lung involvement responsive to mycophenolate mofetil. 102
A further case of subacute prurigo-like linear IgA bullous dermatosis: growing evidence of a new subset. 102
Generalized annular granuloma associated with crowned dens syndrome, which resolved with colchicine treatment 102
Atopic-like dermatitis after secukinumab injection: A case report 102
Differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention of DLA (Dermato–Lymphangio–Adenitis ) 101
Totale 13.572
Categoria #
all - tutte 124.820
article - articoli 89.977
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 33.465
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.378
Totale 249.640

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20206.766 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.985 431 674 2.013 1.227 436
2020/20212.293 162 156 190 164 191 235 158 183 281 238 183 152
2021/20225.368 82 426 244 726 113 490 180 1.358 356 579 87 727
2022/20235.476 615 241 75 468 876 900 69 445 1.095 102 474 116
2023/20243.298 214 458 108 373 262 543 236 216 149 110 199 430
2024/20253.834 292 705 273 529 1.110 853 72 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 37.957