Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.065
Totale 9.065
Nazione #
IT - Italia 9.065
Totale 9.065
Città #
Genova 6.412
Rapallo 1.099
Genoa 797
Bordighera 466
Vado Ligure 291
Totale 9.065
Nome #
Open Innovation using Web 2.0 and Semantic Web Technologies - a case study, 325
Knowledge and performance improvement in healthcare: an ongoing research agenda 306
Localness is good for business? An intellectual capital – based perspective in the Italian food industry. 133
"It’s no use crying over spilt milk!" Innovation paths in the dairy sector 132
Creation of a Collaborative Environment for Innovation: The Effect of a Simulation Tool's Development and Use 123
Knowledge creation and management in an Italian bio-tech start-up 123
Innovation and SMEs: misaligned perspectives and goals among entrepreneurs, academics and policy makers 120
ICTs adoption and knowledge management: the case of an e-procurement system. 119
Innovation and SMEs: misaligned perspectives and goals among entrepreneurs, academics and policy makers 119
Learning by failing: What we can learn from un-successful entrepreneurship education. 118
Establishing Entrepreneurship Education with a Bottom-up Approach: insights from a longitudinal case study. 116
Knowledge Creation and Management in an Italian Biotech Start Up 114
E procurement and knowledge management: the case of a biomedical firm 114
Case Descriptions of mobile virtual work in practice 113
“Localness” is good for business? An intellectual capital-based perspective in the Italian food industry 109
Knowledge domain and innovation behaviour: a framework to conceptualize KMSs in small and medium enterprises 108
Technology-in-Practice: New Insight Into Data Warehouse Adoption 107
Data Warehouse-in-practice: exploring the function of expectations in organizational outcomes 107
Thriving on open innovation… by fostering the An-atman enterprise. 107
Data mining and decision support: knowledge discovery in temporal sequences using MC 106
Knowledge management systems and task uncertainty: is Perrow’s model a good lens? 105
Combinatorial Knowledge Bases: An Integrative and Dynamic Approach to Innovation Studies. 104
Innovation topics under debate at the EC: the opinions of Italian entrepreneurs, academics and policy makers 101
Managing Dispersed Workers: the New Challenge in Knowledge Management 100
Beyond the conventional-specialty dichotomy in food retailing business models: an Italian case study 99
Customer co-creation projects and social media: The case of Barilla of Italy 99
Social media-based innovation: A review of trends and a research agenda 99
Collaborative network of firms: antecedents and state-of-the-art properties 98
Leveraging on knowledge: Knowledge management in a cluster of Italian small and medium enterprises. 97
How do Miles and Snow’s strategic types differ in their knowledge assets? Evidence from Italian SMEs 97
The Role of Social Software for Customer Co-Creation: Does It Change the Practice for Innovation? 94
Crowdfunding as a tool to support sustainability‐oriented initiatives: Preliminary insights into the role of product/service attributes 94
How and for what purposes global food brands use online contests: Entertainment or innovation? 93
The inextricable intertwining of the firm, the platform and the customer: The case of a social media platform for innovation 93
Technological, organizational and managerial tools for knowledge management supporting dispersed workers 92
A two-dimensional framework for knowledge management systems in small and medium enterprises 91
Internationalization patterns among SMEs: cases from Italian speciality food sector 88
Technology in practice: new insight into datawarehouse adoption 88
Towards a multi-levelled social process perspective on firm innovation: integrating micro, meso and macro concepts of knowledge creation 87
The Role of Ideology in Brand Creation: the case of a Food Retail Company in Italy 85
Innovation in telecommunications: main research projects in Italy. 84
Technological, organizational and managerial tools for knowledge management supporting dispersed workers 84
Business Model Innovations: A Case in Food Retailing 84
Unveiling the intellectual origins of Social Media-based innovation: insights from a bibliometric approach 84
Dispersed workers: are they a reality? Characteristics and management: results of a survey 82
Benchmarking as a strategic tool to enable continuous innovation 82
Entrepreneurship and Learning: Knowledge Management in a Cluster of Small Service Italian Enterprises 81
Knowledge management for dispersed workers in consulting firms 81
Opening up innovation processes through contests in the food sector 81
null 80
The Firm, the Platform and the Customer: A 'Double Mangle' Interpretation of Social Media for Innovation. 79
Comparing Perspectives on Innovation. The Positions of Italian Entrepreneurs, Academics and Policy Makers 78
Comparing perspectives on innovation. The positions of Italian entrepreneurs, academics and policy makers 78
Researcher understanding of food innovations in Nordic and Southern European countries: A systematic literature review 77
Which roles in innovation processes? A matter of perspective. 76
Surgery Planning by Using Simulation: a Step forward to Build up a General DSS for Hospital Management 76
Knowledge Intensity and Knowledge Bases in Internationalization Patterns of SMEs in the Food Sector. 76
The role of crowdfunding in moving towards a sustainable society 76
Entrepreneurship and Innovation: from isolated dreamer to clusters. 75
Knowledge management for dispersed workers in utilities firms 75
Managing dispersed workers: first results of a survey 74
The Role of Social Software for Customer Co-Creation: Does It Change The Practice For Innovation? 74
Interaction between regional intellectual capital and organizational intellectual capital: the mediating roles of entrepreneurial characteristics. 74
The role of a simulation tool in the creation and transformation of knowledge in a company in the automotive industry 73
Innovation in SMEs: evidences from the Italian Food Industry 71
Italian industry of shoe-machinery: a competence story 68
Dare personalità ad un prodotto maturo: le collaborazioni di Riso Scotti 67
Dispersed workers: are they a reality? Results of a survey 67
Innovation or Imitation? Benchmarking: a knowledge management process to innovate services 67
Knowledge management for gaining a sustainable competitive advantage: evidences from the Italian food sector 67
Ambidexterity and Social Software for Innovation: a Practice-Based Approach 67
Knowledge domain and innovation behaviour: A framework for conceptualize KMSs in small and medium enterprises 67
Do top-down cluster policies succeed in fostering social capital and innovation? Some insights from Italian cases. 66
A knowledge management approach to organization competitive advantage: evidences from the food sector 66
Technology-in-practice: New Insight into Data Warehouse Adoption 66
Analysing a container terminal's behavior under stessing conditions by using simulation 66
The Role of Ideology in Brand Creation: the Case of a Food Retail Company in Italy 66
Il ciclo di gestione della conoscenza 64
Winning in a mature industry: innovation paths in the food industry 64
Liguria Business Journal 63
Strategie di diversificazione e globalizzazione: l’industria saccarifera europea 63
The influence of task uncertainty on knowledge management system design and development. 62
Opportunità e limiti dei processi di outsourcing: esperienza nella logistica 62
TOM Project 62
Combinatorial knowledge bases: integrating cognitive, organizational and spatial dimensions in innovation studies and economic geography 62
Sistemi di management e soluzioni organizzative per la gestione della conoscenza: evidenze da settori a bassa e ad alta intensità di conoscenza 61
L’Information Technology a supporto del knowledge management: potenzialità e limiti. 60
Data Warehouse e knowledge management: un approccio costruttivista 59
How Global Food Brands Use Web-based Tools to Innovate with Customers 58
Datawarehouse e knowledge management: alcune esperienze di implementazione 57
How a different engagement in CSR efforts affects firm’s propensity to innovate: an empirical investigation 56
Il nuovo sistema di pianificazione e controllo in Telecom Italia 55
Dispersed Workers Profiles and KMS: Towards an Evolution? 54
Entrepreneurship and new venture creation in the six study areas 52
LA `DANZA INTRECCIATA` DEL SOCIAL SOFTWARE Come interagiscono clienti, impresa e piattaforma social per l`innovazione 51
E-procurement e knowledge management: una relazione possibile? Spunti di riflessione da un caso reale 50
Analisi degli investimenti informatici nelle piccole medie imprese della subfornitura meccanica dell’area genovese 48
Fostering Knowledge Creation and Sharing in Mobile Work environments. Results of a 3-Year Research 47
Totale 8.733
Categoria #
all - tutte 24.342
article - articoli 10.893
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 9.847
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 354
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.248
Totale 48.684

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.094 0 0 0 106 176 269 351 116 213 451 295 117
2020/2021447 25 35 24 35 25 44 26 32 72 43 48 38
2021/20221.136 17 85 92 149 23 50 85 320 46 93 32 144
2022/20231.332 123 67 14 120 204 248 0 100 229 17 177 33
2023/20241.038 29 81 4 70 67 120 20 474 44 10 40 79
2024/2025295 11 129 85 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.152