100018 - Dipartimento di Lingue e culture moderne
"Femminismo e filosofia. Appunti in forma di narrazione attorno ai "fatti" e ai libri di Diotima"
2000-01-01 Villa, Luisa
"Kim. Rudyard Kiplin, 1901"
2003-01-01 Villa, Luisa
"La colpa: Lord Jim"
2001-01-01 Villa, Luisa
"La Tigre della Malesia. Emilio Salgari, 1883-1884"
2003-01-01 Villa, Luisa
"Taming the Desert": Civilization, Trains and Warfare in the Sudan
2024-01-01 Villa, Luisa
"The Early James and Ruskin: Intergenerational Frictions"
2001-01-01 Villa, Luisa
'A cruel double-magic': Modern Travel and Its Complexities in Rudyard Kipling's Egypt of the Magicians
2010-01-01 Villa, Luisa
'Atrocities of Justice': British Responses to the Denshawai Trial
2014-01-01 Villa, Luisa
'Desisting Resistance': The Representation of Schopenhauerian Pessimism in Late-Nineteenth Century Britain
2004-01-01 Villa, Luisa
A culpa: Lord Jim
2009-01-01 Villa, Luisa
A Footnote to Cultural History: Modernism, Imperialism, and Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
2018-01-01 Villa, Luisa
A Footnote to Cultural History: Modernism, Imperialism, and Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
2006-01-01 Villa, Luisa
Château Désir and Beyond: The Young Disraeli, and the Politics of Silver-fork Fiction
2020-01-01 Villa, L.
Con Churchill, Steevens, Burleigh e altri a Omdurman: note sulla rappresentazione della 'riconquista' del Sudan (1898)
2006-01-01 Villa, Luisa
Con Lothair a Mentana: Benjamin Disraeli e la "questione romana"
2013-01-01 Villa, Luisa
Da The Light That Failed a Kim: Kipling e la maschilità negli anni Novanta
2004-01-01 Villa, Luisa
Estetismo e decadenza
1994-01-01 Villa, Luisa
2014-01-01 Villa, Luisa
Gissing's Saturnalia: Urban Crowds, Carnivalesque Subversion and the Crisis of Paternal Authority
2006-01-01 Villa, Luisa
Henry James: la metropoli e il suo soggetto
1991-01-01 Villa, Luisa