Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 34.135
Totale 34.135
Nazione #
IT - Italia 34.135
Totale 34.135
Città #
Genova 24.775
Rapallo 4.439
Genoa 2.940
Vado Ligure 1.932
Bordighera 49
Totale 34.135
Nome #
Epidemiological trend in tuberculosis in the Italian region of Liguria: impact of immigration and AIDS. 164
Epidemiology of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in Europe and its prevention by available vaccines 156
Assessing spatial inequalities in accessing community pharmacies: a mixed geographically weighted approach 153
Assessing Ebola-related web search behaviour: Insights and implications from an analytical study of Google Trends-based query volumes 150
Age-related differences in the accuracy of web query-based predictions of influenza-like illness 148
Antigenic characterisation of influenza B virus with a new microneutralisation assay: comparison to haemagglutination and sequence analysis 146
Do the omeprazole family compounds exert a protective effect against influenza-like illness? 142
Clinical and socioeconomic impact of seasonal and pandemic influenza in adults and the elderly 141
Strategies and actions of multi-purpose health communication on vaccine preventable infectious diseases in order to increase vaccination coverage in the population: The ESCULAPIO project 141
Safety and tolerability of bivalent HPV vaccine: an Italian post-licensure study 137
Molecular characterization of a new variant of rotavirus P[8]G9 predominant in a sentinel-based survey in central Italy 135
An overview on the implementation of HPV vaccination in Europe 133
Socioeconomic impact of Influenza on healthy children and their families 132
SARS-CoV, influenza A and syncitial respiratory virus resistance against common disinfectants and ultraviolet irradiation 132
Can Particulate Air Sampling Predict Microbial Load in Operating Theatres for Arthroplasty? 131
Cost-benefit evaluation of influenza vaccination in the elderly in the Italian region of Liguria 129
The impact of HPV female immunization in Italy: model based predictions. 127
Different seroprevalence and molecular epidemiology patterns of hepatitis C virus infection in Italy. 127
Cost-effectiveness of new adult pneumococcal vaccination strategies in Italy 126
Burden of the 1999-2008 seasonal influenza epidemics in Italy: comparison with the H1N1v (A/California/07/09) pandemic. 126
Seroprevalence of bactericidal antibody against Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C in pre-vaccinal era: the Italian epidemiological scenario. 125
Neutralizing and Hemagglutination-Inhibiting Activities of Antibodies Elicited by the 2004-2005 Influenza Vaccine against Drifted Viruses. 123
Porous Alumina as a Promising Biomaterial for Public Health 123
Influenza vaccination: from epidemiological aspects and advances in research to dissent and vaccination policies 123
A comprehensive analysis of Italian web pages mentioning squalene-based influenza vaccine adjuvants reveals a high prevalence of misinformation 123
Burden of rotavirus disease and cost-effectiveness of universal vaccination in the Province of Genoa (Northern Italy) 121
Sexual behaviour and risk factors for the acquisition of human papillomavirus infections in young people in Italy: suggestions for future vaccination policies 121
Vaccinating Italian infants with a new multicomponent vaccine (Bexsero®) against meningococcal B disease: A cost-effectiveness analysis 121
Safety and Immunogenicity of a Quadrivalent Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine and Commonly Administered Vaccines after Co-administration. 120
Adjuvanted influenza vaccine for the Italian elderly in the 2018/19 season: an updated health technology assessment 120
Neisseria meningitidis B vaccines 119
A method for detection of neuraminidase antibody in serum 119
Prevalence of human papillomavirus in young Italian women with normal cytology: how should we adapt the national vaccination policy? 119
Seroprevalence of HTLV-I and HTLV-II infection among immigrants in northern Italy 117
An overview of current and potential use of information and communication technologies for immunization promotion among adolescents 115
Uncontrolled Web-based administration of surveys on factual health-related knowledge: a randomized study of untimed versus timed quizzing 115
Long-term decline of (137)Cs concentration in honey in the second decade after the Chernobyl accident 114
Demand-based web surveillance of sexually transmitted infections in Russia. 114
Ostreopsis ovata and human health: epidemiological and clinical features of respiratory syndrome outbreaks from a two-year syndromic surveillance, 2005-06, in north-west Italy 114
Impact of routine infant and adolescent hepatitis B vaccination in Tuscany, Central Italy 112
Cervical cancer: From Hippocrates through Rigoni-Stern to zur Hausen 112
Fluzone® intra-dermal (Intanza® / Istivac® Intra-dermal): An updated overview 112
Compounds with anti-influenza activity: present and future of strategies for the optimal treatment and management of influenza. Part II: Future compounds against influenza virus 111
Knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of the Italian population towards Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae and HPV diseases and vaccinations: A cross-sectional multicentre study 111
Effectiveness of MF59-adjuvanted seasonal influenza vaccine in the elderly: A systematic review and meta-analysis 111
Surveillance of influenza in Apulia, Italy, 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 seasons 111
New A/H3N2 influenza variant: a small genetic evolution but a heavy burden on the Italian population during the 2004-2005 season 109
Air pollution and related respiratory diseases: the experience of a local health authority in Liguria (north Italy) 109
Public health research literature on infectious diseases: coverage and gaps in Europe 109
Neisseria meningitidis B vaccines: recent advances and possible immunization policies. 108
Effectiveness of a 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine in preventing pneumonia and non-invasive pneumococcal infection in elderly people: a large-scale retrospective cohort study 108
A meningococcal carrier survey, in Italy 107
Chlamydia trachomatis prevalence and chlamydial/ HPV co-infection among HPV-unvaccinated young Italian females with normal cytology 107
Immunogenicity against Far Eastern and Siberian subtypes of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus elicited by the currently available vaccines based on the European subtype: Systematic review and metaanalysis 107
Evaluation of in vitro efficacy of the disinfectant Virkon 107
Clinical and socio-economic impact of influenza and respiratory syncytial virus infection on healthy children and their households 107
Sexual behaviour in Ligurian (Northern Italy) adolescents and young people: suggestions for HPV vaccination policies 106
Clustering of health-related behaviors among early and mid-adolescents in Tuscany: results from a representative cross-sectional study 106
On the relationship between meningococcal transmission dynamics and disease: Remarks on humoral immunity 106
Development and validation of the Italian version of the Mobile Application Rating Scale and its generalisability to apps targeting primary prevention 105
Safety and immunogenicity of two influenza virus subunit vaccines, with or without MF59 adjuvant, administered to human immunodeficiency virus type 1-seropositive and -seronegative adults. 105
The cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination for people aged 50 to 64 years: an international model. 104
High heterogeneity of influenza B viruses circulating in Northern Italy during the 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 seasons 103
10 statements on the Future of Pubblic health in Europe 103
Effectiveness of adjuvanted seasonal influenza vaccines (Inflexal V® and Fluad®) in preventing hospitalization for influenza and pneumonia in the elderly. A matched case-control study 103
Safety and immunogenicity of conventional subunit and MF-59 adjuvanted influenza vaccines in human immunodeficiency virus-1-seropositive patients 103
Time trade­‐off procedure for measuring quality of life (QALY) in patients with herpes‐zoster, recurrent herpes zoster, and post­‐herpetic neuralgia: plan of an Italian observational study. 101
Chlamydia pneumoniae antibodies and angiographically demonstrated coronary artery disease in a sample population from Italy 101
Routine surveillance of adverse events following immunization as an important tool to monitor vaccine safety: The two-years' experience of the Liguria Region, Italy. 101
Influenza surveillance in Siena (Italy): 1994-1997 100
Influenza and respiratory syncytial virus in infants and children: relationship with attendance at a paediatric emergency unit and characteristics of the circulating strains 100
Hepatitis A incidence and hospital-based seroprevalence in Italy: a nation-wide study 100
Prevalence of diphtheria toxin antibodies in human sera from a cross-section of the Italian population 100
Influenza Burden on Italian Paediatric Population: Five year Nation-wide Surveillance and Correlation between Epidemiological and Virological Data 99
Development and preliminary data on the use of a mobile app specifically designed to increase community awareness of invasive pneumococcal disease and its prevention 99
Economic studies applied to vaccines against invasive diseases: An updated budget impact analysis of age-based pneumococcal vaccination strategies in the elderly in Italy 99
Meningococcal glycoconjugate vaccines 98
An eHealth project on invasive pneumococcal disease: Comprehensive evaluation of a promotional campaign 98
Meningococcal antigen typing system development and application to the evaluation of effectiveness of meningococcal B vaccine and possible use for other purposes 97
Influenza epidemiology in Italy two years after the 2009-2010 pandemic: Need to improve vaccination coverage 96
Enzyme immunoassay for the detection of antibodies towards the surface antigens of Influenza viruses 94
Benefit-cost evaluation of Influenza vaccination in the elderly in the Italian Region of Liguria 94
Il caso Tiomerosale 93
An MF59 adjuvanted H5N1 clade 1 pre-pandemic vaccine confers cross reactive antibodies to a clade 2 H5N1 virus strain 93
Vaccination against Hepatitis B - length of protection among populations at risk 92
Detection and genotyping of human papillomavirus in urine samples from unvaccinated male and female adolescents in Italy 92
Valutazione della tollerabilità del vaccino anti-HPV nelle donne liguri 91
Influenza epidemiology in Italy two years after the 2009-2010 pandemic: Need to improve vaccination coverage. 91
Studio costo-efficacia della vaccinazione influenzale per gli italiani di età compresa tra 50 e 64 anni 91
Study for the improvement of antitetanus passive immunoprophylaxis and comparison between methods for antitoxin determination 90
Response to: "the use of an "old-fashioned method" to assess the clinical and economic impact of a HPV vaccination program 90
Human Papillomavirus Vaccine: State of the Art and Future Perspectives 90
Seroneutralization vs. Immunoenzymatic (ELISA) test: instruments for assessing humoral immunity towards the mumps virus. Preliminary results 89
Priming for pandemic influenza antigen-sparing MF59 (TM)-adjuvanted A/H5N1 vaccine induces immunological memory and shows cross-reactive potential in adults including the elderly 88
Totale 11.224
Categoria #
all - tutte 105.969
article - articoli 73.127
book - libri 415
conference - conferenze 28.968
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.459
Totale 211.938

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20208.629 0 0 0 0 745 795 1.687 349 839 2.288 1.300 626
2020/20211.388 60 84 128 72 52 156 36 90 272 127 150 161
2021/20225.260 59 553 470 715 136 204 212 1.371 160 457 155 768
2022/20235.348 614 249 35 545 882 1.104 7 447 979 27 408 51
2023/20241.970 109 410 41 207 145 300 81 92 185 29 86 285
2024/20252.043 170 655 232 456 530 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 34.428