Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 36.768
Totale 36.768
Nazione #
IT - Italia 36.768
Totale 36.768
Città #
Genova 26.365
Rapallo 4.528
Genoa 3.208
Vado Ligure 2.610
Bordighera 57
Totale 36.768
Nome #
Utilizzo di marcatori immunoistochimici di recente acquisizione selettivi per l’endotelio dei vasi linfatici nella diagnosi del linfangioma cistico peritoneale. 234
Fibro-Lipo-Lymph-Aspiration With a Lymph Vessel Sparing Procedure to Treat Advanced Lymphedema After Multiple Lymphatic-Venous Anastomoses 177
Sindrome de Hiperostomia de Mayall Comunicaciòn arteriolo-venular es el linfedema 158
Lymphedema microsurgical preventive healing approach: a new technique for primary prevention of arm lymphedema after mastectomy. 155
Microsurgery for groin lymphocele and lymphedema after oncologic surgery 147
Lymphatic-Venous Derivative and Reconstructive Microsurgery 144
Derivative lymphatic microsurgery: indications, techniques, and results. 133
Prefazione alla monografia di A.Cavezzi e S.Michelini “Il Flebolinfedema.Dalla Diagnosi alla Terapia” (Edizione italiana)/“Phlebolymphedema.From Diagnosis to Therapy” (Edizione inglese) 132
A single-site technique of multiple lymphatic-venous anastomoses for the treatment of peripheral lymphedema: long-term clinical outcome. 132
General surgery, translational lymphology and lymphatic surgery 132
Surgical Prevention of Arm Lymphedema After Breast Cancer Treatment 130
LYMPHA Technique to Prevent Secondary Lower Limb Lymphedema. 129
How to limit lymphatic morbidity in breast cancer treatment 128
Lymphedema secondary to breast cancer treatment: possibility of diagnostic and therapeutic prevention 126
Long-term results after lymphatic-venous anastomoses for the treatment of obstructive lymphedema 126
Functional magnetic resonance evidence of cortical alterations in a case of reversible congenital lymphedema of the lower limb: a pilot study 125
Vulvar sebaceous hyperplasia associated with lymphedema of external genitalia 123
Il Prof. E.Tosatti e la Società Italiana di Linfangiologia 123
Frontiers in Lymphatic Microsurgery 122
Congenital pulmonary lymphangiectasia. 121
Lymphangiogenesis and hemangiogenesis: potential targets for therapy 119
Use of thermotherapy in management of lymphedema: clinical observations. 117
Microsurgery for treatment of peripheral lymphedema: long-term outcome and future perspectives 117
Immunohistochemistry in non-immune hydrops fetalis: a single center experience in 79 fetuses 117
Microvenous grafts in reconstructive lymphatic microsurgery: 7 years' clinical results 117
Prevention of lymphatic injuries with lymphatic mapping: the combined technique. 116
Microsurgery for lymphedema: clinical research and long-term results 115
Lymphedema and microsurgery 115
Axillary reverse mapping in breast cancer: a new microsurgical lymphatic-venous procedure in the prevention of arm lymphedema. 114
The autologous vein grafts in Reconstructive Microsurgery for lymph stasis 113
Current views on diagnostic approach and treatment of lymphedema 113
Surgical Treatment for Lymphedema: Optimal Timing and Optimal Techniques 112
Microsurgical Primary Prevention of Lymphatic Injuries following Breast Cancer Treatment 112
Vein graft interposition in treating peripheral lymphoedemas. 112
The lymphatics in the pathophysiology of thoracic and abdominal surgical pathology: immunological consequences and the unexpected role of microsurgery 111
Is there a role for microsurgery in the prevention of arm lymphedema secondary to breast cancer treatment? 111
A new protocol of prevention of secondary lymphedema 110
Lymphedema microsurgical preventive healing approach for primary prevention of lower limb lymphedema after inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy for vulvar cancer. 110
Peripheral lymphedema: new advances in microsurgical treatment and long-term outcome. 109
Allogeneic pancreatic islet transplantation by means of artificial membrane chambers in 13 diabetic recipients 109
Microsurgery for the treatment of peripheral lymphedema. 108
Chyliferous vessel pathologies and associated syndromes: Primary chylous ascites 108
Italian society of lymphangiology guidelines 107
Nuchal translucency and lymphatic system maldevelopment 107
Lymphatic microsurgical preventing healing approach (LYMPHA) for primary surgical prevention of breast cancer-related lymphedema: over 4 years follow-up 107
Chylous ascites: diagnostic and laparoscopic-microsurgical treatment 106
The role of lymphoscintigraphy in the diagnosis of lymphedema in Turner syndrome. 106
Lymphedema and microsurgery. 106
A new approach in histopathological diagnosis of lymphedema: Pathophysiological and therapeutical implications 106
Histopathological patterns of chronic lymphoedemas of limbs treated by microsurgical methods 106
Artificial preservation of lymphatic and venous vessels for lymphatic microsurgery. First experimental applications 105
Are there lymphatic vessels in the placenta? 105
Procedural Recommendations for Lymphoscintigraphy in the Diagnosis of Peripheral Lymphedema: the Genoa Protocol 105
Mayall syndrome 104
Unexpected histopathological findings in peripheral lymphedema. 104
Post-mastectomy lymphedema: surgical therapy [Il linfedema post-mastectomia: terapia chirurgica] 104
Topics in Cancer Survivorship: Surgical prevention of arm lymphedema in breast cancer treatment 104
Diagnosis and management of primary chylous ascites 103
Multimodal imaging in the congenital pulmonary lymphangiectasia-congenital chylothorax-hydrops fetalis continuum. 102
Angiodysplasia and Lymphedema: Aspect of Diagnosis and Treatment 102
Mastering Lymphatic Microsurgery: A New Training Model in Living Tissue 102
Differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention of DLA (Dermato–Lymphangio–Adenitis ) 101
Pediatric lymphedema and correlated syndromes: role of microsurgery 101
LPG Technique in the Treatment of Peripheral Lymphedema:Clinical Preliminary Results and Perspectives 101
Lymphatic microsurgery to treat lymphedema: techniques and indications for better results. 101
Therapeutic and preventive microsurgical procedures for lymphatic disorders (techniques and long term clinical outcome). 100
Lymphoedema: modern diagnostic and therapeutic aspects. 100
Lymphedema Epidemiology in Italy. 99
Angiodysplasias, peripheral lymphedema and tumorigenous syndromes. 99
Vater - Pacini corpuscle in lymphnodes: a feature in congenital lymphangio-adenodysplasia. 99
Hennekam syndrome presenting as nonimmune hydrops fetalis, congenital chylothorax, and congenital pulmonary lymphangiectasia. 99
A protocol for studying and managing lymphedema 99
Hemobilia [L'EMOBILIA] 98
In Memoriam of Professor Mario Degni 98
LyMPHA and the prevention of lymphatic injuries: a rationale for early microsurgical intervention 98
Chylous ascites and chyledema: diagnostic assessment and laser-microsurgical operation. 97
Microsurgical Indications and Techniques in Management of Lymphedema 97
Congenital fetal and neonatal visceral chylous effusions: neonatal chylothorax and chylous ascites revisited. A multicenter retrospective study. 97
Recurrent intestinal perforation associated with thrombosis of inferior vena cava: uncommon presentation of antiphospholipid syndrome. 97
The use of vein grafts in the treatment of peripheral lymphedemas: long-term results. 96
Usefulness of Lymphoscintigraphy Before and After Lymphatic Microsurgery 95
Lymphoscintigraphic evaluation of congenital lymphedema of the newborn. 95
Reconstructive microsurgery of lymph vessels: The personal method of lymphatic-venous-lymphatic (LVL) interpositioned grafted shunt 95
Chyloperitoneum: Diagnostic and therapeutic options 95
Primary and Secondary Prevention of Lymphedema 94
Lymphatic complications in surgery: possibility of prevention and therapeutic options. 94
Reconstructive Microsurgery for Lymphedema: While the Early Bird Catches the Worm, the Late Riser Still Benefits 94
Post surgical lymphedema: Iatrogenic or preexisting disease? 93
Progress in Lymphology XVIII 93
Nocturia: an uncommon presentation of lower-limb lymphedema. 93
Surgical treatment of a case of chylolymphedema of probable congenital origin 93
Differential diagnosis in recurrent intestinal perforation: chronic inflammatory disease with intestinal lymphedema or antiphospholipid syndrome? 92
Derivative lymphatic-venous microsurgery: role of surgical technique in long term patency of microanastomoses. 91
Egidio Tosatti: the man, the scientist, the lymphangiologist. 91
Lymphedema microsurgical preventive healing approach for primary prevention of lower limb lymphedema after inguinofemoral lymphadectomy for vulvar cancer 91
Prevention of secondary lymphedema: prospects for the future. 91
Clinica Chirurgica e Microchirurgia - Clinical and Investigative Microsurgery 91
A case of chylous dysplasia causing a serious condition immunodeficiency 91
Pulmonary lymphangiectasia. 90
Totale 11.003
Categoria #
all - tutte 97.572
article - articoli 67.977
book - libri 4.137
conference - conferenze 20.788
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 194
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 4.476
Totale 195.144

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20206.210 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.644 234 567 2.136 1.216 413
2020/20211.494 47 49 58 34 32 269 43 56 282 113 241 270
2021/20225.187 35 496 434 489 421 204 374 1.346 113 432 91 752
2022/20235.551 656 170 86 577 935 1.178 15 409 1.039 35 365 86
2023/20242.059 129 391 46 189 157 402 105 118 72 59 101 290
2024/20252.792 91 680 289 383 835 512 2 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 36.859