Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 12.288
Totale 12.288
Nazione #
IT - Italia 12.288
Totale 12.288
Città #
Genova 7.867
Rapallo 1.967
Genoa 1.595
Vado Ligure 814
Bordighera 45
Totale 12.288
Nome #
Discovery of Versilian deposits suitable for beach nourishment on the continental shelf of Western Liguria. 195
The Ligurian sea: present status, problems and perspectives 181
La piattaforma continentale ligure: caratteri, struttura ed evoluzione 163
Evaluation of a nourishment programme with a webcam: the case of Levanto (La Spezia, Italy) 150
Evoluzione della fascia costiera tra Voltri e Varazze (Liguria Occ.) 145
Coastal exposure assessment on Bonassola bay 142
Contourite identification along Italian margins: The case of the Portofino drift (Ligurian Sea) 135
The evolution of the dune fields of Platamona-Marritza (northern Sardinia): Application of remote-sensing methods 133
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a seasonal nourishment programme of the pocket beaches of the city of Genoa 133
Biosiliceous marine floras responses to climatic and environmental changes during late Eocene-oligocene- early Miocene transitions in Antarctica 128
Slope instability and erosional features of the Ligurian Margin 126
Late Quaternary deposits from the Ligurian continental shelf (NW Mediterranean): a response to problems of coastal erosion 123
Morphology, distribution and origin of recent submarine landslides of the Ligurian Margin (North-western Mediterranean): some insights into geohazard assessment 111
Palaeoenvironmental Characteristics of the Northern Joides Basin (Ross Sea): Sedimentological and Micropalaeontological Findings (Diatoms and Forams). 110
Recent evolution of the beaches of the gulf of Lerici (La Spezia, Italy) 105
On the design of an intelligent sensor network for flash flood monitoring, diagnosis and management in urban areas position paper 105
A video system application to assess the morphological evolution of the Levanto gravel beach protected by defence work (La Spezia, Italy) 97
Artificial nourishment of the beach of Vesima (Genoa): some sedimentological and morphological results. 96
High-resolution seismic stratigraphy and physical properties of late Quaternary sediments of the northern Joides Basin, Ross Sea, Antarctica 96
Geotechnical, sedimentological characteristics and seismic stratigraphy of Northern Joides Basin (Ross Sea - Antarctica): preliminary results. 95
Northern Western Basin (Ross Sea, Antarctica): Seismostratigraphic Characteristic and Physical Properties of the Recent Sedimentary Deposits - Preliminary Results 94
Distribution and causes of recent landslides along the Ligurian Margin (northwestern Mediterranean) inferred from very-high resolution data: some insights into geohazard assessment 94
Polar marine diatoms: key markers for Cenozoic environmental shifts. Sedimentary and paleo-environmental reports from Antarctic continental margin (Ross Sea, Wilkes Land and Prydz Bay) 94
Atlante delle spiagge italiane. S.EL.C.A., Firenze, Fogli 92-93 Albenga-Savona 94
The trasgressive submarine of the Western sector of the Ligurian continental shelf: the case of San Remo. 93
Atlante delle spiagge italiane. S.EL.C.A., Firenze, Tav. 103 Foglio Imperia 93
Last cycle regressive-transgressive deposits on the continental shelf between Albenga and Loano (western Liguria): a submarine source for the beach nourishment. 91
Idividuazione di depositi versiliani utili al ripascimento delle spiagge sulla piattaforma continentale della Liguria occidentale 91
Geotechnical, sedimentological characteristics and seismic stratigraphy of Northern Joides Basin (Ross Sea - Antarctica): preliminary results 91
Sedimentological review of the Lavagna coast after its reconstruction in the 1970’s. 90
Glacial and post - glacial features detection in the eastern Ross sea near - surface units 89
Gravitative instability of sedimentary masses on the Ligurian Sea margins 89
"Sea Truth Project": a joint research effort to validate a procedure using thematic mapper data to monitor the quality of coastal waters 89
Paleoenvironmental Characteristics of the Northern Joides Basin (Ross Sea): Sedimentological and Micropaleontological Findings (Diatoms and Forams) 88
A morphological and geological outline of the western Ross Sea, Antarctica 88
Liguria pocket beaches: Bonassola case study (La Spezia, Italy) 87
Storm Hazard Assessment for Urban Areas 87
Late Quaternary sedimentation in the Northern Western Basin, Ross Sea, Antarctica: seismostratigraphic features and sedimentary properties of calibrated cores 87
Lo stato dei litorali italiani 86
The application of coastal video system to evaluate the behavior of defence works: the case of Levanto (La Spezia, Italy) 85
L’Università di Genova - La rete di videomonitoraggio delle spiagge liguri 85
Seafloor instabilities and sediment transport on the steep and seismically active Ligurian margin (North-Western Mediterranean) 85
Geomorphological constraint and boundary effect on Posidonia oceanica meadows 84
Preliminary sedimentological and geotechnical data on cores collected in the Joides Basin (Ross Sea - Antarctica). 84
Atlante delle spiagge italiane. S.EL.C.A., Firenze, Tav. 102 Foglio San Remo 84
An integrated monitoring procedure of coastal dune field. The example of Capo Comino area (NE Sardinia) 84
Coastal videomonitoring for beach management 83
Aspects morphodynamiques generals de la plage de Lavagna (ligurie orientale - Italie) 83
The Ligurian webcam network and database for coastal management 83
Monitoring and management of coastal habitats: Capo Comino case study (NE Sardinia, Italy) 83
The position of the Last Glacial Maximum grounding line in the Joides Basin : an interpretation based on sedimentological and geotechnical data 82
Submarine instabilities along the Ligurian Margin (NW Mediterranean): types, distribution and causes 82
polar marine diatom floras as basic tools for paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental research: Ross Sea and Wilkes Land on the Antarctic continental margin 82
Submarine sources of sand and gravel: discovery of a littoral deposits related to the Versilian transgression between Albenga and Loano, Western Liguria. 81
Glacial and marine features in the recent sedimentary deposits of the Joides Basin (Antarctica) 81
Cape Hallett: a high sedimentation rate site in Western Ross Sea (Antarctica) 81
Applicazioni GIS per lo studio degli aspetti morfologico-vegetazionali del campo dunare di Capo Comino (Sardegna NE). Risultati preliminari 81
Comunità bentoniche dell’area costiera del Mar Tirreno. 80
SAM Sources and the DSeismic System: The Use in Marine Geological Mapping - CAR.G. and P.N.R.A. Projects 80
First results of geotechnical and sedimentological determinations on Joides Basin Cores in relation to the Pleistocene Grounding Line. 79
Seismostratigraphic Records of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet: Recent Fluctuations in the Bay of Wales Basin, Eastern Ross Sea. 79
Misure di attenuazione di energia luminosa nelle acque costiere del Mar Ligure 79
Seismostratigraphic signature of the Western Antarctic Ice Sheet advance during the Late Quaternary on the Little America BAsin, Eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica 79
Partitioning of deformation along a reactivated rifted margin: example of the northern Ligurian margin. 78
The use of a GIS for analyse dune systems: the case of Platamona-Marritza (Northern Sardinia, Italy) 78
Remote sensing techniques applied to geomorphological mapping of rocky coast: the case study of Gallinara Island (Western Liguria, Italy) 78
Atlante delle spiagge italiane. S.EL.C.A., Firenze, Foglio 95 La Spezia 77
First results of geotechnical and sedimentological determinations on Joides Basin Cores in relation to the Pleistocene Grounding Line 77
Applied Geomorphological mapping addressed to coastal environment: experience and validation in Liguria (Italy) 76
Programmi per il calcolo della frazione fine con il metodo densimetrico e con Counter- Coulter. 75
The coastal erosion: a connection between natural processes and environmental planning 75
Le Projet BEACHMED. Récuperation environnementale et entretien des littoraux en érosion avec l'utilisation des dépots sablonneux marins. 74
Morphological evolution as indicator of coastal Processes (Liguria, Italy). 74
Caratteristiche fisiche delle acque del Mare di Ross e dispersione del materiale sospeso 74
Sistemazione sulla spiaggia sommersa di Lavagna (Liguria Orientale) di uno strumento per la rilevazione del moto ondoso al prefrangimento 74
L’evoluzione del campo dunare di Platamona-Marritza (Nord Sardegna): aspetti morfo-sedimentologici e vegetazionali. 74
Coastal Modification in Relation to Sea Storm Effects: Application of 3D Remote Sensing Survey in Sanremo Marina (Liguria, NW Italy) 74
Project Beacmed: Récupération environnementale et entretien des littoraux en érosion avec l'utilisation des dépot sablonneux marins 73
L'utilizzo di un sensore digitale fisso (web-cam) per la valutazione dell'efficacia di un intervento di ripascimento nella spiaggia di Levanto (Liguria orientale) 73
OPTIMAL OPtimisation des Techniques Intégrées de Monitorage Appliquées aux Littoraux 73
La ricerca di cave sottomarine di sedimenti idonei al ripascimento delle spiagge della Liguria: il caso di Albenga - Loano. 72
La Géologie sous-marine de la Mer Ligure: une synthèse 72
Aspetti vegetazionali e morfo-sedimentologici dei campi dunari di Platamona-Marritiza con particolare riguardo all’area di Marina di Sorso (Sardegna settentrionale) 72
Distribuzione dei minerali argillosi nei sedimenti superficiali della piattaforma continentale compresa tra Capo Mortola ed Alassio (Liguria occidentale) 71
Nourishment of Levanto (Italy): a webcam-aided evaluation of a mixed sand and gravel beach fill. 71
Atlante delle spiagge italiane. S.EL.C.A., Firenze, Foglio 82 Genova 71
OPTIMAL Optimisation des techniques intégrées de monitorage appliquées aux littoraux. 70
Caratteri morfo-sedimentologici per la classificazione dei fondali marini 70
Rapporti tra evoluzione costiera e sviluppo urbanistico: il caso di Pegli e Sestri Ponente 70
Evoluzione del litorale d'Imperia-Oneglia (Liguria Occidentale): aspetti dinamico-sedimentari. 69
Wilkes Land Late Pleistocene diatom age model: From bio-events to quantitative biostratigraphy 69
Evoluzione delle spiagge nel tratto di costa compreso tra Varazze e Voltri (Liguria occidentale). 68
Il videomonitoraggio delle spiagge. 68
Last cycle regressive-transgressive deposits on the continental shelf between Albenga and Loano (western Liguria): a submarine sourcefor the beach nourishment 68
Transgressive submarine deposits for beach nourishment (Ligurian Sea, N.W. Mediterranean) 67
Late Quaternary Palaeoclimatic Evolution of Marine Sediments in the Southern Ocean Project: Preliminary Results of the 2001-2002 PNRA Cruise in the Ross Sea 67
Il Promontorio di Portofino: 200 anni di biologia marina 66
The application of coastal video system to evaluate the beahvior of defence works: the case of Levanto (La spezia, Italy) 66
Totale 8.933
Categoria #
all - tutte 37.993
article - articoli 14.276
book - libri 2.878
conference - conferenze 15.769
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 5.070
Totale 75.986

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.403 0 0 0 0 175 277 405 82 176 640 520 128
2020/2021539 25 13 37 26 38 126 26 20 89 43 49 47
2021/20221.776 17 157 80 238 80 93 109 492 68 155 45 242
2022/20232.353 242 194 46 272 313 428 15 174 372 16 253 28
2023/20241.224 60 114 23 148 78 283 48 76 52 77 102 163
2024/2025855 114 233 100 159 249 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.417