100014 - Dipartimento di Scienze della formazione
A brief-term attachment-oriented post-adoption intervention and a long-term follow-up: a single case study
2016-01-01 Pace, CECILIA SERENA; Bizzi, Fabiola; Cavanna, Donatella; Viviana, Guerriero
Adoptive parenting in adolescence: children’s attachment representations and emotion and behavior problems reported by their mothers
2015-01-01 Pace, C. S.; Santona, A.; Bizzi, F.
Assessing mental representatios with respect to parents and post-traumatic symptomatology among children with disruptive behavior disorders.
2016-01-01 Bizzi, Fabiola; Pace, CECILIA SERENA; Cavanna, Donatella; Charpentier Mora, Simone
Attachment and Emotion Regulation in Children with Somatic Symptoms Disorder: An Italian Study
2017-01-01 Bizzi, Fabiola; Yael, Shmueli Goetz; Castellano, Rosetta; Cavanna, Donatella
Attachment and emotional expressive suppression predict aggressive and rule-breaking behaviors in institutionalized male adolescents.
2018-01-01 Muzi, Stefania; Bizzi, Fabiola; Pace, CECILIA SERENA
Attachment, Emotion Regulation and Physiological Reactivity in middle-childhood: a pilot study
2023-01-01 Tironi, M; Mora, Charpentier; Bizzi, F
Bambini adottati tardivamente e attaccamento valutato con il disegno della famiglia: relazioni e confronto altre metodologie.
2019-01-01 Pace, CECILIA SERENA; Bastianoni, Chiara; Muzi, Stefania; Bizzi, Fabiola
Child Attachment Interview: primi dati italiani di un'intervista sull'attaccamento in età evolutiva
2016-01-01 Bizzi, Fabiola; CHARPENTIER MORA, Simone; Cavanna, Donatella
Continuity of attachment in children with disruptive behavior disorders and in their parents: a pilot study
2016-01-01 Bizzi, Fabiola; Castellano, Rosetta; Cavanna, Donatella
DCA e regolazione degli affetti: uno studio empirico su pazienti ricoverati e sui loro genitori
2013-01-01 Bizzi, Fabiola; Velotti, Patrizia; Guiducci, Valentina; Cavanna, Donatella
Disorganized attachment and psychological symptoms in children with somatic disorders
2016-01-01 Bizzi, Fabiola; Charpentier Mora, Simone; Cavanna, Donatella
Disruptive behavior disorder and somatic syptoms disorders. Which strategies of emotion regulation children and their parent's use?
2016-01-01 Bizzi, Fabiola; Castellano, Rosetta; Cavanna, Donatella
Disruptive behavior disorder in middle childhood and early adolescence: What is the role of attachment and emotional regulation strategies?
2018-01-01 Bizzi, F.; Muzi, S.; Pace, C. S.
Emotional Experience, Physiological Reactivity, and Psychological Difficulties during middle childhood: a pilot study
2023-01-01 CHARPENTIER MORA, Simone; Tironi, M; Bizzi, F
Externalizing problems and delinquent behaviors in residential-care male adolescents: associations with peer attachment and alexithymia
2018-01-01 Muzi, Stefania; Bizzi, Fabiola
Fatherhood in jail. Assessing Parental Reflective Functioning with the Five Minute Speech Sample
2019-01-01 Bastianoni, Chiara; CHARPENTIER MORA, Simone; Chiarolanza, Claudia; Bizzi, Fabiola; Cavanna, Donatella
How are the adopted adolescents? A comparison with non-adopted peers in attachment, emotional-behavioral problems and verbal skills
2021-01-01 Pace, CECILIA SERENA; Muzi, Stefania; Bizzi, Fabiola; Cavanna, Donatella
Il ruolo dell’attaccamento nella middle-childhood e nella prima adolescenza: confronto tra gruppi clinici
2014-01-01 Bizzi, Fabiola; Castellano, Rosetta; Cavanna, Donatella
Investigating mental functioning through the Child Attachment Interview: a challenge in adolescence
2022-01-01 Tironi, Marta; Locati, Francesca; Brusadelli, Emanuela; Parolin, Laura; Charpentier-Mora, Simone; Bizzi, Fabiola
Is disorganized attachment a predictor of post-traumatic symptoms in children with Disruptive Behavior Disorders?
2018-01-01 Bizzi, Fabiola; Muzi, Stefania; Pace, CECILIA SERENA; Cavanna, Donatella