Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 5.885
Totale 5.885
Nazione #
IT - Italia 5.885
Totale 5.885
Città #
Genova 4.493
Rapallo 749
Genoa 462
Vado Ligure 156
Bordighera 25
Totale 5.885
Nome #
Effects of corticosterone on neurons of reticular formation in rats 168
Postural control after a strenuous treadmill exercise 149
Effects of fatiguing treadmill exercise on body balance 133
Influence of gabaergic mechanisms on baroreceptor inputs to the nucleus tractus solitarii of rats 129
Age-related analysis of insulin resistance, body weight and arterial pressure in the Zucker fatty rat 128
Actions of microelectrophoretically applied glucocorticoid hormones on reticular formation neurones in the rat 125
Effect of microelectrophoretically applied corticosterone on raphe neurones in the rat 121
Cardiovascular effects of microinjection of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in the nucleus tractus solitarii of spontaneously hypertensive rats 118
Effects of atrial natriuretic factor microinjected into the nucleus tractus solitarii of spontaneously hypertensive rats 118
Effects of corticosterone on neurones of the locus coeruleus, in the rat 118
Power spectrum analysis of cardiovascular variability in anaesthetised SHR and WKY rats. 115
Power spectrum analysis of cardiovascular variability in anaesthetized SHR and WKY rats 114
Age-related analysis of glucose metabolism in spontaneously hypertensive and normotensive rats 114
The role of ANF in functional properties of the central pathways of cardiovascular reflexes 113
C-peptide-based assessment of insulin secretion in the Zucker fatty rat: A modelistic study 111
Neuronal and cardiovascular responses to ANF microinjected into the solitary nucleus 99
Reflex cardiovascular responses to somatic stimulation in spontaneously hypertensive rats 94
Ruolo dell'informazione propriocettiva sul mantenimento della postura dopo esercizio massimale 92
The direct effect of insulin on barosensitive neurones in the nucleus tractus solitarii of rats 92
Indexes of glucose metabolism in SHR and WKY rats 90
Power spectrum analysis of heart rate variability in the young Zucker rat 90
Somatosympathetic reflex in spontaneously hypertensive rats 90
Parametric analysis of heart rate variability in anaestethized SHR and WKY rats 88
Insulin sensitivity and glucose effectiveness estimated by the minimal model technique in spontaneously hypertensive and normal rats 88
GABA b receptor-mediated tonic inhibition in central cardiovascular control within the RVLM 86
Effects of fatiguing treadmill exercise on body balance 85
Actions of glucocorticoid hormones on neurones of the rat reticular formation 83
Indexes of glucose metabolism in old and young SHR rats 81
GABA b receptors-mediated mechanisms in the RVLM studied by microinjections of two GABA b receptor antagonists 81
Analysis of heart rate variability by continuous wavelet transform in the rat 80
Microinjection of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) into the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) elicits arterial hypotension and increased firing rate of NTS units in rats anaesthetized with urethane 80
Effects of atrial natriuretic factor on neurones of the nucleus tractus solitarii, in the anaesthetized rat 80
Heart rate variability analysis in anaesthetized SHR and WKY rats 79
Parametric analysis of heart rate variability in anaesthetized SHR and WKY rats 79
Indexes of glucose metabolism in old and young WKY rats 78
Physiological effects of glucocorticoid hormones on single neurones of the brain stem, in the rat 78
Physiological role of GABAB receptors in central cardiovascular control within the RVLM 78
Evaluation of insulin sensitivity in the rat 76
Ageing and hypertension do not affect glucose metabolism in the rat 75
Comparison of minimal model based estimates of insulin sensitivity and glucose effectiveness in SHR and WKY rats 75
Indexes of glucose metabolism estimated by minimal model technique in old rats with spontaneous hypertension 73
Effects of corticosterone on neurones of the locus coeruleus, in the rat 73
GABAB receptors mediate tonic inhibition of RVLM vasopressor neurones 72
Effects of fatiguing treadmill exercise on body balance 72
Spectral analisys of cardiovascular variability in spontaneously hypertensive and normal rats 71
Physiological effects of glucocorticoid hormones on single neurones of the brain stem reticular formation in the rat 70
Vascular reactivity in young hyperinsulinemic, insulin-resistant Zucker rats 70
Ageing and hypertension do not affect glucose metabolism in the rat 64
Importanza fisiologica dei neuroni troncoencefalici di ratto, sensibili agli ormoni glucocorticoidi. 63
Actions of 3alfa,5alfa-tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone on single neurones of mesencephalic reticular formation in the rat 63
Neuronal and cardiovascular responses to ANF microinjected into the nucleus ambiguus 62
Effects of 3a,5a-tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone on single neurones of mesencephalic reticular formation of rats 60
Minimal model assessment of insulin resistance in relation to body weight in the Zucker fatty rat 60
Role of GABAB receptors in tonic inhibitory mechanisms within the RVLM 59
The influence of angiotensin II within the nucleus tractus solitarii on the baroreceptor reflex 58
Minimal model analysis of glucose kinetics in young homozygote and heterozygote Zucker rats 58
Caratteristiche della risposta neuronale del locus coeruleus in seguito ad applicazione microelettroforetica di sostanze eccitatorie 58
Vascular reactivity in young hyperinsulinemic insulin-resistant Zucker rats 57
Effetti cardiovascolari di microiniezioni di atrial natriuretic factor nel nucleo ambiguo di ratto 55
Neuronal and cardiovascular effects of microinjections of atrial natriuretic factor into the nucleus ambiguus of the rat 55
Effetti del corticosterone su neuroni del locus coeruleus di ratto 52
Effetti dell'applicazione microelettroforetica di corticosterone su singoli neuroni del locus coeruleus di ratto 51
Effetti fisiologici del 3alfa,5alfa-tetraidrodesossicorticosterone (THDOC) su singoli neuroni della formazione reticolare mesencefalica di ratto 51
Importanza fisiologica di neuroni sensibili ai glicocorticoidi della formazione reticolare di ratto 48
Effetti neuronali e cardiovascolari di microiniezioni di fattore natriuretico atriale nel nucleo del tratto solitario 46
Effects of intraoral mechanoreceptor stimulation on reticular formation neurones, in the rabbit 43
Meccanismi inibitori tonici GABA b-mediati nel controllo cardiovascolare centrale 29
Totale 5.890
Categoria #
all - tutte 15.600
article - articoli 8.202
book - libri 256
conference - conferenze 6.271
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 871
Totale 31.200

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.309 0 0 0 63 115 155 228 63 110 316 193 66
2020/2021284 18 14 22 22 5 42 10 20 41 31 27 32
2021/2022810 10 80 61 81 15 29 41 247 36 79 21 110
2022/2023879 83 45 8 91 134 172 2 68 146 9 109 12
2023/2024352 17 61 2 33 16 47 41 29 21 2 32 51
2024/2025161 8 87 37 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.890