Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 13.277
Totale 13.277
Nazione #
IT - Italia 13.277
Totale 13.277
Città #
Genova 9.352
Rapallo 1.525
Vado Ligure 1.193
Genoa 1.187
Bordighera 20
Totale 13.277
Nome #
Design Support System of Fishing Vessel Through Simulation Approach 159
Study of the behaviour of flexible production systems using neural nets 135
Evaluation and Analysis by Simulation of a Production Line Model Built with Back-Propagation Neural Networks 126
Design and Simulation of a Short Life-Cycle Product Supply Chain: a System Dynamics Approach 123
Operative Requirements and Advances for the New Generation Simulators in Multimodal Container Terminals 120
Genetic Algorithms and Web Based Simulation for Facility Design 119
A decomposition model for performance management of health-care operation 118
Use of System Dynamics for Modelling the Logistic Facilities of an Offshore Supply Base Operated by a Multinational Company 118
Predesign of Denitration Plants for Thermoelectric Power-Plants Flue-Gas by Simulation Techniques 117
An innovative model for supporting FMEA/FMECA analysis on complex coal fired power plants 116
Renewable energy sources integrated with electric power supply in manufacturing companies: A management model 115
A guideline for choosing the best modeling approach for maritime logistic simulation 113
Management redesign of a multi-product line through discrete event simulation and response surface methodology 112
Technical and Economical Analysis by Simulation for the Treatment of Special Waste 110
Simulative comparison between ship and airship for the transport of waste natural gas from oil wells 109
Combined Simulation for improving Operations in LNG Logistics: a Case Study 108
A New Approach to Experimental Design on Management Simulators of Complex Industrial Plants: Ball Design 108
Use of Artificial Neural Networks as Support for Energy Saving Procedures in Telecommunications 107
Two methodologies to support gas turbine power plant availabilty estimation: design of experiment and Montecarlo simulation 104
An Innovative System of Artificial Intelligence based on Neural Network for Technical and Management Analysis of Composting Plants 102
Fuzzy and Simulation Based Techniques for Industrial Safety And Risk Assessment 101
Using system dynamics for short life cycle supply chains evaluation 100
Simulation of hazardous material fallout for emergency management during accidents 100
A different use for Systems Dynamics formalism in harbor modeling: a case study 98
A passive decay heat removal system for the lead cooled fast reactor demonstrator "Alfred" 98
Business Processe Re-Engineering using the Simulation in Engineering Companies 97
An innovative stochastic approach to forecast the demand of new products 96
The steepest ascent method in the optimization of discrete simulations of complex industrial plants: a new approach. 96
Harbour Maritime & Multmodal Logistics Modelling & Simulation 95
International, National and Regional Sea Transportation Evolution: a Simulation Based Approach to Improve Performances of Ligurian Ports 94
Analysis of the vibration behaviour and evaluation of the fatigue life consumption of the structural elements of a tele-diagnostics device of an underground rail vehicle 94
Advanced Techniques for Urban Cleaning Planning 93
An expert controller in a F.M.S. Management. 93
Procedural approach for a neural network based analysis of an industrial plant: automatic bottling line 93
An integrated model for supporting better fishering vessel design by modeling fish schools dynamics ready for HLA 92
A contribute of discrete simulation to the design and management of a polyfunctional centre for special industrial and toxic-hurtful wastes. 90
Simulink Study of a Smart Node for Domestic Applications, Equipped with PV Panel, Energy Storage and Home Automation 90
Philosophy and constructions of a modular decision support system starting from a corporate model. 90
Modelling & Identification as A Decision Support System for Retail Chains 89
Decision-Support Systems and Simulation for Logistics: Moving Forward for a Distributed, Real-Time, Interactive Simulation Environment 88
Objectives and perspectives for improving resiliency in Supply Chains 88
A Smart Box for Blood Bags Transport: Simulation Model of the Cooling Autonomy Control System 88
Determination of the optimal operation condition of a F.A.S. by experiment design techniques. 87
Applied Neural Networks for Improving Production Capabilities 86
Stochastic Simulation for the Analysis of Management's Problems of Automatic Flat-Cars in Container Terminals 86
Design of experiment and montecarlo simulation as support for gas turbine power plant availabilty estimation 85
Transportation Safety Improvements through Video Analysis: An Application of Obstacles Collision Detection Applied to Railways and Roads 85
Oil Spill & AI : How to manage the resources by using Simulation 85
Artificial Neural Networks as a System for Production Planning in an Alimentary Plant 84
Tunnelling underground drilling systems: technical/ economical evaluation through hierarchical factorial designs. 84
A Simulation Based Methodology for Supporting CNG Ship Design 84
Risk Management Of Dangerous Freight Using Monte Carlo Simulation: Project And Operation Sides 84
Plant Simulation for Compost Production starting from Sewage Sludge 84
Total Quality Management in Mechatronic Production Facilities through Simulation 82
Simulation & Automatic Parking in a Training System for Terminal Container Yard Management 82
A Quantitative Approach To Evaluate The Impact Of Product Life Cycle on Lay-Out Redesign. 82
Theoretical development and applications of the MSPE methodology in discrete and stochastic simulation models evolving in replicated runs 82
CAD and DBase Integration in Simulation Process 81
Wasp & Worm: Decision-Support Systems Based On Simulation For Freight Railways 81
Resiliency and Vulnerability in Short Life Cycle Products’ Supply Chains: a System Dynamics Model 80
FMS: construction of the simulation model and its statistical validation. 80
Micro-simulation models for vehicular traffic nets. 80
A stochastic approach to identify supply requirements, at an aircraft assembly plant, with respect to the MPS and production policies. 79
A Java Based Tool for supporting High Level Architecture Federation execution control over a WAN 79
The simplex method in the optimization discrete simulations of complex industrial plants: theory, applications, comparisons. 79
Data Driven Simulation in the Health and Hospital Field: a Model for the "G.Gaslini" Clinical Pathology Laboratory Workout 79
Studio delle caratteristiche di punte elicoidali da trapano con applicazioni di metodologie statistiche. Parte seconda: analisi dei risultati 79
Surgery Planning by Using Simulation: a Step forward to Build up a General DSS for Hospital Management 79
Modeling as Support for Maintenance Planning in Industrial Facilities 78
Neural Regressive Metamodels For Supporting Corporate Performance Management In Services Industries 78
The simplex method in the optimization discrete simulations of complex industrial plants: theory, applications comparisons 78
Polynomial fitting and factorial analysis in the simulating approach of a manufacturing firm. 78
Application of neural network to on-line simulations of plant processes 78
Decision Support for the Logistics of Refuse Collection in a Large Metropolitan Area 78
An interactive generalized code for a multibject analysis of discrete simulations for complex industrial plants. 78
A Hybrid Simulation Model for Hospital Complex Plants Risk Evaluation 78
An automatic procedure for controlling part loading in a flexible manufacturing line. 77
An Innovative Model for Supporting Energy-based Cost Reduction in Steel Manufacturing Industry Using Online Real-time Simulation 77
Simulative study of a smart node for domestic applications, equipped with pv panel, energy storage and home automation 77
Project Management Tools: Simulation On Web Environment 77
Verifica del dimensionamento e pratiche operative di un impianto di servizio mediante l' uso corretto di un simulatore stocastico 77
A short review of the SDKs and wearable devices to be used for AR application for industrial working environment 77
Production Games: An Improvement in the Education and Training for Engineers working in Production and Logistics 76
Neural Networks And Fuzzy Control For Bulk Terminal Operating Management 76
Flexible manufacturing system: a simulated comparison between discrete and continuous material handling. 76
Design of a study to use neural networks and fuzzy logic in maintenance planning 76
Combined Modelling Based on Object Oriented Desing & High Performance Petri Nets for the Analysis of Industrial Processes 75
Continous/Discrete Combined Simulation in Industrial Plant Applications 75
Concurrent Design: Coal Bulk Terminal Design Based On Integrated Simulation Methods 75
Models For Supporting Sea Transportation Evolution: A Case Study For An International Harbor System 75
Resiliency and vulnerability in short life cycle products' supply chains: a system dynamics model 75
Quality Service Improvement by Using Human Behaviour Simulation 75
Object-Oriented Modeling of an AGV System for a Harbor Environment 74
Genetic Algorithms and Simulation for Aftersales Supply Chain Re-Engineering Process 74
Simulating assembly processes in automotive support industries for production and design improvement 74
Simulation for the Definition of Locomotive Maintenance Management Policies 74
Using a System Dynamics Approach for Designing and Simulation of Short Life-Cycle Products Supply Chain 74
General Criteria for Distributed Software Design 73
A concrete application of a modular decision support system. 73
Totale 8.991
Categoria #
all - tutte 36.487
article - articoli 7.523
book - libri 207
conference - conferenze 24.724
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 1.442
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.591
Totale 72.974

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.174 0 0 0 0 0 0 443 134 222 714 494 167
2020/2021471 35 34 47 27 17 63 14 33 75 35 48 43
2021/20221.722 15 92 97 240 54 105 102 489 107 169 40 212
2022/20231.814 164 79 13 206 278 347 2 138 334 29 191 33
2023/2024836 41 138 20 88 82 90 51 37 40 17 51 181
2024/20251.277 71 239 86 174 422 279 6 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.371