100023 - Dipartimento di Informatica, bioingegneria, robotica e ingegneria dei sistemi
COVID-19 Impacts on the IT Job Market: A Massive Job Ads Analysis
2023-01-01 Cerioli, M.; Leotta, M.; Ricca, F.
Fight silent horror unit test methods by consulting a TestWizard
2023-01-01 Cerioli, M.; Lagorio, G.; Leotta, M.; Ricca, F.
Free Objects and Equational Deduction for Partial Conditional Specifications
1995-01-01 Astesiano, Egidio; Cerioli, Maura
May I Borrow Your Logic? (Transporting Logical Structures along Maps)
1997-01-01 Cerioli, Maura; Meseguer, J.
Non-strict Don't Care Algebras and Specifications
1996-01-01 Astesiano, Egidio; Cerioli, Maura
Partial Higher-Order Specifications
1992-01-01 Astesiano, Egidio; Cerioli, Maura
Two experiments for evaluating the impact of Hamcrest and AssertJ on assertion development
2020-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Cerioli, Maura; Olianas, Dario; Ricca, Filippo
Very Abstract Specifications: A Formalism Independent Approach
1998-01-01 Cerioli, Maura; Reggio, Gianna
What are IoT systems for real? An experts’ survey on software engineering aspects
2020-01-01 Reggio, G.; Leotta, M.; Cerioli, M.; Spalazzese, R.; Alkhabbas, F.