Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 21.967
Totale 21.967
Nazione #
IT - Italia 21.967
Totale 21.967
Città #
Genova 14.388
Rapallo 3.080
Genoa 2.885
Vado Ligure 1.527
Bordighera 87
Totale 21.967
Nome #
Note Illustrative al Foglio n. 212 "Spigno Monferrato" sc. 1:50000 della Carta Geologica Regionale della Liguria 283
Sezione 212060 "Monte Acuto", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 193
Sezione 212120 "Urbe", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 191
Foglio 212.1 “Tiglieto" Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:25000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 183
La piattaforma continentale ligure: caratteri, struttura ed evoluzione 164
Foglio 212.3 "Sassello", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:25000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 159
Petroplinthite formation in a pedosedimentary sequence along a northern Mediterranean coast: from micromorphology to landscape evolution 155
Validazione del software Xbeach attraverso l'utilizzo di immagini da webcam. 153
Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.000: Foglio 213 - 230 "Genova". Con note illustrative 147
Sezione 212100 "Sassello", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 146
The Guvano complex landslide in the Cinque Terre National Park, Italy: geomorphological characterization, GNSS monitoring and risk management 146
Foglio 212.2 "Urbe", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:25000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 136
Sezione 212090 "Mioglia", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 135
Sezione 212040 "Lago di Ortiglieto", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 133
Monitoring beach evolution using low-altitude aerial photogrammetry and UAV drones 130
A complex landslide along the Eastern Liguria rocky coast (Italy) 129
The Lovers’ Lane (Via dell’Amore) rockfall events: a history of dangerous collapses 129
Large-scale landslide and Deep-Seated Gravitational Slope Deformation of the Upper Scrivia Valley (Northern Apennine, Italy) 128
Drones as tools for monitoring beach topography changes in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean) 128
Assessment of flash floods in a small Mediterranean catchment using terrain analysis and remotely sensed data: A case study in the Torrente Teiro, Liguria, Italy 128
Climate and environmental changes recognized by micromorphology in Paleolithic deposits at Arene Candide (Liguria, Italy). 125
Double-sided DSGSD: a combined structural, geomorphological, engineering-geological and geophysical approach 123
Sezione 212150 "Monte Beigua", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 122
Geo-environmental cartography of the Marine Protected Area “Isola di Bergeggi” (Liguria, NW Mediterranean Sea). 121
Geomorphological risk evaluation in the heterogeneous formations (flysch) along the Liguria rocky coast 121
Channel planform changes along the Scrivia River floodplain reach in northwest Italy from 1878 to 2016 118
Coastal and marine geomorphology between Albenga and Savona (NW Mediterranean Sea, Italy). 117
Climate and environmental changes recognized by micromorphology in Paleolithic deposits at Arene Candide (Liguria, Italy) 116
Sezione 212050 "Case Cornareto", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 115
Study of wave runup using numerical models and low-altitude aerial photogrammetry: A tool for coastal management 115
A multidisciplinary approach to a unique Palaeolithic human ichnological record from Italy (Bàsura Cave) 115
Landslide Inventory of the Cinque Terre National Park, Italy 114
Assessment of soil erosion risk in a typical Mediterranean environment using a high resolution RUSLE approach (Portofino promontory, NW-Italy) 112
Land capability classification of Vernazza catchment, Cinque Terre National Park, Italy 112
Rocky cliff landslide hazard: the Capo Noli Promontory case study (western Liguria, NW Mediterranean Sea) 111
Sezione 212080 "Tiglieto", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 110
Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in coastal areas: lessons learned from applications in Liguria, NW Mediterranean. 110
Foglio 212.4 "Monte Acuto", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:25000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 109
Assessment of an extreme flood event using rainfallrunoff simulation based on terrain analysis in a small Mediterranean catchment (Vernazza, Cinque Terre National Park) 109
Sezione 212160 "Lerca", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 108
Geologia, paleontologia e geomorfologia della Pietra di Finale 107
Sezione 212130 "Giusvalla", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 106
Extreme Flood and Landslides Triggered in the Arroscia Valley (Liguria Region, Northwestern Italy) During the November 2016 Rainfall Event 104
DEM analyses and morphotectonic interpretation: The Plio-Quaternary evolution of the eastern Ligurian Alps, Italy. 104
Geo-hiking map of Mt. Penna and Mt. Aiona area (Aveto Natural Park, Italy) 102
Abiotic and Biotic Links Work Two Ways: Effects on the Deposit at the Cliff Foot Induced by Mechanical Action of Date Mussel Harvesting (Lithophaga lithophaga) 102
Bringing geoheritage underwater: methodological approaches to evaluation and mapping 101
The Sea Cliff Mass Rating geomechanical classification for the rocky coastal management plan 99
Interpretative trails to discover the coastal geomorphology of Liguria: the coastal tract between Punta delle Grotte (Bergeggi) and Capo Noli. 98
Racconti della Terra: a spasso in Liguria tra geologia e storia 98
Geo-hydrological risk management for civil protection purposes in the urban area of Genoa (Liguria, NW Italy) 97
Underwater geomorphology of the rocky coastal tracts between Finale Ligure and Vado Ligure (western Liguria, NW Mediterranean Sea) 96
Loess distribution on the northern flank of ligurian Alps (NW-Italy): topographic influences and paleoenviromental implications 96
Geologia delle grandi aree urbane, sottoprogetto Citta' di Genova: stato di avanzamento delle ricerche 95
Evolution of a Late Pleistocene aeolianite in the northern Mediterranean (Liguria, NW Italy). 95
Atlante delle spiagge italiane. S.EL.C.A., Firenze, Tav. 103 Foglio Imperia 95
Atlante delle spiagge italiane. S.EL.C.A., Firenze, Fogli 92-93 Albenga-Savona 95
Sezione 212140 "Pontinvrea", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 94
Interactions between relict landslides and built environment: hazard investigations and monitoring at Mendatica (western Liguria, Italy) 93
Decadal evolution of a coralligenous ecosystem under the influence of human impacts and climate change. 92
Assessment of Subsurface Neolithic/ Palaeolithic sites in the Southern Gargano Area, Apulia, Italy using a 3D geo-electric resistivity approach 92
Posidonia oceanica trough time: evolution, management and eco-services valuation 91
Depositional architecture and sequence stratigraphy of pleistocene coarse-grained deltas along the Ligurian coast (Italy) 91
Micromorphological characterization of the neolithic deposits of Scaloria Cave (Manfredonia, S Italy) 90
New evidence on the earliest human presence in the urban area of Genoa (Liguria, Italy): A multi-proxy study of a mid-Holocene deposit at the mouth of the Bisagno river 90
"Sea Truth Project": a joint research effort to validate a procedure using thematic mapper data to monitor the quality of coastal waters 90
Combining geomorphologic, biological and accessibility values for marine natural heritage evaluation and conservation. 89
A morphological and geological outline of the western Ross Sea, Antarctica 89
Identification of Erosion processes dynamics using the Erosion Response Units (ERU´s) concept releted to the sediment trasport in a Ligurian river basin 88
Sezione 212110 "Palo", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 88
Landslide-inventory of the Cinque Terre National Park (Italy) and quantitative interaction with the trail network 88
Extending westward the loess basin between the Alps and the Mediterranean region: micro morphological and mineralogical evidences from the northern slope of the Ligurian Alps (northern Italy) 87
Loess distribution on the northern flank of ligurian Alps (NW-Italy): topographic influences and paleoenviromental implications 87
Storm Hazard Assessment for Urban Areas 87
Beach monitoring using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: results of a multi-temporal study 87
Assessment of the spatial distribution of Soil organic carbon and related factors in the regional park of Portofino (Liguria-Italy) 86
Coastal Vulnerability Assessment. Study case: Bonassola- La Spezia Italy 86
Petroplinthite formation in a quaternary complex paleosol along NW Italian coast: groundwater and sedimentary input interaction 85
Posidonia oceanica trough time: evolution, management and eco-services valuation 85
Atlante delle spiagge italiane. S.EL.C.A., Firenze, Tav. 102 Foglio San Remo 85
Use of Remote Sensing data, terrain analysis and stochastic modeling to predict current and future flood risk in a small Mediterranean catchment (T. Teiro, Italy) 85
A new procedure for an effective management of geo-hydrological risks across the "Sentiero Verde-Azzurro" trail, Cinque Terre National Park, Liguria (North-Western Italy) 85
The paleontologic site of Capo Mortola (Southern Subalpine Chains, Liguria Italy). 84
Sezione 213060 "Praglia", scala 1/10'000, Progetto CARG - Regione Liguria, con Note Illustrative 84
Sezione 212070 "Pian Castagna", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 84
Geoarcheology and paleobotanical investigation from coastal area of Albisola (Liguria- Northern Italy) 83
30 milioni di anni fa una foresta tropicale a Stella Santa Giustina. Mostra Paleontologica. 83
A large-scale landslide in the recently uplifted coastal area between Moneglia and Punta Rospo (Eastern Liguria, Italy) 82
Arturo Issel fra archeologia, paleontologia e geologia. Una prima analisi del Fondo Issel presso l'Archivio dell'Istituto Mazziniano 82
Assessment of calanchi and rill-interrill erosion susceptibility in northern Liguria, Italy: A case study using a probabilistic modelling framework 82
Petroplinthite formation in a quaternary complex paleosol along NW Italian coast: from micromorphology to landscape evolution 81
Abrupt climatic changes observed in paleopedological records: a micromorphological approach 81
Microstratigraphic Records as Tools for the Detection of Climatic Changes in Tana di Badalucco Cave (Liguria, NW Italy) 81
Coastal change in global change: the case of Italy 80
Frost activity and ice segregation in loess deposits and paleosols of the Ligurian Alps (Beigua Massif, Italy). Evidences of past permafrost ? 80
Geomorphological investigation and management of the Guvano complex landslide (Cinque Terre National Park, Italy) 80
Land-management and planning in karst areas: the Ligurian case-study (Italy) 80
The university museum and their history: the case of the mineralogical collections of the University of Genova 79
Totale 10.779
Categoria #
all - tutte 68.253
article - articoli 26.797
book - libri 2.467
conference - conferenze 20.881
curatela - curatele 402
other - altro 12.646
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 5.060
Totale 136.506

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20204.612 0 0 0 0 373 429 814 143 358 1.284 945 266
2020/20211.257 88 113 145 91 65 113 54 79 165 96 129 119
2021/20223.283 30 308 178 394 167 187 207 824 157 285 109 437
2022/20233.815 444 341 84 391 516 603 22 294 639 34 379 68
2023/20242.094 101 255 78 238 167 396 144 148 108 63 115 281
2024/20251.684 237 439 231 355 422 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 22.283