100024 - Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, chimica e ambientale
A continuous simulation approach to quantify the climate condition effect on the hydrologic performance of green roofs
2020-01-01 Palla, A.; Gnecco, I.
A daily time-step hydrological-energy-biomass model to estimate green roof performances across Europe to support planning and policies
2024-01-01 Quaranta, E.; Arkar, C.; Branquinho, C.; Cristiano, E.; de Carvalho, R. C.; Dohnal, M.; Gnecco, I.; Gossner, D.; Jelinkova, V.; Maucieri, C.; Mohri, M.; Nektarios, P. A.; Ntoulas, N.; Palermo, S. A.; Palla, A.; Piro, P.; Serrano, H. C.; Soulis, K. X.; Turco, M.; Van Renterghem, T.; Varela, Z.; Viola, F.; Zanin, G.; Pistocchi, A.
A dimensionless approach for the runoff peak assessment: Effects of the rainfall event structure
2018-01-01 Gnecco, Ilaria; Palla, Anna; La Barbera, Paolo
A green roof experimental site in the Mediterranean climate: The storm water quality issue
2013-01-01 Gnecco, Ilaria; Palla, Anna; Lanza, LUCA GIOVANNI; LA BARBERA, Paolo
A mechanistic model to simulate unsaturated flow in a green roof
2009-01-01 Palla, Anna; Gnecco, Ilaria; Lanza, LUCA GIOVANNI; LA BARBERA, Paolo
An Integrated GIS Approach to Assess the Mini Hydropower Potential
2016-01-01 Palla, Anna; Gnecco, Ilaria; LA BARBERA, Paolo; Ivaldi, M.; Caviglia, D.
An investigation of wash-off controlling parameters at urban and commercial sites
2007-01-01 Berretta, Christian; Gnecco, Ilaria; Lanza, LUCA GIOVANNI; LA BARBERA, Paolo
Analysis of high accuracy rain intensity measurements from a field test site
2009-01-01 Gnecco, Ilaria; Lanza, LUCA GIOVANNI; Stagi, Luigi; E., Vuerich
Analysis of highly accurate rain intensity measurements from a field test site
2010-01-01 Lanza, LUCA GIOVANNI; E., Vuerich; Gnecco, Ilaria
Analytic hierarchy process in selecting Bioretention Cells in urban residential settlement: Analysing hydrologic and hydraulic metrics for sustainable stormwater management
2024-01-01 Tameh, Shaahin Nazarpour; Gnecco, Ilaria; Palla, Anna
Assessing the hydrologic performance of a green roof retrofitting scenario for a small urban catchment
2018-01-01 Palla, Anna; Gnecco, Ilaria; LA BARBERA, Paolo
Assessing the socio-economic impacts of green/blue space, urban residential and road infrastructure projects in the Confluence (Lyon): a hedonic pricing simulation approach
2017-01-01 Roebeling, Peter; Saraiva, Miguel; Palla, Anna; Gnecco, Ilaria; Teotónio, Carla; Fidelis, Teresa; Martins, Filomena; Alves, Henrique; Rocha, João
Caratterizzazione delle acque di prima pioggia
2002-01-01 Berretta, Christian; Gnecco, Ilaria; LA BARBERA, Paolo; Lanza, LUCA GIOVANNI
Compared performance of a conceptual and a mechanistic hydrologic model of a green roof
2012-01-01 Palla, Anna; Gnecco, Ilaria; Lanza, LUCA GIOVANNI
Control of Highway Stormwater During Event and Interevent Retention in Best Management Practices
2009-01-01 John, Sansalone; Gaoxiang, Ying; Gnecco, Ilaria; Berretta, Christian; Bo, Liu
Defining intensity–duration–frequency curves at short durations: a methodological framework
2023-01-01 Gnecco, I.; Palla, A.; La Barbera, P.; Roth, G.; Giannoni, F.
Designing domestic rainwater harvesting systems under different climatic regimes in Italy
2013-01-01 Campisano, A; Gnecco, Ilaria; Modica, C; Palla, Anna
Dimensions of shrinkage: Evaluating the socio-economic consequences of population decline in two medium-sized cities in Europe, using the SULD decision support tool
2017-01-01 Saraiva, M.; Roebeling, P.; Sousa, S.; Teotonio, C.; Palla, Anna; Gnecco, Ilaria
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Bioretention Cells for Urban Stormwater Management: A Systematic Review
2023-01-01 NAZARPOUR TAMEH, Shaahin; Gnecco, Ilaria; Palla, Anna
First flush flows water quality in the town of Genoa
2004-01-01 Berretta, Christian; Gnecco, Ilaria; LA BARBERA, Paolo; Lanza, LUCA GIOVANNI