Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.147
Totale 9.147
Nazione #
IT - Italia 9.147
Totale 9.147
Città #
Genova 5.738
Genoa 1.363
Rapallo 1.243
Vado Ligure 781
Bordighera 22
Totale 9.147
Nome #
Motivation-based segmentation in the cruise industry: an exploratory study 170
Tradable traffic rights for urban transport 133
A maritime forum for science and business 131
Dealing with multi-scalar embeddedness and institutional divergence: Evidence from the renovation of Italian port governance 128
Maritime liner shipping and the stevedoring industry: market structure and competition strategies 126
Italian ports: towards a new governance? 125
Port, cities and labour opportunities 125
A multi-step approach to model the relative efficiency of European ports: the role of regulation and other non discretionary factors 124
Market structures and competitive strategies: the carrier-stevedore arm-wrestling in Northern European ports 121
Exploring motivation as a segmentation criterion in the cruise industry 121
Port Investment: profitability, economic impact and financing 117
Co-operation in maritime and port industry and its effects on market structure 116
Economia della mobilità urbana 116
Der Einfluß des Wirtschaftswachstums im Mittelmeerraum auf das europäische Hafen- und Verkehrssystem 113
Attractiveness of Port-Centric Advanced Logistics Clusters 113
Ports and employment in port cities 113
La città logistica 112
Impact of the Mediterranean Economic Growth on the European Port and Transport System 111
Co-operation in Maritime and Port Industry and Its Effects on Markets Structure 111
Targeting the young criusers market: Motivations and behavioural intentions 111
The liner shipping industry and EU competition rules 110
On the global optimum size of port terminals, International Journal of Transport Economics 108
Competition and privatization issues in urban public transport. The case of Italy 108
Knowledge-based urban environments and entrepreneurship: Inside EU cities 107
Socio economic impact of transport policies: an institutional approach 102
The role of port authorities and their degrees of freedom 101
The role for ports in intermodal transport and global competition: a survey of Italian container terminals 100
The role for ports in the economic development of Mediterranean Countries 98
Breaking Down the "Social Distancing" of the Port 97
Policies for sustainable mobility in Italian cities 96
A multi-step approach to model the relative efficiency of Europeaqn ports: the role of regulation and other non discretionary factors 96
The role of external factors versus managerial ability in determining seaports' relative efficiency: An input-by-input analysis through a multi-step approach on a panel of Southern European ports 95
Towards a new governance scheme for the Italian ports 93
Port management performance and contextual variables: Which relationship? Methodological and empirical issues 93
Port Financing and Pricing in the European Union: Theory, Politics and Reality 93
The role for ports in intermodal transports and global competition: a survey of Italian container terminals 92
“Mediterranean ports in the global network: how to make the hub & spoke paradigm sustainable?” 92
Impact of megaships on the performance of port container terminals 92
Competition and privatisation issues in urban public transport. The case of Italy 90
Ridisegnare il panorama economico delle città portuali / Reshaping the Economic Landscape of Port Cities 90
Investments and financial instruments in port management 90
Città portuali: l'economia e il territorio 88
Optimal location of bus depots in urban area 88
Rashaping the Economic Landscape of Port Cities 88
Port governance reform and institutional plasticity: insights from the Italian case 88
Aspetti economici del trasporto intermodale 86
Ancorare i porti al territorio. Dai traffici alla marittimizzazione 85
Urban Freight Modeling and Policy Analysis 85
Demaritimization or remaritimization? L'evoluzione dello scenario economico nelle città portuali 84
Economika Morskogo Transporta 84
Financial operators in port infrastructures: Typologies, objectives and global strategies 84
The economic Port Landscape. From Traffic to Remaritimisation. El paisaje economico de los puertos. Dél trafico a la remaritimizacion 83
Mediterranean ports in the global network: how to make the hub & spoke paradigm sustainable? 82
Ports and Regional Economies. The future of port clusters 82
Intermodal transport in urban passenger mobility 80
Ancorare i porti al territorio 79
Critical Issues in the Port and Maritime Sector 79
The Port, “capital” of the territory 78
Which antitrust rules are suitable for promoting sustainable competition in the liner shipping industry?, ANNALS OF MARITIME STUDIES 78
The Role of the Knowledge Cities Features in Nurturing Entrepreneurship: Evidence from EU Cities 77
Mobilità sostenibile. La Sopraelevata 77
The impact of Mediterranean economic growth on the European port and transport system, Promet-Traffic-Traffico, to be published 76
Territorial impacts of ports. Genoa’s seaport cluster 75
Accessibilità, infrastrutture e commercio internazionale: Ucraina e Italia a confronto 74
Evaluation Plan - CARAVEL Travelling toward a new mobility 74
Which antitrust rules are suitable for promoting sustainable competition in the liner shipping industry? 73
Trasporti, Logistica, e Reti di Imprese: Competitività del Sistema e Ricadute sui Territori Locali 72
Città portuali: organizzarsi per il lavoro 72
Italian and French Experiences in Mediterranean and South East European Transport System: wich learning for Ukraine? 72
A multi-step approach to model european ports' relative efficiency 71
Mobilità urbana e sostenibilità 70
On the economic impact of ports: Local vs. National Costs and Benefits 69
An indicator for measuring the perceived quality of local public transport: relationship with use and satisfaction with the ticket price. 68
Port added value at the heart of the city-port negotiations 67
Mediterranean ports in the global network: how to make the hub&spoke paradigm sustainable? 66
Porti, lavoro, economia. Le regioni portuali di fronte alla rivoluzione logistica 65
Ports and Economic Impact: main changes, assessment approaches and distribution disequilibrium 65
Trasporti: economia, storia, imprese, ambiente 64
Introduzione alla Mobility as a Service: lo stato dell’arte in Italia e best cases europei 64
I trasporti nella politica europea: obiettivi, risultati, limiti 64
Sostenibilità, qualità e sicurezza nei sistemi di trasporto e logistica 64
Accessibilità e sviluppo locale: il caso dei distretti industriali italiani 64
Design and simulation of a steel supply chain: the case of Ferrania plant in Bormida valley 64
Gestión portuaria y tráficos marítimos 63
Investimenti pubblici e privati nello sviluppo dei porti 63
Prospettive del trasporto pubblico locale in Italia 61
Liner Shipping and Antitrust Regulation: Some Comments 61
Economics of Short Sea Shipping 60
Le rôle du transport maritime à courte distance en Italie: le cas de la région nord-ouest 57
Modelos de Gestion Portuaria 57
I trasporti e L'Europa. Politiche, infrastrutture, concorrenza 56
Smart sustainable cities and the urban knowledge-based economy. A NUTS3 level analysis. 56
Forme di cooperazione nel settore marittimo-portuale: quale spazio per un'equa competizione 55
Trasporti, ambiente e territorio. La ricerca di un nuovo equilibrio 54
Entreprenuership and the cities in a knowledge-based approach. Evidences from EU 51
La regolazione nel settore portuale 49
Totale 8.679
Categoria #
all - tutte 27.593
article - articoli 9.634
book - libri 1.739
conference - conferenze 4.909
curatela - curatele 2.398
other - altro 216
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 8.697
Totale 55.186

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.012 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 443 331 97
2020/2021382 32 26 26 21 17 58 15 23 58 36 42 28
2021/20221.150 12 102 89 138 34 57 85 307 48 96 35 147
2022/20231.490 133 67 33 154 210 255 2 106 247 19 222 42
2023/2024655 51 89 14 65 61 132 39 46 30 15 23 90
2024/20251.275 65 144 55 111 288 184 168 239 21 0 0 0
Totale 9.249