Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 8.423
Totale 8.423
Nazione #
IT - Italia 8.423
Totale 8.423
Città #
Genova 6.119
Rapallo 820
Genoa 761
Vado Ligure 709
Bordighera 14
Totale 8.423
Nome #
Characteristics of the Mesophotic Megabenthic Assemblages of the Vercelli Seamount (North Tyrrhenian Sea) 174
The allochthonous material input in the trophodynamic system of the shelf sediments of the Gulf of Tigullio (Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean) 156
Stressors affecting the macrobenthic community in Rapallo Harbour (Ligurian Sea, Italy) 156
Linking Environmental Forcing and Trophic Supply to Benthic Communities in the Vercelli Seamount Area (Tyrrhenian Sea) 151
Dissolved organic matter characterisation and temporal trends in Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica) 142
The role of pelagic-benthic coupling at Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea) and inside the Strait of Magellan 141
Effects of physical constraints on the lability of POM during summer in the Ross Sea 138
Phytoplankton blooms during austral summer in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Driving factors and trophic implications 137
A functional approach to the assessment of the nutritional value of the particulate organic matter. 134
Organic matter recycling during a mucilage event and its influence on the surrounding environment (Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean) 134
Biogeochemistry and algal communities in the annual sea ice at Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica). 133
Variations in ectoenzymatic hydrolytic activity in an oligotrophic environment (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, W Mediterranean) 131
Decomposition of faecal matter and somatic tissue of Mytilus galloprovincialis: changes in organic matter composition and microbial succession. 127
Macro- and meiofaunal community features in the critical environmental system of a tourist harbour (Rapallo, Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean) 127
The role of pelagic-benthic coupling in structuring littoral benthic communities at Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea) and in the Straits of Magellan 125
The “seamount effect” as revealed by organic matter dynamics around a shallow seamount in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Vercelli Seamount, western Mediterranean). 125
Relationships between electron transport system (ETS) activity and particulate organic matter features in three areas of the Ross Sea (Antarctica) 124
Role of filtering and biodeposition by Adamussium colbecki in circulation of organic matter at Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica) 122
Meio- and macrofauna communities in three sandy beaches of the northern Adriatic Sea protected by artificial reefs 121
Urbanised beaches of the Ligurian coastal area (NW Mediterranean): A classification based on organic-matter characteristics and hydrolytic enzymatic activities 119
Development of marine biofilm on plastic: ecological features in different seasons, temperatures, and light regimes 118
Spatial and temporal distribution of particulate organic matter in the Ross Sea 117
Organic matter recycling in a beach environment influenced by sunscreen products and increased inorganic nutrient supply (Sturla, Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean) 117
Organic matter features, degradation and remineralisation at two coastal sites in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean) differently influenced by anthropogenic forcing. 116
Faecal indicator bacteria and fungi in beach sediments 114
Organic matter recycling in a shallow coastal zone (NW Mediterranean): the influence of local and global climatic forcing and organic matter lability on hydrolytic enzyme activity. 114
Polar Margins: the Ross Sea. 113
Ectoenzymatic activity and its relationship to chlorophyll-a and bacteria in the Gulf of Genoa (Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean). 112
Benthic communities on a sandy Ligurian beach (NW Mediterranean). 112
Enzymatic activity and organic substrates on a sandy beach of the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean) influenced by anthropogenic pressure. 111
Distribution and biochemical composition of suspended and sedimentary organic matter in the Northern Adriatic 111
Short-term variations in particulate matter flux in Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea 110
Studio delle variazioni qual-quantitative della sostanza organica particellata nel Mare Tirreno settentrionale 110
Land forcing controls pelagic-benthic coupling in Adelie Cove (Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea) 109
Vibrios in association with sedimentary crustaceans in three beaches of the northern Adriatic Sea (Italy) 109
Organic matter characterisation and turnover in the sediment and seawater of a tourist harbour 108
Relationships between organic carbon and microbial components in a Tyrrhenian area (Isola del Giglio) affected by mucilages 106
Microbes and Organic Matter on Ligurian Beaches (NW Mediterranean) 105
An overview of the Gulf of Batabanó(Cuba): environmental features as revealed by surface sediment characterisation 104
Ectoenzymatic ratios in relation to particulate organic matter distribution (Ross Sea, Antarctica) 103
Bacteria and organic matter dynamics during a bioremediation treatment of organic-rich harbour sediments 103
Macrofaunal assemblages in canyon and adjacent slope of the NW and Central Mediterranean systems 102
A Global Budget of Carbon and Nitrogen in the Ross Sea (Southern Ocean) 100
Paramuricea clavata (Anthozoa, Octocorallia) loss in the Marine Protected Area of Tavolara (Sardinia, Italy) due to a mass mortality event 100
Coastal systems of Genoa and the Ligurian coast – Ligurian coast (Gulf of Genoa) 97
The megabenthic assemblages of the Vercelli Seamount (North Tyrrhenian Sea). 96
The particulate organic matter in a semi-enclosed periantarctic ecosystem: the Strait of Magellan. 95
Organic matter recycling in a beach environment influenced by sunscreen products and increased inorganic nutrient supply (Sturla, Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean). 93
Hydrodynamic forcing and sand permeability influence the distribution of anthropogenic microparticles in beach sediment 93
The trophic role and ecological implications of oval faecal pellets in Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea) 90
Relationship between ecto-enzymatic activity and organic substrates availability (Ross Sea, Antarctica): an experimental approach 87
Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) habitat use and distribution in the Genoa Canyon area (SIRENA'02). 87
Trace elements in surface sediments from Kongsfjorden: occurrence, sources and bioavailability 87
Comunità bentoniche dell’area costiera del Mar Tirreno. 86
Marine Observatory in Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica - MOA-TNB): Long Term Ecological Research 85
Ecological response to the wave action in the swash zone of a Ligurian beach (NW Mediterranean) 84
Sedimentary organic matter and bacterial community in microtidal mixed beaches of the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean) 82
The distribution and biochemical composition of biogenic particles in the Azores-Madeira region (North Atlantic) 81
Long Term Ecological Research in Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica): the Marine Observatory of Antarctic Specially Protected Area - (MOA-TNB) 80
Enzymatic activity on sandy beaches of the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean). 80
Ingestion and elimination of anthropogenic fibres and microplastic fragments by the European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) of the NW Mediterranean Sea 78
Environmental quality evaluation of Ligurian Sea coastal waters 76
Risposta del macrobentos alle diverse pressioni ambientali in un porto turistico della costa ligure. 75
Beach sand as a biofilter: enzymatic activity and organic matter relationships in oligotrophic sites differently influenced by anthropogenic pressures and morphodynamism 75
Caratterizzazione di acque costiere liguri 73
Risposta delle comunità macrobentoniche di spiaggia ai disturbi antropici. 71
Coastal systems of Genoa and the Ligurian coast – Port of Genoa: Old Port, Multedo Oil Terminal and Voltri Container 70
Ectoenzymatic activity in surface waters: a transect from the Mediterranean Sea across the Indian Ocean to Australia 70
Variazioni spazio-temporali di parametri ambientali in un’area marina costiera (Promontorio di Portofino, Mar Ligure) 69
Batterioplancton e fitoplancton 69
Distribuzione del materiale Particolato sospeso – inverno 1997 67
Risposta del sistema sedimentario all’utilizzo di una tecnica di biodegradazione della sostanza organica 67
Distribuzione del materiale Particolato sospeso – estate 1996: 65
Diversity of microbial assemblages along a transect from 42°n and 43°s through the Indian Ocean 65
Effects of oxygen supply for biostimulation of enzymatic activity in organic-rich marine ecosystems. 63
Latitudinal pattern of ectoenzymes: the MIPOT-40 (Mediterranean, Indian and Pacific Oceans Transect) project. 62
Ecological features of Ligurian beaches exposed to different hydrodynamic forcing 61
Regulation of microbial activity rates by organic matter in the ross sea during the austral summer 2017 60
Seasonal and interannual dynamics of a coastal ecosystem (Portofino, Ligurian Sea) in relation to meteorological constraints 53
Organic matter composition, bacteria response and functioning in well-established fish farm sediments of the Ligurian Sea (Western Mediterranean) 52
Macrofauna profonda del Mediterraneo. 45
Mesozooplancton 41
Meteorological and climatic variability influences anthropogenic microparticle content in the stomach of the European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus 35
Ecological role and phylogenetic position of a new habitat-forming species (Canalipalpata, Sabellidae) from the Mediterranean mesophotic soft bottoms 30
null 27
Factors driving the bioavailability of particulate organic matter in the Ross Sea (Antarctica) during summer 13
Relationship between ectoenzymatic activity and availability of organic substrates (Ross Sea, Antarctica): An experimental approach 13
Particulate organic matter composition in a semi-enclosed Periantarctic system: The Straits of Magellan 12
Organic matter production and recycling in marine biofilm developing on common and new plastics 10
Surface Bacterioplankton Community Structure Crossing the Antarctic Circumpolar Current Fronts 8
Totale 8.534
Categoria #
all - tutte 25.472
article - articoli 17.741
book - libri 344
conference - conferenze 4.998
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.389
Totale 50.944

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.427 0 0 0 0 0 0 312 141 225 401 251 97
2020/2021598 41 41 62 36 57 56 35 39 61 67 42 61
2021/20221.047 24 70 105 114 44 60 72 236 48 103 42 129
2022/2023991 102 67 16 109 126 180 3 71 159 5 139 14
2023/2024558 23 72 17 71 54 102 38 26 24 29 20 82
2024/2025764 23 125 54 119 252 190 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.534