Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.875
Totale 3.875
Nazione #
IT - Italia 3.875
Totale 3.875
Città #
Genova 2.270
Vado Ligure 593
Genoa 575
Rapallo 413
Bordighera 24
Totale 3.875
Nome #
Movement Fluidity Analysis Based on Performance and Perception 193
Low-intrusive Recognition of Expressive Movement Qualities 168
Automated detection of impulsive movements in HCI 163
Towards a multimodal repository of expressive movement qualities in dance 145
Analysis of intrapersonal synchronization in full-body movements displaying different expressive qualities 136
A multimodal dataset for the analysis of movement qualities in karate martial art 133
A system to support the learning of movement qualities in dance: A case study on dynamic symmetry 133
Designing multimodal interactive systems using EyesWeb XMI 131
MMLI: Multimodal Multiperson Corpus of Laughter in Interaction 126
The dancer in the eye: Towards a multi-layered computational framework of qualities in movement 120
Perception of intensity incongruence in synthesized multimodal expressions of laughter 117
Automated Laughter Detection from Full-Body Movements 114
Using the Audio Respiration Signal for Multimodal Discrimination of Expressive Movement Qualities 112
Multimodal analysis of laughter for an interactive system 111
The influence of a virtual companion on amusement when watching funny films 111
Gelotophobia and the challenges of implementing laughter into virtual agents interactions 108
Towards a model of nonverbal leadership in unstructured joint physical activity 107
Rhythmic Body Movements of Laughter 101
How is your laugh today? 98
From motions to emotions: Classification of Affect from Dance Movements using Deep Learning 96
The effect of wrinkles, presentation mode, and intensity on the perception of facial actions and full-face expressions of laughter 95
Analysis of movement quality in full-body physical activities 95
Computational Commensality: From Theories to Computational Models for Social Food Preparation and Consumption in HCI 90
Does embodied training improve the recognition of mid-level expressive movement qualities sonification? 85
Analysis of cognitive states during bodily exploration of mathematical concepts in visually impaired children 84
Laugh When You’re Winning 82
Guest Editorial: Towards Machines Able to Deal with Laughter 81
null 77
An expressive ECA showing complex emotions 75
Greta: An interactive expressive ECA system 65
null 48
The role of respiration audio in multimodal analysis of movement qualities 46
Comfortability Analysis Under a Human–Robot Interaction Perspective 34
Can Robots Elicit Different Comfortability Levels? 26
What's on your plate? Collecting multimodal data to understand commensal behavior 25
Social Interaction Data-sets in the Age of Covid-19: a Case Study on Digital Commensality 23
Editorial: Computational Commensality 23
Can robots impact human comfortability during a live interview? 22
Affect Recognition in Hand-Object Interaction Using Object-Sensed Tactile and Kinematic Data 22
Introducing artificial commensal companions 19
Comfortability Recognition from Visual Non-verbal Cues 19
A VR game-based system for multimodal emotion data collection 18
Unleashing the Transferability Power of Unsupervised Pre-Training for Emotion Recognition in Masked and Unmasked Facial Images 18
Appraisal theory-based mobile app for physiological data collection and labelling in the wild 16
Multimodal Emotion Recognition of Hand-Object Interaction 16
Eating with an artificial commensal companion 16
Toward Emotion Recognition From Physiological Signals in the Wild: Approaching the Methodological Issues in Real-Life Data Collection 16
Room for one more? - Introducing artificial commensal companions 15
Towards Commensal Activities Recognition 14
Expressions intelligentes des émotions 12
Social robots as eating companions 11
Communicating emotional states with the Greta agent 11
Self-assessment of affect-related events for physiological data collection in the wild based on appraisal theories 11
Emotional Interactive Storyteller System 9
Coordinating the generation of signs in multiple modalities in an affective agent 9
Greta, une plateforme d'agent conversationnel expressif et interactif 9
Expressions of empathy in ECAs 9
Multimodal interactive VR mindfulness experience 9
Fuzzy similarity of facial expressions of embodied agents 9
Affect expression in ECAs: Application to politeness displays 9
Evaluation of multimodal sequential expressions of emotions in ECA 9
La compréhension de la machine à travers l'expression non-verbale 8
Multimodal complex emotions: Gesture expressivity and blended facial expressions 8
Smiling virtual agent in social context 8
Towards a smiling ECA: Studies on mimicry, timing and types of smiles 8
AVLaughterCycle: Enabling a virtual agent to join in laughing with a conversational partner using a similarity-driven audiovisual laughter animation 8
Cross-media agent platform 8
Computational Models of Expressive Behaviors for a Virtual Agent 7
Introducing Multimodal Sequential Emotional Expressions for Virtual Characters 7
Facial Expressions of Emotions for Virtual Characters 7
Modeling Multiple Temporal Scales of Full-body Movements for Emotion Classification 7
Estimation of FAPs and intensities of AUs based on real-time face tracking 7
Constraint-based model for synthesis of multimodal sequential expressions of emotions 7
Human and Virtual Agent Expressive Gesture Quality Analysis and Synthesis 7
Expression of affects in embodied conversational agents 7
The AVLaughterCycle database 7
Facial deception in humans and ECAs 7
Laugh-aware virtual agent and its impact on user Amusement 7
Fostering Interactive Mindfulness Experiences in VR 7
How is believability of a virtual agent related to warmth, competence, personification, and embodiment? 6
Model of facial expressions management for an embodied conversational agent 6
Perception of blended emotions: From video corpus to expressive agent 6
How a virtual agent should smile? Morphological and dynamic chacteristics of virtual agent's smiles 6
From Polarization to Pro-Sociality: Measuring Beneficence in Controversial Online Conversations 6
Greta: Towards an Interactive Conversational Virtual Companion 6
Perception of spatial relations and of coexistence with virtual agents 6
Towards multimodal expression of laughter 6
Modeling emotional expressions as sequences of behaviors 6
Sounding bodies: Exploring sonification to promote physical contact 5
Warmth, competence, believability and virtual agents 5
Diffusion-Based Unsupervised Pre-training for Automated Recognition of Vitality Forms 5
Intelligent expressions of emotions 5
Automatic Detection of Reflective Thinking in Mathematical Problem Solving based on Unconstrained Bodily Exploration 4
Towards the dataset for analysis and recognition of facial expressions intensity 4
Nonverbal Leadership in Joint Full-Body Improvisation 2
Totale 4.121
Categoria #
all - tutte 16.143
article - articoli 5.508
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 9.765
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 114
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 756
Totale 32.286

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020531 0 0 0 0 0 77 93 50 67 137 96 11
2020/2021333 17 31 31 21 10 40 12 41 18 65 17 30
2021/2022422 23 16 15 53 31 32 16 93 42 30 11 60
2022/2023525 33 45 17 28 59 62 16 45 78 8 85 49
2023/2024542 36 52 23 54 52 123 24 22 20 31 26 79
2024/2025641 32 112 61 84 210 142 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.121