Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 14.221
Totale 14.221
Nazione #
IT - Italia 14.221
Totale 14.221
Città #
Genova 10.639
Rapallo 1.647
Genoa 975
Vado Ligure 902
Bordighera 58
Totale 14.221
Nome #
Spatial width oscillations in meandering rivers at equilibrium 170
A unified bar-bend theory of river meanders 154
A simple hydro-elastic model of the dynamics of a vitreous membrane 148
Long-term evolution and morphodynamic equilibrium of tidal channels 147
Effect of suspended load on sandbar instability 142
Sand bars in tidal channels. Part 2. Tidal meanders 141
Bed load at low Shields stress on arbitrarily sloping beds: alternative entrainment formulation 140
What controls bar migration in tidal channels? 134
Downstream and upstream influence in river meandering. Part 1. Planimetric development 133
Nearly pure sorting waves and formation of bedload sheets 133
Effect of grain sorting on the formation of bedforms 130
Experimental observations of upstream overdeepening 130
Nonlinearity and unsteadiness in river meandering: a review of progress in theory and modelling 130
Finite-Amplitude Alternate Bars 130
On the migration of tidal free bars 130
Fluvial Sedimentary Patterns 130
A one-dimensional eco-geomorphic model of marsh response to sea level rise: Wind effects, dynamics of the marsh border and equilibrium 130
Settling of heavy particles in a turbulent Stokes layer: Numerical simulations 130
The future of coastal ecosystems: learning from Venice. 128
Where river and tide meet: the morphodynamic equilibrium of alluvial estuaries 127
On tide propagation in convergent estuaries 127
Bed load at low Shields stress on arbitrarily sloping beds: failure of the Bagnold hypothesis 127
Laboratory observations of the morphodynamic evolution of tidal channels and tidal inlets 127
Estuarine patterns: an introduction to their morphology and mechanics 126
Depth-integrated modeling of suspended sediment transport 126
On the nature of meander instability 123
Linear stability of a growing or collapsing bubble in slightly viscous liquid 123
A non linear model for river meandering 123
Experimental observations of the morphodynamic evolution of a tidal channel flanked laterally by tidal flats 121
Can tide dominance be inferred from the point bar pattern of tidal meandering channels? 120
Waves of finite amplitude trapped by oscillating gates 118
Free-forced interactions in developing meanders and suppression of free bars 117
Alternate bars and meandering: free, forced a mixed interactions 117
Estuarine patterns: an introduction to their morphology and mechanics 117
Are inlets responsible for the morphological degradation of Venice Lagoon? 117
Finite amplitude bars in mixed bedrock-alluvial channels 117
How long are tidal channels? 117
Finite amplitude bed deformations in totally and partially transporting wide channel bends 117
Chaotic mode competition in the shape oscillations of pulsating bubbles 116
Invitation to sediment transport 112
Weakly nonlinear theory of regular meanders 112
Reductionist versus holistic approaches to the study of river meandering: An ideal dialogue 112
Laboratory measurements of upstream overdeepening 111
On the formation and migration of free bars in finite tidal channels. 111
A non linear model for river meandering 110
On width variations in meandering rivers 109
The effect of migrating bedforms on local scour around bridge piers 109
A simple model for the evaluation of the net exchange of sand through the inlets of Venice lagoon 107
On the convective nature of bar instability 107
On Rayleigh’s Criterion for Slowly Varying Flows 106
The Centrifugal Instability of a Stokes Layer: Asymmetric Distur-bances 106
Reply to Comment by Cao and Hu on Long waves in erodible channels and morphodynamic influence 106
Sand bars in tidal channels. Part. 1. Free bars 105
The role of the inlets in the morphological degradation of Venice Lagoon 105
Morphodynamic response of meandering channels to width variations 105
Centrifugal Instability of a Stokes Layer: Linear Theory 105
Depth-integrated modeling of suspended sediment transport - Reply 104
Linear Stability of Slowly Varying Unsteady Flows in a Curved Channel 104
A non linear model for river meandering 103
Long waves in erodible channels and morphodynamic influence 103
On formation and migration of free bars in finite tidal channels 100
On the equilibrium profile of river beds 96
A simple model for the evaluation of the long term net exchange of sand through the inlets of Venice lagoon 95
The Centrifugal Instability of a Stokes Layer: Nonlinear Theory 95
Sviluppo sostenibile ed equilibrio dei sistemi idrici naturali 94
A theoretical framework for the morphodynamicsof bedrock channels 94
Are inlets responsible for the morphodynamic degradation of Venice Lagoon? 93
Tide propagation in channels with adjacent tidal flats 93
A non linear model for equilibrium bed topography in meandering channels 93
Curvature driven distortion of free bars in river bends 92
Can salt marshes survive sea level rise? 92
The effect of migrating bedforms on local scour around bridge piers 91
An instability mechanism relevant to flow in the aorta 90
On the formation of outer-deltas at tidal inlets 89
A non-linear model for flow and bed topography in tidal meandering channels 89
Long term morphodynamic equilibrium of tidal channels: preliminary laboratory observations 86
Modeling the morphodynamics of tidal inlets 86
Upstream influence in erodible beds. 86
On the incipient formation of bars and channels on alluvial fans 86
Experimental observations of the morphodynamic evolution of a tidal channel flanked laterally by tidal flats 85
Finite Amplitude Bars in Mixed Bedrock-Alluvial River Channel Bends 85
Modeling the morphodynamic response to width variations with and application to the Magra River (Italy) 85
Open problems in modeling the long term morphodynamic evolution of Venice Lagoon 85
Non linear oscillations of non spherical cavitation bubbles in acoustic fields 85
Long term net exchange of sand through Venice inlets 84
Uniform mudflow in narrow cross sections: theory and experiments 84
Discussion of: 'River-meander model. I: development' by A.J. Odgaard 84
A Rational approach to fluvial morphodynamic equilibrium: the Magra River, Italy 83
Channel morphology, vegetation and sea level rise: preliminary investigations on the evolution of salt marshes 83
On various mechanisms controlling the morphodynamic equilibrium of tidal channels 82
Morphodynamic simulation of alternate bars in tidal channels 82
Morphodynamic equilibrium of short micro-tidal channels and theoretical foundation of O'Brien law 82
The morphodynamics of braiding rivers: experimental and theoretical results on unit processes 82
Tidal meanders 81
Long term morphodynamic equilibrium of tidal channels: theory and experiments 81
Propagation of a Herschel-Bulkley fluid over a curved erodible bottom 80
The fate of Venice lagoon in the century of global warming. 79
Bend theory for river meanders: comparison between linear and non linear models 79
Effects of tidal flats on tide propagation and sediment transport in tidal channels 78
Long term net exchange of sand through Venice inlets 78
Totale 10.752
Categoria #
all - tutte 37.636
article - articoli 19.313
book - libri 196
conference - conferenze 14.043
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 724
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.360
Totale 75.272

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.737 0 0 0 0 0 313 654 169 295 696 449 161
2020/2021632 37 39 38 48 24 80 19 53 108 55 58 73
2021/20221.741 17 136 83 284 37 94 108 489 54 167 79 193
2022/20231.937 171 84 33 202 268 352 6 136 312 10 341 22
2023/2024704 42 116 15 73 51 110 62 41 45 6 43 100
2024/2025949 76 190 126 101 252 204 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 14.285