Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.116
Totale 9.116
Nazione #
IT - Italia 9.116
Totale 9.116
Città #
Genova 6.212
Rapallo 1.151
Genoa 1.107
Vado Ligure 635
Bordighera 11
Totale 9.116
Nome #
Pigna. Grotta Giacheira e Tana di Badalucco: la ripresa delle ricerche 198
Petroplinthite formation in a pedosedimentary sequence along a northern Mediterranean coast: from micromorphology to landscape evolution 155
The lichen genus Xanthoparmelia (Ascomycotina, Parmeliaceae) in Italy 149
Is the QBS-ar index a good tool to detect the soil quality in Mediterranean areas? A cork tree Quercus suber L. (Fagaceae) wood as a case of study 135
Assessment of flash floods in a small Mediterranean catchment using terrain analysis and remotely sensed data: A case study in the Torrente Teiro, Liguria, Italy 128
Climate and environmental changes recognized by micromorphology in Paleolithic deposits at Arene Candide (Liguria, Italy). 125
L’Arma degli Zerbi (Finale Ligure, SV): un sito riscoperto 121
Ecological studies on the serpentine endemic plant Cerastium utriense Barberis 119
From a stratigraphic sequence to a landscape evolution model: Late Pleistocene and Holocene volcanism, soil formation and land use in the shade of Mount Vesuvius (Italy). 119
Climate and environmental changes recognized by micromorphology in Paleolithic deposits at Arene Candide (Liguria, Italy) 116
A multidisciplinary approach to a unique Palaeolithic human ichnological record from Italy (Bàsura Cave) 115
Physical land suitability map for Tuber magnatum Pico in Piana Crixia municipality territory (Liguria-Italy). 112
Assessment of soil erosion risk in a typical Mediterranean environment using a high resolution RUSLE approach (Portofino promontory, NW-Italy) 112
Land capability classification of Vernazza catchment, Cinque Terre National Park, Italy 112
Assessment of an extreme flood event using rainfallrunoff simulation based on terrain analysis in a small Mediterranean catchment (Vernazza, Cinque Terre National Park) 110
Functional traits of cryptogams in Mediterranean ecosystems are driven by water, light and substrate interactions 102
Interpretative trails to discover the coastal geomorphology of Liguria: the coastal tract between Punta delle Grotte (Bergeggi) and Capo Noli. 98
Loess distribution on the northern flank of ligurian Alps (NW-Italy): topographic influences and paleoenviromental implications 96
Evolution of a Late Pleistocene aeolianite in the northern Mediterranean (Liguria, NW Italy). 95
Assessment of Subsurface Neolithic/ Palaeolithic sites in the Southern Gargano Area, Apulia, Italy using a 3D geo-electric resistivity approach 92
Micromorphological characterization of the neolithic deposits of Scaloria Cave (Manfredonia, S Italy) 90
Identification of Erosion processes dynamics using the Erosion Response Units (ERU´s) concept releted to the sediment trasport in a Ligurian river basin 88
Extending westward the loess basin between the Alps and the Mediterranean region: micro morphological and mineralogical evidences from the northern slope of the Ligurian Alps (northern Italy) 87
Loess distribution on the northern flank of ligurian Alps (NW-Italy): topographic influences and paleoenviromental implications 87
I suoli del Mediterraneo 86
Assessment of the spatial distribution of Soil organic carbon and related factors in the regional park of Portofino (Liguria-Italy) 86
Petroplinthite formation in a quaternary complex paleosol along NW Italian coast: groundwater and sedimentary input interaction 85
Use of Remote Sensing data, terrain analysis and stochastic modeling to predict current and future flood risk in a small Mediterranean catchment (T. Teiro, Italy) 85
Assessment of calanchi and rill-interrill erosion susceptibility in northern Liguria, Italy: A case study using a probabilistic modelling framework 82
Petroplinthite formation in a quaternary complex paleosol along NW Italian coast: from micromorphology to landscape evolution 81
Abrupt climatic changes observed in paleopedological records: a micromorphological approach 81
Loess distribution on the northern flank of Ligurian Alps (NW-Italy): topographic influences and paleoenveronmental implications 81
Microstratigraphic Records as Tools for the Detection of Climatic Changes in Tana di Badalucco Cave (Liguria, NW Italy) 81
Land use intensity drive the local variation of lichen diversity in Mediterranean ecosystems sensitive to desertification. 80
Frost activity and ice segregation in loess deposits and paleosols of the Ligurian Alps (Beigua Massif, Italy). Evidences of past permafrost ? 80
Geoarcheology of catastrophic events and climatic changes in Italy during the late Holocene 79
Aspetti geomorfologici e geologico-ambientali del paesaggio vitivinicolo ligure. 79
An investigation into properties of ochre from Arene Candide Cave: implication for provenance studies in Liguria region 78
Assessment of hydro-erosive processes in small steep coastal basins in Liguria and Sicily, Italy 77
Land use intensity drives the local variation of lichen diversity in Mediterranean ecosystems sensitive to desertification 77
Extending the loess basin between Alps and the Mediterranean region: micromorphological evidence from the northen slope of the Ligurian Alps. 76
Abrupt climatic changes observed in paleopedological records: evidence from ligurian coast 75
Applicazione di metodi geostatistici per la valutazione delle forme di erosione del suolo: il caso di studio di Piana Crixia (Sv) 73
Assessment of land cover changes on flood generation in a small Mediterranean catchment using an SCS-CN modeling approach: A case study in the Vernazza catchment, Cinque Terre National Park, Liguria, Italy. 73
Weathering processes of selected paleosols from western Liguria (Nortern Italy): micromorphological and mineralogical aspects 72
Aspetti pedogenetici dell’evoluzione geomorfologica dell’altopiano delle Manie 72
The Ancient Cave and Its Human Occupation: Geoarchaeological Studies 72
Soil mapping and land planning in Portofino Natural Park (Liguria, Italy) 71
Micromorphological aspects of various human activities recorded in the Scafati pedocomplex (Napoli, Italy). 70
Il culto del sacro nel complesso di Grotta Scaloria (FG) 70
Late quaternary loess of Mount Beigua (Ligurian Alps): characteristic and paleoclimatic significance 69
Assessment of landslides induced by heavy rainfall events in a high dynamic terraced land-scape using physical based modeling – A case study of the Vernazza basin in Cinque Terre, Italy 69
Indicator-based approach for mapping and assessing Tuber magnatum Pico presence in western Liguria (Italy) 69
Preliminary observations about macroscopic and cryogenic structures in the soil and their paleoenvironmental significante (M.te Beigua, Liguria, Italy) 69
The lichen genus Neofuscelia (Ascomycotina, Parmeliaceae) in Italy 68
L’inserimento del campeggio nel paesaggio ligure: alcuni esempi 68
Analisi di un affioramento di elioaniti post tirreniane nella liguria occ. 67
Interpretative trails to discover the coastal geomorphology of Liguria: the coastal tract between Punta delle Grotte and Capo Noli 67
Ecological Studies on the Endemic Cerastium utriense (Caryophyllaceae) 67
Aspetti geologico-ambientali e geomorfologici del paesaggio vitivinicolo ligure 67
Micromorphological and mineralogical aspects of “plinthitic paleosols” in the Mediterranean region: examples from the coast of western Liguria (Northern Italy) 66
“Plinthitic paleosols” in the Mediterranean Region: examples from the coast of Western Liguria (Northern Italy) 66
Intrinsic vulnerability assessment of karst aquifer in Bric Tampa (M. Carmo Unit, Ligurian Alps) 66
I licheni e rischio desertificazione in aree mediterranee 64
Effects of landcover changes on flood generation in a small Mediterranean catchment. 64
Geoarcheology and climatic changes along the coast in Italy during the Holocene 64
Hydropedologic patterns of escalic soils in cultivated and abandoned vineyards 64
Eolian contribution to soil as indicator of quaternary climatic changes in western Liguria (Italy) 63
Applicazioni GIS per lo studio dell'erodibilità dei suoli nel Parco Naturale di Portofino 63
Savignone, località Renesso. Nuove indagini nel sito dell’età del bronzo 62
Indicator-based approach for mapping and assessing Tuber magnatum Pico presence in western Liguria (Italy). 62
Suoli e Paleosuoli della Liguria Occ.: alcuni esempi e loro applicazioni paleoambientali 61
Valutazione della vulnerabilità intrinseca dell’acquifero carsico nel Bric Tampa (Alpi Liguri): risultati preliminari 61
Micromorphological investigations at Scaloria Cave (Puglia, South-east Italy): new evidences of multifunctional use of the space during the Neolithic 61
Valutazione della diversità lichenica epilitica in relazione alle variabili ambientali 60
Geologia e pedologia della Riserva naturale biogenetica di Camaldoli. 60
Studio Paleopedologico di un deposito alterato individuato su una superficie terrazzata di origine marina vicino Celle Ligure (Liguria Occ., Italia) 59
Micromorphological characterization of the neolithic deposits of Scaloria Cave (Manfredonia, S Italy) 59
First contributions to the definition of the “Cinque Terre” DOC wines Terroir (NW-Italy) 59
Cryogenic features as indicator of paleopermafrost: evidence from ligurian paleosols (M.te Beigua, Italy) 58
Passo di Corvo (Foggia). Indagini micromorfologiche sul riempimento dei fossati: prospettive interpretative preliminari 58
Zonazione costiera del tratto da Punta dell’Aspera e Punta della Mola (Liguria occidentale) per una cartografia tematica della vulnerabilità turistica. 58
Elaborazioni geospaziali per l’individuazione di aree vocate alla crescita di Tuber magnatum Pico nel ponente ligure 56
Il suolo 55
Geomorphological characterization of the Gave coastal landslide (Eastern Liguria, Italy) 55
Applicazioni GIS per lo studio dell’erodibilità dei suoli nel Parco Naturale di Portofino (Liguria, Italia) 55
Micromorphology of two archeological site in the Liguria Region and their paleoclimatic implication. 55
Indagini archeologiche a San Nicolao di Pietra Colice (Castiglione Chiavarese – GE). L’insediamento preistorico 55
Geomorphological importance of "plinthitic paleosols" in the Mediterranean region: examplesfrom the coast of Western Liguria (Northern Italy) 54
Viticultural landscape and soils in Cinque Terre national park: first contributions to the definition of the terroir 53
Suoli e Paleosuoli della Liguria Occidentale: alcuni esempi e loro applicazioni paleoambientali 52
Relationships between geo-hydrological processes induced by heavy rainfall and land-use: the case of 25 October 2011 in the Vernazza catchment (Cinque Terre, NW Italy) 51
La sequenza stratigrafica del “Lago della Moglia” (Genova): evoluzione paleoambientale tra età tardoantica e Medioevo 51
Dinamica e salvaguardia degli arenili del comune di Celle Ligure (Savona – Liguria) 50
Paleopermafrost nel Massiccio del Beigua (Alpi Liguri): prime osservazioni su strutture macroscopiche indotte dal gelo nel suolo 50
New geoarcheological investigations at Scaloria Cave: somepreliminary results. 49
Totale 7.849
Categoria #
all - tutte 29.310
article - articoli 14.275
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 12.534
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 214
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.287
Totale 58.620

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.866 0 0 0 0 129 154 361 68 145 565 341 103
2020/2021552 30 62 71 32 26 46 23 26 72 43 52 69
2021/20221.431 17 125 63 178 54 102 99 350 66 130 48 199
2022/20231.482 197 121 39 134 191 243 16 107 244 13 151 26
2023/2024763 43 91 21 83 51 168 47 35 46 25 51 102
2024/2025681 74 203 81 118 205 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.328