Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 7.740
Totale 7.740
Nazione #
IT - Italia 7.740
Totale 7.740
Città #
Genova 5.784
Rapallo 805
Genoa 713
Vado Ligure 429
Bordighera 9
Totale 7.740
Nome #
Crystallisation Kinetics and Morphology of High Density Polyethylene Containing Organic and Inorganic Pigments 147
An IR study of the chemistry of triethoxysilane at the surface of metal oxides 136
Studies of Poly(vinylidenefluoride)/Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Blends. I. Thermal Transitions by Differential Scanning Calorimetry 132
Dynamic Mechanical Relaxations of Poly(vinylidenefluoride)-Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Blends 129
Investigation into the Interactions between Filler and Elastomers Used for Tyre Production 126
Dependence of surface properties of silylated silica on the length of silane arms 125
A Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) study of the reaction of triethoxysilane (TES) and of bis-triethoxysilyl propyltetrasulfane (TESPT) with the surface of amorphous silica 125
EPR spin labelling studies in molecular dynamics in elastomer-silica composites 122
Influence of the silane modifiers on the surface thermodynamic characteristics and dispersion of the silica into elastomer compounds 121
A Morphometric Investigation by TEM/AIA on elastomer based compounds filled with an untreated precipitated silica 121
Styrene-diene block copolymers as embedding matrices for polymer dispersed liquid crystal films 120
Thermodynamics of Poly(ethyleneoxide)-Poly(vinylacetate) Blends 119
Thermodynamic approach to prepare asymmetric membranes of poly(vinylidene fluoride) 117
Fluoro-modified elastomeric polyurethanes: effects of synthesis procedure on properties and morphology 114
Innovative Mesoporous Nanosilicas: SBR Nanocomposite for Low Environmental Impact Tread Tyre 114
Fibers based on cellulose-chitin blends 113
Bulk and surface properties of commercial kaolins 111
Adiabatic Polymerization of epsilon-caprolactam in Presence of Calcium Chloride. Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspects 110
Investigation on elastomer-silica interactions by inverse gas-chromatography and image analysis aided transmission electron microscopy 110
Reactive blending of Polyamide 6,6 and Vectra A 107
Solubility parameters of poly(vinylidene fluoride) 106
In situ compatibilization of a poly(etherimide) and a thermotropic polyester using epoxy resin 105
Adiabatic Polymerization of epsilon-caprolactam in Presence of Lithium Chloride, 2 - Properties of the Resultant Polymer 105
On the use of Differential Scanning Calorimeter to Evaluate Rate Constants in the Crystallization Process of Polymeric Materials 100
Modified silica-elastomer interaction: predictions by Inverse Gas Chromatography 100
Influence of surface modification on the interactions between silica and elastomers 98
Influence of the Surface Modifiers of the Silica used in Elastomer Compounds for Tire Manufacturing 98
Morphology and dynamic-mechanical properties of SBR- silica compounds used for tyre treads 96
A study on the interactions between silica modified with different coupling agents and elastomers used for tyre treads 94
An investigation on elastomer-filler interactions in compounds used for tyre tread production 93
Morphology and viscoelastic behaviour of silica filled styrene/butadiene random copolymer 91
Predictions of elastomer-filler interactions by inverse gas chromatography 90
New silica-modifiers bearing polybutadiene oligomer tail for SBR-silica composites 90
SBR/silica compounds for tyre industry: new silica–modifiers bearing polybutadiene oligomer tail 89
Hydrophobation of Silica Surface by Silylation with New Organo-Silanes Bearing a Polybutadiene Oligomer Tail 89
A new modifier of silica in reinforcing SBR elastomer for tire industry 89
Functionalization of silicas with alkoxysilanes. Effects on thermodynamic properties of silica surface 88
Compatibilization of PET/PPT mixtures by transesterification reaction 87
Thermodynamics of blends of poly(ethyleneoxide) with poly(methylmethacrylate) and poly(vinylacetate): predictions of miscibility based on Flory theory modified by Hamada 86
Reactive compatibilization of PET/LCP and Polyamide 6,6 /LCP blends by Coupling Agents 85
Study of the Miscibility and Thermodynamics of Cellulose Diacetate-Poly(vinyl pirrolidone) Blends 85
Elastomer-silica interactions: an investigation by Inverse Gas Chromatography and Image Analysis aided Trasmission Electron Microscopy 84
Miscelazione reattiva di poliesteri aromatici: miscele PET/PTT 83
Crystallization of High Density Polyethylene from Dilute Solution: Heterogeneous Nucleation 82
Reactive processing of PET: chain extension with modifiers 80
Functionalization of silicas with alkoxysilanes effects on thermodynamic properties of silica surface 80
An Investigation on Morphology and Dynamic-Mechanical Properties of Silica Fillerd Compounds used in the tyre industry 79
Surface modification of silica:1.Thermodynamic aspects and effect on elastomer reinforcement 78
Reactive compatibilization of thermoplastic/LCP blends by coupling agents 78
Study of the silica modification process in the SBR-based composites 78
Composizioni Polimeriche a Base di Policaprolattame 78
Reactive blending of aromatic polyesters. Thermal and X-Ray analysis of melt blended Poly(ethylene terephtalate)/Poly(trimethylene terephtalate) 77
Relationships between synthesis methods and properties of fluorinated polyurethanes 77
Effetto della transesterificazione sulle proprietà di miscele PET/PTT ottenute da miscelamento allo stato fuso 77
Studio termodinamico delle interazioni elastomero-carica via Gas Cromatografia Inversa 76
Compatibilizzazione di mescole polimeriche 75
Miscele di polimeri termoplastici e cristalli liquidi: sistema PEN/Vectra A 74
Investigation on the interactions between filler and elastomers used for tyre production 73
Reactive blending of aromatic polyesters. Thermal behaviour of co-precipitated mixtures PET/PTT 73
Resinous coatings for ship decks 72
Reinforcement of SBR with silica modified by silane with polybutadiene oligomer tail 72
Surface properties of silica modified by silane with polybutadiene oligomer tail 71
Studio delle interazioni tra elastomero e silice via gas cromatografia inversa e microscopia elettronica in trasmissione con analisi d’immagine 71
Resinous coatings for ship decks 70
FT-IR Study of the reaction between silane coupling agent and silicas used for tread compounds 69
Effetto di micro e nano cariche sulle proprietà del poli(trimetilentereftalato) 69
Self-organization of polystyrene into ordered microstructured films and their replication by soft lithography 69
Reactive blending of Polyamide 6,6 and Vectra A. 2. Role of a bifunctional epoxy coupler 67
Functionalization of silicas with alkoxysilanes. A FTIR study of the grafting mechanism 67
Influence of the surface modification on the dispersion of silica in SBR-based compounds 67
Compatibilizzazione reattiva di miscele Nylon 6,6/ Vectra A con un agente di accoppiamento epossidico 66
Synthesis methods and properties of fluorinated polyurethane elastomers 66
Silice modificata in superficie. 2. Disperdibilità in mescole elastomeriche 65
Studio EPR di dinamica molecolare nelle interfacce polimero/filler mediante silice marcata con spin labels nitrossilici 62
Film monostrato per imballaggio alimentare ottenuti da miscele di polietileni con etilene-co-norbornene o etilene-co-4 metil-1-pentene 61
New organo-modified silicas for the reinforcement of SBR compounds 60
Novel Mesoporous Nanosilicas for Rubber Reinforcement: Effect of the Aspect Ratio 59
Studio morfologico di dispersioni di cariche in matrici elastomeriche 58
Studio termodinamico delle interazioni tra elastomero e carica minerale mediante gascromatografia inversa 58
Metodi fisici di compatibilizzazione 56
Radiation induced vulcanization of SBR blends containing pristine silica and silica modified by polybutadiene grafting: reaction mechanisms and physicochemical properties of the vulcanizates 56
New silane for silica modification in reinforcement of SBR compounds 54
Termoossidabilità di copolimeri a blocchi stirene-butadiene 53
Silice modificata in superficie. 1. Effetto del grado di silanizzazione con TESPT 53
Mescole SBR/Silice per l’industria degli pneumatici: un nuovo modificante della silice 52
Studio delle interazioni tra elastomero e carica rinforzante. 3. Indagine morfometrica della distribuzione della carica mediante TEM-AIA 51
Mescole elastomeriche caricate con silice: correlazione tra morfologia e proprietà dinamico-meccaniche 49
Studio delle interazioni tra elastomero e carica rinforzante. 2. Confronto tra sistemi caricati con silice, silice modificata e miscele silice/nero di carbonio 49
Silice modificata in superficie e sua disperdibilità in matrici elastomeriche 48
Silice modificata in superficie. 3. Influenza della struttura chimica del silanizzante 46
Sviluppo di nuovi materiali poliolefinici per la produzione di film per imballaggio alimentare 42
Miscele polimeriche e miscelamento reattivo 42
Studio delle interazioni tra elastomero e carica rinforzante. 1. Effetto della modificazione superficiale della silice 41
Previsioni di interazioni elastomero-carica attraverso gas cromatografia inversa 34
Totale 7.830
Categoria #
all - tutte 20.515
article - articoli 8.936
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 10.525
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 231
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 823
Totale 41.030

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.672 0 0 0 0 170 198 349 64 138 398 266 89
2020/2021330 15 18 24 12 9 48 13 22 48 24 52 45
2021/20221.009 89 79 73 84 67 27 28 252 20 88 80 122
2022/2023953 96 64 9 87 160 180 1 65 160 12 108 11
2023/2024558 33 80 4 77 40 135 25 16 28 5 42 73
2024/2025445 25 129 44 100 147 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.830