Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 12.817
Totale 12.817
Nazione #
IT - Italia 12.817
Totale 12.817
Città #
Genova 8.563
Rapallo 1.477
Genoa 1.451
Vado Ligure 1.292
Bordighera 34
Totale 12.817
Nome #
A spatial multi-criteria evaluation for site selection of offshore marine fish farm in the Ligurian Sea, Italy 190
The Ligurian sea: present status, problems and perspectives 184
Characteristics of the Mesophotic Megabenthic Assemblages of the Vercelli Seamount (North Tyrrhenian Sea) 174
Ecological status in the Ligurian Sea: the effect of coastline urbanisation and the importance of proper reference sites 159
Linking Environmental Forcing and Trophic Supply to Benthic Communities in the Vercelli Seamount Area (Tyrrhenian Sea) 151
The economic revenues and the emergy costs of cruise tourism 144
A benthic mucilage event in North-Western Mediterranean Sea and its possible relationships with the summer 2003 European heatwave: short term effects on littoral rocky assemblages 143
Dissolved organic matter characterisation and temporal trends in Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica) 142
The role of pelagic-benthic coupling at Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea) and inside the Strait of Magellan 141
Natural capital and environmental flows assessment in marine protected areas: The case study of Liguria region (NW Mediterranean Sea) 139
Assessing the value of natural capital in marine protected areas: A biophysical and trophodynamic environmental accounting model 137
A check on the efficiency of an air-bubble screen using acoustic measurements and an artificial tracer 134
Seasonal and spatial variability of water quality parameters in the Port of Genoa, Italy, from 2000 to 2007 132
ADP-ribosyl cyclase and abscisic acid are involved in the seasonal growth and in post-traumatic tissue regeneration of Mediterranean sponges. 132
The effect of Cystoseira canopy on the value of midlittoral habitats in NW Mediterranean, an emergy assessment 130
The composition and distribution of the particulate matter in the Strait of Magellan (Chile) during the 1991 and 1995 Italian campaigns 128
Plankton dynamics across the freshwater, transitional and marine research sites of the LTER-Italy Network. Patterns, fluctuations, drivers 126
The role of pelagic-benthic coupling in structuring littoral benthic communities at Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea) and in the Straits of Magellan 125
The “seamount effect” as revealed by organic matter dynamics around a shallow seamount in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Vercelli Seamount, western Mediterranean). 125
Technical and public approaches to involve dredging stakeholders and citizens in the development of a port area 124
Interannual variability in Ostreopsis ovata bloom dynamic along Genoa coast (North-western Mediterranean): a preliminary modeling approach 122
The distribution and biochemical composition of biogenic particles across the subtropical Front in June 1993 (Azores-Madeira region, Northeast Atlantic) 121
The use of a combined monitoring system for following a turbid plume generated by dredging activities in a port 121
Water column features and their relationship with sediments and benthic communities along Victoria Land Coast (Ross Sea, summer 2004) 120
The toxic benthic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis ovata: quantification of proliferation along the coastline of Genoa, Italy. 119
Mathematical simulation of the suspended solids diffusion during dredging operations on the continental shelf off the coast of Lazio (Central Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) 119
Contribution of remote sensing to the monitoring of environmental parameters in the Portofino marine protected area (Ligurian sea): A preliminary test 118
Untargeted approach for the evaluation of anthropic impact on the sheltered marine area of Portofino (Italy) 118
Spatial and temporal distribution of particulate organic matter in the Ross Sea 117
Evaluation of the boundary condition influence on PAH concentrations in the water column during the sediment dredging of a port 116
Vertical distribution and biochemical composition of pico- and micro.particulate organic matter in the Ross Sea (Antarctica) 114
Use of optical and acoustic instruments to study the turbid plumes generated by three different types of dredges during dredging activities inside and outside of a port 114
Recreational Boating in Ligurian Marine Protected Areas (Italy): A Quantitative Evaluation for a Sustainable Management 114
Polar Margins: the Ross Sea. 113
Distribution and biochemical composition of suspended and sedimentary organic matter in the Northern Adriatic 111
The population structure and ecology of the Antarctic scallop Adamussium colbecki in Terra Nova Bay 110
Short-term variations in particulate matter flux in Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea 110
Environmental accounting in marine protected areas: The EAMPA project 110
Land forcing controls pelagic-benthic coupling in Adelie Cove (Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea) 109
ARION: a tool for real time bottlenose dolphin monitoring in the Portofino MPA. LIFE 09/Nat/IT/190 109
Yield and catch changes in a Mediterranean small tuna trap: a warming change effect? 109
a tool for real time bottlenose dolphin monitoring in the Portofino 109
Changes in the ecological status and natural capital of Posidonia oceanica meadows due to human pressure and extreme events 109
Relationships between organic carbon and microbial components in a Tyrrhenian area (Isola del Giglio) affected by mucilages 106
Particulate matter composition and bacterial distribution in Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica) during summer 1989-90 104
Ectoenzymatic ratios in relation to particulate organic matter distribution (Ross Sea, Antarctica) 103
Seasonal variation of the stable C and N isotopic composition of the mesophotic black coral Antipathella subpinnata (Ellis & Solander, 1786) 103
Simulations of dredged sediment spreading on a Posidonia oceanica meadow off the Ligurian coast, Northwestern Mediterranean 101
A Global Budget of Carbon and Nitrogen in the Ross Sea (Southern Ocean) 100
Applicazione in GRASS per l’identificazione di aree idonee alla realizzazione di nuovi impianti di itticoltura offshore 100
Fishery maps contain approximate but useful information for inferring the distribution of marine habitats of conservation interest. 99
A permanent automated real-Time passive acoustic monitoring system for bottlenose dolphin conservation in the mediterranean sea 99
Distribution and composition of particulate organic matter in the Ross Sea (Antarctica) 98
Investigating the mediterranean by seafloor observations: The eastern branch of the EMSO Ligurian Sea node 98
Comparison of nutrients removal by free and immobilized cells of microalga Scenedesmus quadricauda T. 97
Coastal systems of Genoa and the Ligurian coast – Ligurian coast (Gulf of Genoa) 97
Carbohydrates, proteins and chlorophylls in the particulate organic matter of surface coastal waters of Ligurian Sea 97
The megabenthic assemblages of the Vercelli Seamount (North Tyrrhenian Sea). 96
The particulate organic matter in a semi-enclosed periantarctic ecosystem: the Strait of Magellan. 95
ROSSMIZE (Ross Sea Marginal Ice Zone Ecology), oceanographic expedition 1993-95 95
A spatial decision support system for the sustainable management of fishing in marine protected areas. 95
ARION: a tool for real time bottlenose dolphin monitoring in the Portofino MPA 94
Recreational boating in the Portofino Marine Protected Area (MPA), Italy: Characterization and analysis in the last decade (2006–2016) and some considerations on management 94
Particulate organic matter composition in Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antartica) during summer 1990 93
LIFE+ 09 Nat/It/190 ARION. Systems for Coastal Dolphin Conservation in the Ligurian Sea 93
Septr A New System For Marine Coastal Monitoring In Real Time Configuration: Application In A Marine Protected Area (Portofino, Italy) 91
FP7-OCEAN-2013 - SCHeMA: Integrated in situ chemical mapping probes 91
The trophic role and ecological implications of oval faecal pellets in Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea) 90
MACISTE-Port Section 89
ARION, a LIFE+ project for coastal dolphin conservation in the Ligurian Sea: configuration, installation, calibration, first results. 88
Nutrient utilization and Particulate Organic Matter change during summer in the Upper Mixed Layer (Ross Sea, Antarctica) 87
Particulate orgnic matter and nutrient utilization in the mixed layer of the Ross Sea 87
Relationship between ecto-enzymatic activity and organic substrates availability (Ross Sea, Antarctica): an experimental approach 87
Marine Observatory in Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica - MOA-TNB): Long Term Ecological Research 85
Coastal dynamic features along the Northern Ligurian Shelf (Portofino Cape) in summer 2004: Role of the meteorological and the topographic forcings 85
Surface distribution of size-fractionated chlorophyll a and particulate organic matter in the strait of Magellan 84
Statistical evaluation of the background signal in acoustic data from ARION project 83
The ecosystem services cascade perspective in practice: A framework for cost- benefits analysis in Marine Protected Areas. The study case of Portofino Marine Protected Area. 83
The distribution and biochemical composition of biogenic particles in the Azores-Madeira region (North Atlantic) 81
Oxygen and nutrient observations in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea. 81
Long Term Ecological Research in Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica): the Marine Observatory of Antarctic Specially Protected Area - (MOA-TNB) 80
Particulate carbon and nitrogen in Ligurian coastal waters (October 1985) 80
Upper layer enviromental parameters from CTD data GIN 86 cruise 80
Catch trends and meteo-marine conditions inside the Camogli “tonnarella”(Ligurian sea) 79
LTER, Long term ecological research along the italian coasts 78
Particulate Organic Matter and Heavy Metals in Ligurian Open Sea 76
Environmental quality evaluation of Ligurian Sea coastal waters 76
ROSSMIZE Ross Sea Marginal Ice Zone Ecology Oceanographic Expeditions 75
Il Promontorio di Portofino: 200 anni di biologia marina 74
Straits of Magellan Oceanographic cruise March-April 1995 74
MArine Coastal Information SysTEm (MACISTE ©) 73
Baia Terra Nova (BTN) 73
Caratterizzazione di acque costiere liguri 73
MACISTE-RIP (Rifiuti-Inquinamento-Pulizia) 72
Coastal systems of Genoa and the Ligurian coast – Port of Genoa: Old Port, Multedo Oil Terminal and Voltri Container 70
Sharing of oceanographic data for long term ecological research of lter portofino site using ISTSOS (OGC) 70
Totale 10.486
Categoria #
all - tutte 41.561
article - articoli 26.020
book - libri 1.404
conference - conferenze 9.915
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 1.192
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.030
Totale 83.122

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.955 0 0 0 0 0 0 435 175 264 564 356 161
2020/2021879 79 62 71 43 102 86 35 56 128 78 80 59
2021/20221.773 43 111 122 176 110 134 100 377 123 181 49 247
2022/20231.774 186 135 29 201 219 324 11 135 293 17 204 20
2023/20241.105 40 115 33 112 81 237 54 53 56 72 84 168
2024/20251.388 72 203 134 247 407 324 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.020