Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 11.369
Totale 11.369
Nazione #
IT - Italia 11.369
Totale 11.369
Città #
Genova 7.961
Genoa 1.448
Rapallo 1.087
Vado Ligure 853
Bordighera 20
Totale 11.369
Nome #
Clinical characteristics, management and in-hospital mortality of patients with COVID-19 In Genoa, Italy 192
Left ventricular dilatation and subclinical renal damage in primary hypertension 184
Increased renal resistive index in patients with essential hypertension: a marker of target organ damage. 153
Metabolic syndrome is associated with left ventricular dilatation in primary hypertension 153
Chronic kidney disease in hypertension under specialist care: the I-DEMAND study 152
Ambulatory arterial stiffness index and renal abnormalities in primary hypertension 150
Antihypertensive Treatment and Renal Protection: the role of drugs inhibiting the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. 142
Cardiovascular and renal effects of hyperuricaemia and gout. 139
Peripheral artery disease and blood pressure profile abnormalities in hemodialysis patients 139
C-reactive protein and target organ damage in untreated patients with primary hypertension. 136
Impact of target organ damage assessment in the evaluation of global risk in patients with essential hypertension. 135
Chronic intake of micrograms of abscisic acid improves glycemia and lipidemia in a human study and in high-glucose fed mice 134
Subclinical functional and structural renal abnormalities predict new onset type 2 diabetes in patients with primary hypertension 133
Mild hyperuricemia and subclinical renal damage in untreated primary hypertension 133
Vitamin D modulates the association of circulating insulin-like growth factor-1 with carotid artery intima-media thickness 132
Vitamin D increases circulating IGF1 in adults: potential implication for the treatment of GH deficiency 129
5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphism and early organ damage in primary hypertension. 129
Changes in renal resistive index and urinary albumin excretion in hypertensive patients under long-term treatment with lisinopril or nifedipine GITS 129
Combined effect of albuminuria and estimated glomerular filtration rate on cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality in uncomplicated hypertensive patients 128
Antihypertensive treatment and renal protection: Is there a J-curve relationship? 128
Use of nifedipine in the treatment of hypertension. 127
Creatinine clearance and early signs of target organ damage in primary hypertension 126
Predicting cardiovascular risk using creatinine clearance and an artificial neural network in primary hypertension 125
Mild renal dysfunction and renal vascular resistance in primary hypertension 123
Combined use of urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (uNGAL) and albumin as markers of early cardiac damage in primary hypertension. 123
Microalbuminuria identifies overall cardiovascular risk in essential hypertension: an artificial neural network-based approach. 122
Coronary flow reserve is impaired in hypertensive patients with subclinical renal damage 122
Metabolic syndrome and ambulatory arterial stiffness index in non-diabetic patients with primary hypertension. 121
Metabolic syndrome is associated with early signs of organ damage in nondiabetic, hypertensive patients 121
Severe vitamin D deficiency is associated with frequently observed diseases in medical inpatients 120
Blood pressure variability and multiple organ damage in primary hypertension 120
Inappropriate left ventricular mass is associated with microalbuminuria independently of left ventricular hypertrophy in primary hypertension 120
Antihypertensive Treatment in Diabetic Kidney Disease: The Need for a Patient-Centered Approach 119
Elderly Woman With Abnormal ECG 119
Overall health assessment: a renal perspective. 118
Hyperuricemia and renal risk 118
Global Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in the Management of Primary Hypertension: The Role of the Kidney 117
Renal and cardiac abnormalities in primary hypertension 116
Genetic polymorphism of the renin-angiotensin system and organ damage in essential hypertension 112
RAAS Inhibition and Renal Protection 112
Chronic kidney disease and albuminuria in arterial hypertension. 111
Microalbuminuria and subclinical cerebrovascular damage in essential hypertension 110
Mild renal dysfunction and cardiovascular risk in hypertensive patients. 110
Vascular permeability, blood pressure, and organ damage in primary hypertension 109
Serum uric acid as a marker of target organ damage in primary hypertension 107
Role of microalbuminuria in the assessment of cardiovascular risk in essential hypertension 107
Cardiovascular and renal risk assessment as a guide for treatment in primary hypertension. 106
Global risk stratification in primary hypertension: the role of the kidney 104
Sub-clinical organ damage in hypertension and obesity 104
Target organ damage and metabolic syndrome in non diabetic hypertensive patients 103
Prevalence and prognostic value of cardiac troponin in elderly patients hospitalized for COVID-19 103
Increased urine semaphorin-3A is associated with renal damage in hypertensive patients with chronic kidney disease: a nested case-control study 102
Microalbuminuria and cardiovascular risk assessment in primary hypertension: should threshold levels be revised? 102
Serum uric acid levels predict new onset type 2 diabetes in hospitalized patients with primary hypertension: the MAGIC study. 101
Optimizing therapy in the diabetic patient with renal disease: antihypertensive treatment. 101
Microalbuminuria is a predictor of chronic renal insufficiency in patients without diabetes and with hypertension: the MAGIC Study 100
Coronary flow reserve is impaired in uncomplicated hypertensive patients with renal dysfunction 100
Metabolic syndrome and microalbuminuria predict renal outcome in non-diabetic patients with primary hypertension: the MAGIC study. 100
Prevalence and Clinical Significance of Persistent Viral Shedding in Hospitalized Adult Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Prospective Observational Study 100
Evaluation of subclinical organ damage for risk assessment and treatment in the hypertensive patient: role of microalbuminuria. 99
Relationship between vitamin D status and left ventricular geometry in a healthy population: results from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging 99
Microalbuminuria blood pressure load, and systemic vascular permeability in primary hypertension 96
Pulse pressure and subclinical cardiovascular damage in primary hypertension 96
Increased ambulatory arterial stiffness index is associated with target organ damage in primary hypertension 95
Left ventricular geometry and function in patients with essential hypertension and microalbuminuria 95
Dyspnoea after home improvement work 95
Mild renal dysfunction and subclinical cardiovascular damage in primary hypertension. 94
Microalbuminuria is an integrated marker of subclinical organ damage in primary hypertension. 94
Relationship between inter-arm difference in systolic blood pressure and arterial stiffness in community-dwelling older adults. 93
Creatinine clearance and signs of end-organ damage in primary hypertension. 93
Clinical characteristics, management and in-hospital mortality of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 in Genoa, Italy 93
Antihypertensive therapy in hypertensive patients with metabolic syndrome. 90
A very low vitamin D threshold, within the range of severe deficiency, identifies an increased risk of non-classical vitamin D-related outcomes in medical inpatients: a role for parathyroid hormone? 90
Microalbuminuria in primary hypertension 90
Blood pressure load, vascular permeability and target organ damage in primary hypertension 87
Chronic kidney disease in the hypertensive patient: an overview of the I-DEMAND study. 87
Mild hyperuricemia and sub-clinical renal damage in primary hypertension 86
Blood pressure phenotype: an evolving picture 86
Looking at the kidney to predict global outcome in the elderly 84
Effects of dual inhibition of renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system on cardiovascular and renal outcomes: balancing the risks and the benefits 82
Serum uric acid and target organ damage in primary hypertension. 81
Metabolic syndrome and chronic kidney disease in high-risk Italian hypertensive patients: the I-DEMAND study. 80
Serum IGF-I concentration is positively associated with 25-hydroxyvitamin D level and increases upon treatment with vitamin D. 79
Cardionephrology, an emerging discipline: Highlights of the sixth Genoa meeting on hypertension, diabetes and renal diseaseTherapy 78
Extensive activation, tissue trafficking, turnover and functional impairment of NK cells in COVID-19 patients at disease onset associates with subsequent disease severity 74
Mild renal dysfunction and subclinical organ damage in primary hypertension 73
Micro-albuminuria reflects blood pressure load and systemic vascular permeability in primary hypertension 73
Improving cardiovascular risk stratification: the case for redefining microalbuminuria. 71
Optimizing global risk evaluation in primary hypertension: the role of microalbuminuria and cardiovascular ultrasonography. 70
Antihypertensive treatment changes and related clinical outcomes in older hospitalized patients 69
Subclinal impairment of left ventricular function and extracardiac organ damage in essential hypertension 67
Serum uric acid and its relationship with metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk profile in patients with hypertension: insights from the I-DEMAND study 65
Increased renovascular resistance in primary hypertension: A marker of mild renal dysfunction. 60
Uric acid in CKD: has the jury come to the verdict? 60
Association of uric acid with kidney function and albuminuria: the Uric Acid Right for heArt Health (URRAH) Project 59
Totale 10.704
Categoria #
all - tutte 37.222
article - articoli 36.728
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 469
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 25
Totale 74.444

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.307 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 202 278 447 284 96
2020/20211.047 51 101 104 54 68 73 122 104 90 107 82 91
2021/20221.399 49 82 77 169 54 120 105 324 45 146 58 170
2022/20231.346 128 81 12 146 195 233 41 93 215 53 106 43
2023/2024705 42 83 19 78 71 124 33 43 43 8 55 106
2024/20251.387 55 165 68 143 292 220 232 212 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.590