Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 12.983
Totale 12.983
Nazione #
IT - Italia 12.983
Totale 12.983
Città #
Genova 9.129
Genoa 1.731
Rapallo 1.214
Vado Ligure 874
Bordighera 35
Totale 12.983
Nome #
Abscisic acid enhances glucose disposal and induces brown fat activity in adipocytes in vitro and in vivo 192
Abscisic acid enhances cold tolerance in honeybee larvae 164
Binding of abscisic acid to human LANCL2 164
The plant hormone abscisic acid stimulates the proliferation of human hemopoietic progenitors through the second messenger cyclic ADP-ribose 157
Identification of a high affinity binding site for abscisic acid on human Lanthionine synthetase component C-like protein 2 154
Abscisic acid is an endogenous cytokine in human granulocytes with cyclic ADP-ribose as second messenger. 154
Abscisic Acid transport in human erythrocytes. 152
Autocrine abscisic acid mediates the UV-B-induced inflammatory response in human granulocytes and keratinocytes 148
Cyclic ADP-ribose generation by CD38 improves human hemopoietic stem cell engraftment into NOD/SCID mice 146
Concentrative influx of functionally active cyclic ADP-ribose in dimethylsulfoxide-differentiated HL-60 cells 145
A single protein immunologically identified as CD38 displays NAD+ glycohydrolase, ADP-ribosyl cyclase and cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase activities at the outer surface of human erythrocytes 143
Regulation of human mesenchymal stem cell functions by an autocrine loop involving NAD+ release and P2Y11-mediated signaling. 143
Abscisic acid released by human monocytes activates monocytes and vascular smooth muscle cell responses involved in atherogenesis 140
ABA- and cADPR-mediated effects on respiration and filtration downstream of the temperature-signaling cascade in sponges 139
Subcellular and intercellular traffic of NAD+, NAD+ precursors and NAD+-derived signalmetabolites and second messengers: Old and new topological paradoxes 139
Abscisic acid and cyclic ADP-ribose are first and second messanger in inflammatory cells, hematopoietic progenitors and pancreatic beta-cells 137
Abscisic acid influx into human nucleated cells occurs through the anion exchanger AE2 137
Selection and characterization of single stranded DNA aptamers for the hormone abscisic Acid 136
Concentrative uptake of cyclic ADP-ribose generated by BST-1+ stroma stimulates proliferation of human hematopoietic progenitors 134
A self restricted CD38-connexin 43 cross-talk affects NAD+ and cyclic ADP-ribose metabolism and regulates intracellular calcium in 3T3 fibroblasts 132
Autocrine and paracrine calcium signalling by the CD38/NAD+/cyclic ADP-ribose system 132
Paracrine roles of NAD+ and Cyclic ADP-ribose in increasing intracellular calcium and enhancing cell proliferation of 3T3 fibroblasts 131
Abscisic acid and cyclic ADP-ribose are first and second messengers in inflammatory cells and hemopoietic progenitors 131
Adenylic dinucleotides produced by CD38 are negative endogenous modulators of platelet aggregation 131
Dimeric and tetrameric forms of catalytically active transmembrane CD38 in transfected HeLa cells 130
Autocrine abscisic acid plays a key role in quartz-induced macrophage activation 128
Abscisic acid enhances glucose disposal and induces brown fat activity in adipocytes in vitro and in vivo 128
Abscisic acid activates the murine microglial cell line N9 through the second messenger cyclic ADP-ribose 127
Adenosine diphosphate ribulose in human erythrocytes: a new metabolite with membrane binding properties 126
Abscisic acid transport in human erythrocytes 126
Synthetic analogues of abscisic acid with anti-inflammatory and insulin release stimulation effects on human cells 125
Functional characterization of a synthetic abscisic acid analog with anti-inflammatory activity on human granulocytes and monocytes 125
Extracellular NAD+ regulates intracellular calcium levels and induces activation of human granulocytes 125
Enhanced antitumor activity of adriamycin by encapsulation in mouse erythrocytes targeted to liver and lungs. 124
Encapsulation of doxorubicin in liver-targeted erythrocytes increases the therapeutic index of the drug in a murine metastatic model 122
Fluridone as a new anti-inflammatory drug 122
Equilibrative and concentrative nucleoside transporters mediate the influx of Cyclic ADP-ribose into 3T3 murine fibroblasts. 121
LANCL2 is necessary for Abscisic acid binding and signaling in human granulocytes and in rat insulinoma cells 121
Ectocellular CD38-catalyzed synthesis and intracellular Ca(2+)-mobilizing activity of cyclic ADP-ribose. 120
Insulin-independent stimulation of skeletal muscle glucose uptake by low-dose abscisic acid via AMPK activation 116
Improved metabolic properties of hexokinase-overloaded human erythrocytes 115
Production and hydrolysis of cyclic ADP-ribose at the outer surface of human erythrocytes 115
LANCL2 is the abscisic acid receptor in in human granulocytes and in rat insulinoma cells 115
Multiple small molecular weight guanine nucleotide-binding proteins in human erythrocyte membranes 114
The plant hormone abscisic acid stimulates the proliferation of human hemopoietic progenitors through the second messenger cyclic ADP-ribose. 114
Abscisic acid produced by human monocytes stimulates monocyte and vascular smooth muscle cell responses involved in the development of the atherosclerotic lesion 114
Expression of CD38 increases intracellular calcium concentration and reduces doubling time in HeLa and 3T3 cells. 113
Mechanisms of perturbation of erythrocyte calcium homeostasis in favism 113
Use of glutaraldehyde treated autologous human erythrocytes for hepatic targeting of doxorubicin. 113
Toward a medicine-oriented use of the human hormone/nutritional supplement Abscisic Acid 113
Extracellular cyclic ADP-ribose increases intracellular free calcium concentration and stimulates proliferation of human hemopoietic progenitors. 112
ADP-ribosyl cyclases generate two unusual adenine homodinucleotides with cytotoxic activity on mammalian cells. 112
Extracellular NAD+ regulates intracellular calcium levels and induces activation of human granulocytes 111
Abscisic acid and cyclic ADP-ribose increase intracellular Ca2+ and stimulate proliferation of human mesenchymal stem cells. 111
Abscisic Acid: A Conserved Hormone in Plants and Humans and a Promising Aid to Combat Prediabetes and the Metabolic Syndrome. 111
The plant hormone abscisic acid increases in human plasma after hyperglycemia and stimulates glucose consumption by adipocytes and myoblasts 110
The CD38/cyclic ADP-ribose system: a topological paradox. 110
Encapsulation of adriamycin in human erythrocytes 109
Self-aggregation of the transmembrane glycoprotein CD38 purified from human erythrocytes 108
Novel adenylic dinucleotides with anti-tumor activity and method of preparing thereof. 108
Abscisic acid is an endogenous stimulator of insulin release from human release from human pancreatic islets with cyclic ADP-ribose as second messenger. 107
Glyoxylic acid prevents NAD+ and NADH depletion in K562 cells cultured at limiting dilution 106
LANCL2 is the abscisic acid receptor in human granulocytes and in rat insulinoma cells. 106
Cyclic ADP-ribose-mediated stimulation of proliferation and immunomodulatory properties of human mesenchymal stem cells by the phytohormone abscisic acid 106
NAD+-dependent internalization of the transmembrane glycoprotein CD38 in human Namalwa B cells 105
Connexin 43 hemichannels mediate Ca2+-regulated transmembrane NAD+ fluxes in intact cells 105
CD38 and ADP-ribosyl cyclase catalyze the synthesis of a dimeric ADP-ribose that potentiates the calcium-mobilizing activity of cyclic ADP-ribose. 103
Abscisic acid produced by human monocyte and vascular smooth muscle cell responses involved in the development of the atherosclerotic lesion. 102
Cyclic ADP-ribose-mediated expansion and stimulation of human mesenchymal stem cells by the plant hormone abscisic acid 102
Self-aggregation of purified and membrane-bound erythrocyte CD38 induces extensive decrease of its ADP-ribosyl cyclase activity 100
Conversion of encapsulated 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine 5'-monophosphate to the antineoplastic drug 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine in human erythrocytes 100
Abscisic acid: a new player in cardiomyocyte protection from hypoxia 100
Regulation of human mesenchymal stem cell functions by an autocrine loop involving NAD+ release and P2Y11-mediated signaling. 99
Abscisic acid released by quartz-stimulated macrophages plays a key rolein the silica-induced infl ammatory process. 99
The temperature-signaling cascade in sponges involves a heat-gated cation channel, abscisic acid, and cyclic ADP-ribose 99
ADP-ribosyl cyclases generate two unusual adenine homodinucleotides with cytotoxic activity on mammalian cells 98
Analoghi di sintesi dell’acido abscissico con effetto anti-infiammatorio su cellule umane 97
Introduzione alle colture cellulari 96
Encapsulation of Glucose Oxidase in mouse erythrocytes :an experimental model of oxidant-induced cytotoxicity and a means for splenic targeting of carrier erythrocytes. 96
The mammalian ABA receptor LANCL2: studies on the recombinant and on the native protein 95
The transmembrane glycoprotein CD38 is a catalytically active transporter responsible for generation and influx of the second messenger Cyclic ADP-ribose across membranes. 95
Fluridone as an anti-inflammatory agent 94
Abscisic acid is an endogenous pro-inflammatory cytokine in human granulocytes with cyclic ADP-ribose as second messenger 94
NAADP+ is an agonist of the human P2Y11 purinergic receptor 93
Free adenosine diphosphate ribose in human erythrocytes: pathways of intraerythrocytic conversion and non-enzymic binding to membrane proteins. 92
Structural role of disulfide bridges in the cyclic ADP-ribose related bifunctional ectoenzyme CD38 92
Subcellular and extracellular trafficking of NAD+ and cyclic ADP-ribose: a new way for regulating intracellular calcium homeostasis 92
Effect of cyclic ADP-ribose on calcium homeostasis and in vitro expansion of human hematopoietic progenitors. 91
Ligand induced internalization of CD38 results in intracellular Ca2+ mobilization. role of NAD+ transport across cell membranes 91
Abscisic acid:a new mammalian hormone regulating glucose homeostasis. 89
Fluridone as a new anti-inflammatory drug 88
Presence and turnover of Adenosine Diphosphate Ribose in human erythrocytes 87
Screening Assay for the Identification of Agonists /Antagonists of Abscisic Acid. 87
Equilibrative and concentrative nucleoside transporters mediate influx of extracellular cyclic ADP-ribose into 3T3 murine fibroblasts 86
Glyoxylic acid promotes poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of nuclear proteins in K562 cells cultured at limiting dilution 85
In vivo liver and lung targeting of adriamycin encapsulated in glutaraldehyde-treated murine erythrocytes. 85
Extracellular cyclic ADP-ribose potentiates ACh-induced contraction in bovine tracheal smooth muscle. 85
Introduzione alle colture cellulari. II edizione. 84
Identification of the abscisic acid receptor in mammalian cells 83
Totale 11.521
Categoria #
all - tutte 36.917
article - articoli 28.695
book - libri 579
conference - conferenze 5.715
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 1.236
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 692
Totale 73.834

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.456 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 178 249 542 364 123
2020/2021749 42 68 49 49 67 80 71 57 85 73 55 53
2021/20221.447 39 108 116 156 47 82 120 330 51 159 35 204
2022/20231.459 142 93 17 162 268 237 5 100 241 3 175 16
2023/2024921 36 93 22 101 84 246 57 43 51 17 68 103
2024/20251.497 111 164 94 173 259 175 208 313 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.114