100012 - Dipartimento di Economia
"Emerging Port Autority Communication Strategies: Assessing the Determinants of Disclosure in the Annual Report"
2013-01-01 Parola, Francesco; Satta, Giovanni; Penco, Lara; Profumo, Giorgia
Airport-Airline Relationships: Opportunities for Italian Regional Airports
2010-01-01 Cepolina, S.; Profumo, Giorgia
Assetti proprietari e implicazioni sulla comunicazione della strategia nelle medie imprese quotate italiane
2013-01-01 Penco, Lara; Profumo, Giorgia; Satta, Giovanni
Board gender diversity and corporate environmental performance: The moderating role of family and dual‐class majority ownership structures
2020-01-01 Cordeiro, James J.; Profumo, Giorgia; Tutore, Ilaria
2017-01-01 Calza, Francesco; Profumo, Giorgia; Tutore, Ilaria
Book review: "Board of directors: A review of practices and empirical research"
2022-01-01 Profumo, Giorgia
Corporate governance and the quality of voluntary disclosure: Evidence from medium-sized listed firms
2015-01-01 Satta, Giovanni; Parola, Francesco; Profumo, Giorgia; Penco, Lara
Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Disclosure in Medium-sized Listed Firms: Substitutes or Complements?
2014-01-01 Satta, Giovanni; Parola, Francesco; Profumo, Giorgia; Penco, Lara
Corporate Ownership and Environmental Proactivity
2016-01-01 Francesco, Calza; Profumo, Giorgia; Ilaria, Tutore
Corporate Social Responsibility Communication in the Football Industry: Evidence from Juventus Football Club
2024-01-01 Profumo, G.; Rith, R.; Spinelli, R.; Testa, G.
Critical events in the tourism industry: factors affecting the future intention to take a cruise
2019-01-01 Penco, Lara; Profumo, Giorgia; Remondino, Marco; Bruzzi, Carolina
Cruising in the COVID-19 pandemic era: Does perceived crowding really matter?
2021-01-01 Castaldo, Sandro; Penco, Lara; Profumo, Giorgia
Digital transformation and customer value creation in Made in Italy SMEs: A dynamic capabilities perspective
2021-01-01 Matarazzo, Michela; Penco, Lara; Profumo, Giorgia; Quaglia, Roberto
Does Corporate Ownership Structure Affect Firms' Environmental Performance? Evidence in the European Energy Industry
2013-01-01 Calza, Francesco; Profumo, Giorgia; Tutore, Ilaria
Editorial note
2018-01-01 Profumo, Giorgia
Editorial: Advancing research on good corporate governance practices: The role of the board
2020-01-01 Profumo, Giorgia
Family ownership and stockholder reactions to environmental performance disclosure: A test of secondary agency relationships
2021-01-01 Cordeiro, J. J.; Profumo, G.; Tutore, I.
Fusioni, acquisizioni e alleanze nel settore del trasporto aereo passeggeri
2009-01-01 Profumo, Giorgia
Has COVID-19 pushed digitalisation in SMEs? The role of entrepreneurial orientation
2023-01-01 Penco, L.; Profumo, G.; Serravalle, F.; Viassone, M.
How is digital transformation changing business models and internationalisation in Made in Italy SMEs?
2020-01-01 Matarazzo, Michela; Penco, Lara; Profumo, Giorgia