Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 12.892
Totale 12.892
Nazione #
IT - Italia 12.892
Totale 12.892
Città #
Genova 9.105
Genoa 1.352
Rapallo 1.292
Vado Ligure 1.092
Bordighera 51
Totale 12.892
Nome #
Flooded areas assessment by integrating hydraulic flood analysis to the detailed flood maps generated with a multi-temporal image segmentation approach using Cosmo-Skymed 156
A New Method for Cross-Normalization and Multitemporal Visualization of SAR Images for the Detection of Flooded Areas 147
An Automatic Segmentation Method for MRI Multiparametric Volumes 146
Sustainable cooperative distance learning system for education in developing countries 144
Unilateral spatial neglect rehabilitation supported by a digital solution: two case-studies. 142
Information extraction from remote sensing images for flood monitoring and damage evaluation 138
A framework for processing and interpretation of three-dimensional signals from multislices 135
Automatic MPST-cut for segmentation of carpal bones from MR volumes 134
Monitoring game-based motor rehabilitation of patients at home for better plans of care and quality of life 132
Exploiting Spatial Correlation Features for SAR Image Analysis 131
Semi-Automatic Segmentation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesion in 4D Modality 131
Processing and Segmentation of Cosmo-Skymed Images for Flood Monitoring 130
Multi-Seed Segmentation of Tomographic Volumes Based on Fuzzy Connectedness 130
Optimizing and evaluating a graph-based segmentation of MRI wrist bones 130
Recognition of Container Code Characters through Gray-Level Feature Extraction and Gradient-Based Classifier Optimization 129
Triphasic CT Liver Characterization and Color Data Fusion 129
An automatic unsupervised fuzzy method for image segmentation 125
Weighted multi-resolution phase-unwrapping method 124
Model representation and regularization for remote-sensing image analysis 123
A fuzzy graph-based segmentation for marine and maritime applications in SAR images 123
Extraction of intensity connectedness for image processing 122
Fractal-based image analysis in radiological applications 121
Asthma and COPD exacerbations: An 8 year survey 121
The OPERA project: EO-based flood risk management in Italy 120
Operational evaluation of damages in flooded areas combining Cosmo-Skymed and multispectral optical images 119
A new Graph-Based method for automatic segmentation 119
An irregular MRF region label model for multi-channel image segmentation 119
Extracting information from remote sensing data for applications to flood monitoring and damage evaluation 118
Dual-Polarimetric Cosmo/Skymed SAR Data for Sea Monitoring 118
Multitemporal Volume Registration for the Analysis of Rheumatoid Arthritis Evolution in the Wrist 118
Fuzzy Image Segmentation: An Automatic Unsupervised MethodComputational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images 117
Coastline extraction from SAR images and a method for the evaluation of the coastline precision 117
“Design and implementation of web-based systems for image segmentation and CBIR” 117
Quality Assessment of despeckled SAR Images 117
Quality assessment of image classification algorithms for land-cover mapping: a review and a proposal for a cost-based approach 116
Multi-temporal MRI carpal bone volumes analysis by principal axes registration 114
Issues in Geographic Data Quality Assessment by Remote Sensing Techniques" 113
Identification of roofs perimeter from aerial and satellite images 113
Detail-Preserving Processing of Remote Sensing Images 112
Technical Concept of Health Data Collection and Integration Data Analysis for Gaining Meaningful Medical Information 112
Model generation and model matching of real images by a fuzzy approach 110
Texture features analysis for coastline extraction in remotely sensed images 110
Content Fuzzy Learning for Remote Sensing Image Database Systems 110
Monitoring Home-Based Activity of Stroke Patients: A Digital Solution for Visuo-Spatial Neglect Evaluation 110
A non-linear image processing approach through fuzzy measures 109
An Automatic Data-Driven Method for SAR Image Segmentation in Sea Surface Analysis 108
Discontinuity-adaptive Markov random field model for the segmentation of intensity SAR images 107
Synthetic Aperture Radar image segmentation by a detail preserving Markov Random Field approach 107
Definition of Motion and Biophysical Indicators for Home-Based Rehabilitation through Serious Games 107
Content based retrieval for remotely sensed images 106
A connectivity solution for extraction of thin objects 106
Color Spaces in Data Fusion of Multi-temporal Images 105
Adaptive SAR Image Processing Techniques to Support Flood Monitoring from Earth Observation Data 105
Segmentation of coherence maps for flood damage assessment 105
Coastline extraction from SAR images and a method for the evaluation of the coastline precision 104
Contextual Approaches for Detail-Preserving Processing of Remote Sensing images 103
Design and implementation of a Web based system for image segmentation 103
Kingfisher: a system for remote sensing image database management 103
Biophysical and motion features extraction for an effective home-based rehabilitation 102
“A fuzzy connectivity tree for hierarchical extraction of venous structures” 100
Coastline extraction in remotely sensed images by means of texture features analysis 99
From the expected Scientific Applications to the Functional Specifications, Products and Performance of the SABRINA missions 99
A Novel Digital-Camera Characterization Method for Pigment Identification in Cultural Heritage 99
A Learning System For The Generation Of Conceptual Descriptions For Workpiece Recognition PurposesProceedings.14 Annual Conference of Industrial Electronics Society 98
A knowledge-based system for biomedical image processing and recognition 97
CAPIRE: a Context-Aware Points of Interest REcognition System Using a CBIR Approach 95
A Hierarchical Classification Method for Mammographic Lesions Using Wavelet Transform and Spatial Features 93
Quality Assessment of Despeckled SAR Images 93
Sar image recognition by integration of intensity and textural information 93
The Importance of Feature and Primitives for Multi-dimensional/Multi-channel Image Processing 92
Registration for volumetric reconstruction in histological application 92
A locally adaptive approach for interferometric phase noise reductionIEEE 1999 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IGARSS'99 (Cat. No.99CH36293) 92
Azimuth ambiguity spatial correlation composite (ASCC): A novel method for ghost enhancement in SAR images 90
A non-linear adaptive approach for image filteringProceedings of 13th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing 89
2020 Exergame for systemic sclerosis rehabilitation: a pilot study In International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Systems - HIMS 2020 Springer. 89
An Optimal and Automatic Graph Cut Method for Biomedical Images Using Compactness Measure 89
Extension of IBIS for 3D Organ Recognition in NMR Multislices 88
Semiautomatic coastline detection in remotely sensed images 88
Method for extracting information of interest from multi-dimensional, multi-parametric and/or multi-temporal datasets 88
Learning Optimal Classifier Through Fuzzy Recognition Rate Maximization 87
Textural analysis of 3d objects by a fractal-preserving approach 86
COmputer VIsion in RAdiology (COVIRA). Knowledge Based Sgmentation and Interpretation of Cranial Magnetic Resonance Images 85
Fuzzy Recognition Rate Maximization for Minimum Distance Classifier Optimization 85
The SEAGOSS project: Monitoring coastal seawater in Italy by remote sensing data 83
Nonlinear image labelling for multivalued segmentation 82
Markov Random Field based image segmentation with adaptive neighborhoods to the detection of fine structures in SAR data 82
Model generation and performance analysis in a K-B matching process of medical images[Proceedings] ICASSP 91: 1991 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 81
Information fusion in a Markov random field-based image segmentation approach using adaptive neighbourhoodsProceedings of 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition 81
Image Database Management with Content based Techniques 80
Supervised fuzzy contextual segmentation of polarimetric SAR images 80
Blood vessel structures segmentation system and method 78
SAR images and interferometric coherence for flood monitoringIGARSS 2000. IEEE 2000 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Taking the Pulse of the Planet: The Role of Remote Sensing in Managing the Environment. Proceedings (Cat. No.00CH37120) 75
Interactive Segmentation for Target Outline 72
Processing of SAR data exploiting spatial, polarimetric and topological information1995 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS '95. Quantitative Remote Sensing for Science and Applications 71
Application of fractal techniques to X-ray image analysis 71
Totale 10.735
Categoria #
all - tutte 40.985
article - articoli 12.490
book - libri 209
conference - conferenze 22.613
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 412
patent - brevetti 876
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 4.385
Totale 81.970

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.277 0 0 0 0 0 317 472 200 273 556 351 108
2020/20211.078 57 58 120 162 105 86 66 92 83 101 76 72
2021/20221.725 71 116 109 199 59 134 126 366 84 166 90 205
2022/20231.587 161 85 46 110 222 302 8 125 282 21 196 29
2023/20241.016 43 109 26 140 140 165 54 72 43 58 45 121
2024/20251.204 170 205 98 166 395 170 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.101