100006 - Dipartimento di Farmacia
Acetylcholine biosynthesis in developing cholinergic synapses
1981-01-01 Giacobini, E.; Marchi, Mario
Age-dependent relationships among choline uptake, acetylcholine synthesis, acetylcholine release and muscarinic autoreceptors in rat brain synaptosomes
1984-01-01 Marchi, Mario; Paudice, PAOLO GAETANO; Caviglia, ANNA MARIA; Rottigni, M.; Raiteri, Maurizio
Aging of the peripheral nervous system. Age dependent changes in cholinergic synapses
1980-01-01 Marchi, Mario; Hoffman, D. W.; Giacobini, E.
Changes of neurotransmitter release in the old rat brain and effects of phosphatidylserine treatment
1988-01-01 Raiteri, Maurizio; Caviglia, ANNA MARIA; Marchi, Mario; Maura, Guido; Pittaluga, ANNA MARIA
Choline uptake, acetylcholine synthesis, and regulation of acetylcholine release through autoreceptors in the aging rat cortex
1983-01-01 Marchi, Mario; Paudice, PAOLO GAETANO; Raiteri, Maurizio
Early recovery of striatal DA uptake in rats with unilateral nigrostriatal lesion following treatment with monosialoganglioside
1986-01-01 Raiteri, Maurizio; Versace, Paola; Marchi, Mario
Effects of long-term drug treatments on the sensitivity of presynaptic receptors regulating neurotransmitter release
1984-01-01 Raiteri, Maurizio; Pittaluga, ANNA MARIA; Leardi, Riccardo; Maura, Guido; Marchi, Mario
Involvement of cyclic nucleotides in the muscarinic presynaptic regulation of dopamine release in the CNS
1987-01-01 Marchi, Mario; Gemignani, Anita; Paudice, PAOLO GAETANO; Raiteri, Maurizio
Mechanisms underlying the modulation of dopamine release through presynaptic muscarinic receptors
1986-01-01 Raiteri, Maurizio; Bonanno, Giambattista; Caviglia, ANNA MARIA; Rottigni, M.; Marchi, Mario
Modulation of endogenous and radiolabeled dopamine release by acetylcholine
1984-01-01 Raiteri, Maurizio; Bonanno, Giambattista; Paudice, PAOLO GAETANO; Marchi, Mario
Modulation of sensitivity of central presynaptic autoreceptors
1982-01-01 Raiteri, Maurizio; Marchi, Mario; Maura, Guido; Paudice, PAOLO GAETANO; Versace, Paola
Neuromodulatory actions of beta-amyloid on DA release
2010-01-01 Mura, E.; Preda, S.; Govoni, S.; Frattini, P.; Grilli, Massimo; Marchi, Mario
Neurotransmitter release as a functional test for the development of more selective CNS drugs
1986-01-01 Raiteri, Maurizio; Bonanno, Giambattista; Marchi, Mario; Maura, Guido
of cholinergic synapses in the peripheral autonomic nervous system
1981-01-01 Marchi, Mario; Giacobini, E.
Peripheral and central adrenergic neurons: differences during the aging process
1982-01-01 Marchi, Mario; Yurkewicz, L.; Giacobini, E.; Hoffman, D. W.
Pharmacological characterization of the presynaptic muscarinic autoreceptors regulating acetylcholine release from rat cortical synaptosomes
1986-01-01 Sparatore, A.; Caviglia, ANNA MARIA; Marchi, Mario; Raiteri, Maurizio
Presynaptic cholinergic mechanisms in human cerebral cortex of adult and aged patients
1991-01-01 Marchi, Mario; Besana, E.; Codignola, A.; Sanguineti, P.; Raiteri, Maurizio; Andrioli, G. C.; Ruelle, A.
Presynaptic muscarinic autoreceptors: changes of sensitivity during long-term drug treatment
1986-01-01 Marchi, Mario; Raiteri, Maurizio
Presynaptic receptors modulating transmitter release: physiological and pharmacological aspects
1992-01-01 Raiteri, Maurizio; Marchi, Mario; Maura, Guido; Bonanno, Giambattista; Pittaluga, ANNA MARIA; Paudice, PAOLO GAETANO; Gemignani, Anita; Pende, M.; Drago, C.
Presynaptic receptors regulating neurotransmitter release in the central nervous system
1984-01-01 Raiteri, Maurizio; Maura, Guido; Marchi, Mario