Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 2.191
Totale 2.191
Nazione #
IT - Italia 2.191
Totale 2.191
Città #
Genova 1.514
Rapallo 268
Genoa 220
Vado Ligure 181
Bordighera 8
Totale 2.191
Nome #
Long-range dispersion and induction coefficients for the homodimers of Li2, Na2 and K2 165
Full-CI calculation of imaginary frequency-dependent dipole-quadrupole polarizabilities of ground state LiH and the C7 dispersion coefficients of LiH-LiH 163
Linear response theory of the dipole-dipole dispersion interaction between H(1s) atoms 149
Full-CI calculation of imaginary frequency-dependent dipole polarizabilities of ground state LiH and the C6 dispersion coefficients of LiH-LiH 130
A simple and fast method for evaluating the athermal limit of semirigid liquid polymers 113
CI calculations of long-range C6 dispersion coefficients for BH-BH 107
Bond-bond pair calculation of rotational barriers 100
Coexisting thermotropic phases within semirigid polymer/solvent binary systems 99
Perturbation calculations of non-expanded interactions in small atomic and molecular systems 92
Frozen-core full-CI calculation of imaginary frequency-dependent dipole polarizabilities of ground state BeH2 and the C6 dispersion coefficients of its homodimer 91
Erratum to: "Full-CI calculation of imaginary frequency-dependent dipole-quadrupole polarizabilities of ground state LiH and the C7 dispersion coefficients of LiH-LiH [Chem. Phys. Lett. 363 (2002) 540-543] 90
Linear pseudostate calculation of the partial wave components of second-order energy for the ground state of atomic two-electron systems in hydrogenic perturbation theory 89
An enlarged basis Full-CI calculation of C7 dispersion coefficients for the LiH-LiH homodimer 86
One-center multipole calculation of second-order perturbation energies for H2+ 85
New programmation techniques for some integrals occurring in the evaluation of molecular interactions 85
C6 dispersion coefficients from reduced dipole pseudospectra 85
Erratum: Full-CI calculation of imaginary frequency-dependent dipole-quadrupole polarizabilities of ground state LiH and the C7 dispersion coefficients of LiH-LiH. 82
Perturbation calculations including exchange on model molecular systems 67
On the convergence rate of an improved multiple expansion for H-H+ induction energy 66
Damping coefficients for Coulombic molecular interactions 60
A generalized multipole expansion of intermolecular interactions 59
Long-range interactions and the shape of Van der Waals dimers 46
Totale 2.197
Categoria #
all - tutte 6.104
article - articoli 3.845
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 2.259
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 12.208

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020463 0 0 0 0 0 53 97 40 62 110 75 26
2020/2021145 10 12 29 11 3 10 5 15 14 15 10 11
2021/2022238 8 14 22 18 5 16 15 58 13 30 8 31
2022/2023320 26 46 3 48 37 59 0 32 49 3 14 3
2023/2024168 6 18 0 28 14 45 6 11 7 2 23 8
2024/2025189 13 29 12 33 57 45 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.197