Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 13.090
Totale 13.090
Nazione #
IT - Italia 13.090
Totale 13.090
Città #
Genova 9.780
Rapallo 1.421
Genoa 1.150
Vado Ligure 721
Bordighera 18
Totale 13.090
Nome #
Formazione di addotti al DNA valutati mediante post-marcatura con 32P e spettrofotometria a fluorescenza sincrona. 163
Inhibition of lung tumor development by berry extracts in mice exposed to cigarette smoke. 158
Assay of lapatinib in murine models of cigarette smoke carcinogenesis. 155
Cytogenetic analysis of gingival epithelial cells, as related to smoking habits and occurrence of periodontal disease. 153
Chemoprevention of doxorubicin-induced alopecia in mice by dietary administration of L-cystine and vitamin B6. 150
Mutagenicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon fractions extracted from urban air particulates 148
Antigenotoxic and anticarcinogenic effects of N-acetylcysteine in lung cells (Abstr.) 147
UVB- and UVC-dependent genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of halogen lamps (Abstr.) 141
Rationale and approaches to the prevention of smoking-related diseases: overview of recent studies on chemoprevention of smoking-induced tumors in rodent models. 139
Modulation by phenethyl isothiocyanate and budesonide of molecular and histopathologic alterations induced by environmental cigarette smoke in mice. 137
Budesonide and phenethyl isothiocyanate attenuate DNA damage in bronchoalveolar lavage cells of mice exposed to environmental cigarette smoke 136
Formation of adducts by bisphenol A, an endocrine disruptor, in DNA in vitro and in liver and mammary tissue of mice. 136
Photoactivation of mutagens 134
Experimental databases on inhibition of the bacterial mutagenicity of 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide and cigarette smoke 134
Modulation by aspirin and naproxen of nucleotide alterations and tumors in the lung of mice exposed to environmental cigarette smoke since birth 134
Modulation of apoptosis by cancer chemopreventive agents. 130
Modulation of the mutagenic response in prokaryotes 130
N-acetylcysteine inhibits endothelial cell invasion and angiogenesis 130
Pulmonary alveolar macrophages in molecular epidemiology and chemoprevention of cancer 129
Antioxidant activity and other mechanisms of thiols in chemoprevention of mutation and cancer 127
Cigarette smoke induces DNA damage and alters base-excision repair and tau levels in the brain of neonatal mice. 127
Dose-related cytogenetic damage in pulmonary alveolar macrophages from mice exposed to cigarette smoke early in life. 126
Alterations of gene expression in skin and lung of mice exposed to light and cigarette smoke 125
Chemoprevention of smoke-related DNA adduct formation in rat lung and heart 125
Mechanisms of N-acetylcysteine in the prevention of DNA damage and cancer, with special reference to smoking-related end-points 124
Mutagenicity of active oxygen species in bacteria and its enzymatic or chemical inhibition 123
Effect of solar irradiation on mutagens and impact of sea pollution on the biotransformation of carcinogens in fish livers 123
Upregulation of stem cell antigen–1 in the lung of neonatal mice exposed to environmental cigarette smoke 122
The role of the thiol N-acetylcysteine in the prevention of tumor invasion and angiogenesis 122
Release of MicroRNAs into body fluids from ten organs of mice exposed to cigarette smoke 122
Smoke-induced microRNA and related proteome alterations. Modulation by chemopreventive agents. 122
Cytosolic activation of aromatic and heterocyclic amines. Inhibition by dicoumarol and enhancement in viral hepatitis B. 121
Lack of genotoxic effects in hematopoietic and gastrointestinal cells of mice receiving chromium(VI) with the drinking water 120
Modulation of cigarette smoke–related end–points in mutagenesis and carcinogenesis 120
Pharmacological modulation of genome and proteome alterations in mice treated with the endocrine disruptor bisphenol A 119
Preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions in the lung, liver, and urinary tract of mice exposed to environmental cigarette smoke and UV light since birth 119
Less than additive interaction between cigarette smoke and chromium(VI) in inducing clastogenic damage in rodents 118
Modulation by metformin of molecular and histopathological alterations in the lung of cigarette smoke-exposed mice 116
Chemopreventive properties and mechanisms of N-Acetylcysteine. The experimental background 116
Variations of glutathione concentrations and of cytosolic enzyme activities in the liver of rats treated with 2-acetylaminofluorene and/or N-acetylcysteine 116
Induction, persistence and modulation of cytogenetic alterations in cells of smoke-exposed mice 114
Inhibition by oral N-acetylcysteine of doxorubicin-induced clastogenicity and alopecia, and prevention of primary tumors and lung micrometastases in mice. 114
Selective induction of gene expression in rat lung by hexavalent chromium 112
Micronuclei in human alveolar macrophages 112
Synergism between N–acetylcysteine and doxorubicin in the prevention of tumorigenicity and metastasis in murine models 111
Biomarkers in chemoprevention (Abstr.) 109
Upregulation of clusterin in prostate and DNA damage in spermatozoa from bisphenol A-treated rats and formation of DNA adducts in cultured human prostatic cells. 109
Interactions between N-acetylcysteine and ascorbic acid in modulating mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. 109
Prevention by N-acetylcysteine of benzo(a)pyrene clastogenicity and DNA adducts in rats 108
Influence of FHIT on benzo[a]pyrene-induced tumors and alopecia in mice: chemoprevention by budesonide and N-acetylcysteine 107
Pilot studies evaluating the lung tumor yield in cigarette smoke-exposed mice 106
Relationships between pulmonary micro-RNA and proteome profiles, systemic cytogenetic damage and lung tumors in cigarette smoke-exposed mice treated with chemopreventive agents. 106
Modulation by licofelone and celecoxib of experimentally induced cancer and preneoplastic lesions in mice exposed to cigarette smoke 106
Modulation of genome functions and frequency of rat liver tumors induced by N-nitrosodiethylamine (Abstr.) 105
Chemoprevention of smoke-related biomarkers (Abstr.) 104
High susceptibility of neonatal mice to molecular, biochemical and cytogenetic alterations induced by environmental cigarette smoke and light 104
Protection by N-acetylcysteine of the histopathological and cytogenetical damage produced by exposure of rats to cigarette smoke 102
Antigenotoxic and cancer preventive mechanisms of N–acetyl–L–cysteine 102
Early and late effects of aspirin and naproxen on microRNAs in the lung and blood of mice, either unexposed or exposed to cigarette smoke 101
N-acetylcysteine as antimutagen and anticarcinogen 100
Exposure of mice to cigarette smoke an/or light causes DNA alterations in heart and aorta 99
Multiple points of intervention in the prevention of cancer and other mutation related diseases 99
Chemoprevention of carcinogen-DNA adduct formation 95
Modulation of apoptosis by cigarette smoke and cancer chemopreventive agents in the respiratory tract of rats 95
DNA damage in exfoliated cells and histopathological alterations in the urinary tract of mice exposed to cigarette smoke and treated with chemopreventive agents. 95
Induction of alopecia in mice exposed to cigarette smoke 95
Molecular and cytogenetical alterations induced by environmental cigarette smoke in mice heterozygous for Fhit 95
Systemic genotoxic effects produced by light, and synergism with cigarette smoke in the respiratory tract of hairless mice 95
Modulation of light–induced skin tumors by N–acetylcysteine and/or ascorbic acid in hairless mice 94
K-Ras mutations in lung tumors from p53 mutant mice exposed to cigarette smoke 94
Induction of micronuclei in cultured human lymphocytes exposed to quartz halogen lamps, and its prevention by glass covers 93
Multiple targets in cancer chemoprevention: from inhibition of tumour initiation to modulation of angiogenesis, invasion, and metastasis (Abstr.) 93
Halogen lamp carcinogenicity 93
Meccanismi di interazione fra uomo e ambiente nella patogenesi, valutazione e prevenzione di malattie cronico-degenerative. 92
Chemoprevention strategies against mutagens and carcinogens (Abstr.) 92
Chemopreventive properties of N-acetylcysteine and other thiols 91
Multiple genotoxicity biomarkers in fish exposed in situ to polluted river water 91
Induction of apoptosis in the lung but not in the liver of rats receiving intra-tracheal instillations of chromium(VI) 91
N-acetylcysteine inhibits endothelial cell invasion and angiogenesis yet protects from apoptosis (Abstr.) 90
Potent carcinogenicity of cigarette smoke in mice exposed early in life 89
Studio delle alterazioni del gene FHIT nella prevenzione dei tumori (Abstr.) 88
Biomarker alterations produced in rat lung by intratracheal instillations of air particulate extracts, and chemoprevention with oral N-acetylcysteine 88
Induction by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene of molecular and biochemical alterations in transformed human mammary epithelial stem cells, and protection by N-acetylcysteine. 85
Epidemiologia e prevenzione dei tumori (Abstr.) 84
Detection of p53 and histopathological classification of skin tumours induced by halogen lamps in hairless mice. 84
Chemopreventive effect of NAC in cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases 83
Mutagenicity of sediments along the Po River and genotoxicity biomarkers in fish from polluted areas 83
Effects of N-acetylcysteine in an oesophageal carcinogenesis model in rats treated with diethylnitrosamine and diethyldithiocarbamate 82
Induction by carcinogens and chemoprevention by N-acetylcysteine of adducts to mitochondrial DNA in rat organs 81
Induction and modulation of lung tumors: genomic and transcriptional alterations in cigarette smoke-exposed mice 81
Cancer biomarkers in human atherosclerotic lesions: no evidence of p53 involvement. 80
Molecular alterations and lung tumors in p53 mutant mice exposed to cigarette smoke 80
Metabolic activation of a cigarette smoke condensate by woodchuck liver, as related to sex, pregnancy, hepatitis virus infection and primary hepatocellular carcinoma 80
Erythematogenicity, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of uncovered tungsten halogen lamps 79
Evaluation of benzo(a)pyrene diolepoxide-DNA adduct formation in humans and its modulation in rats 78
Chemoprevention of smoke-induced alopecia and apoptosis in mice by oral administration of L-cystine and vitamin B6 78
Inhibition of the formation of dG-N2-AAF-DNA and BPDE-DNA adducts in rats by N-acetylcysteine (Abstr.) 77
Chemioprevenzione del danno genotossico in cellule polmonari di ratti esposti a fumo di sigaretta 76
Effects of oral administration of N-acetyl-L-cysteine: a multi-biomarker study in smokers 74
Totale 10.960
Categoria #
all - tutte 39.370
article - articoli 33.870
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 2.096
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.404
Totale 78.740

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.798 0 0 0 0 307 404 502 181 256 596 443 109
2020/2021683 42 67 46 53 29 78 32 67 64 73 61 71
2021/20221.821 43 199 170 203 63 90 126 437 59 164 83 184
2022/20231.736 189 92 9 186 280 387 3 128 295 12 121 34
2023/2024810 33 121 34 87 65 149 56 35 45 19 71 95
2024/2025772 75 203 87 150 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.246