Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 13.234
Totale 13.234
Nazione #
IT - Italia 13.231
DE - Germania 3
Totale 13.234
Città #
Genova 9.270
Rapallo 1.543
Genoa 1.248
Vado Ligure 1.127
Bordighera 43
Bochum 3
Totale 13.234
Nome #
Petroplinthite formation in a pedosedimentary sequence along a northern Mediterranean coast: from micromorphology to landscape evolution 157
Diclofenac affects early embryo development in the marine bivalve Mytilus galloprovincialis 156
Effect of temperature on the release and remobilization of ecotoxic elements in AMDcolloidal precipitates: the example of the Libiola copper mine, Liguria, (Italy) 154
Bassoite, SrV3O7•4H2O, a new mineral from Molinello mine, Val Graveglia, eastern Liguria, Italy. 153
Baseline evaluation of metal contamination in teleost fishes of the Gulf of Tigullio (north-western Italy): Histopathology and chemical analysis 149
Migration of selected elements of environmental concern from unaltered pyrite-rich mineralizations to Fe-rich alteration crusts 146
Seagrass on the rocks: Posidonia oceanica settled on shallow-water hard substrata withstands wave stress beyond predictions 136
A mycological baseline study based on a multidisciplinary approach in a coastal area affected by contaminated torrent input 135
A multifrequency EMR and magnetic characterization of synthetic powdered hematite. 133
Characterization, by means of μ-XRF and μ-XANES, of Fe-oxides and -oxyhydroxides formed by polymetallic sulphides alteration during AMD processes 132
Metal transport and remobilisation in a basin affected by acid mine drainage: the role of ochreous amorphous precipitates 132
Environmental implications of metal mobility in marine sediments receiving input from a torrent affected by mine discharge 128
Mcalpineite from the Gambatesa mine, Italy, and redefinition of the species 127
Alpeite, Ca4Mn3+2Al2(Mn3+Mg)(SiO4)2(Si3O10)(V5+O4)(OH)6, a new ardennite-group mineral from Italy 127
New insights on secondary minerals from Italian sulfuric acid caves 125
Weissite from Gambatesa mine, Val Graveglia, Liguria, Italy: occurrence, composition and determination of the crystal structure. 123
The role of new zinc incorporated monetite cements on osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells 123
Penicillium expansum Link strain for a biometallurgical method to recover REEs from WEEE 123
Application of synchrotron radiation-based techniques (micro-XRF, micro-XRD and micro-XANES) to study waste rock materials related to AMD processes 119
A Multifrequency EMR and Magnetic Characterization Synthetic Powdered Hematite. 119
The role of AMD secondary minerals in controlling environmental pollution: indications from bulk leaching tests. 118
Mineralogical and chemical variations of ochreous precipitates from acid sulphate waters (asw) at the Rosia Montana gold mine (Romania) 117
Evaluation of the boundary condition influence on PAH concentrations in the water column during the sediment dredging of a port 116
Marine sediment contamination and dynamics at the mouth of a contaminated torrent: The case of the Gromolo Torrent (Sestri Levante, north-western Italy) 116
Relationships between soil colour and mineralogical composition: application for the study of waste-rock dumps in abandoned mines 115
Method of recovering precious metals and rare-earth elements from waste materials 115
Environmental complexity of a port: Evidence from circulation of the water masses, and composition and contamination of bottom sediments 115
A Novel Synthesis Routine for Woodwardite and Its Affinity towards Light (La, Ce, Nd) and Heavy (Gd and Y) Rare Earth Elements 115
From unaltered pyrite mineralisations to Fe-oxidation crusts: a synchrotron micro-XRD, -XRF and -XANES analyses. 113
Mcalpineite from the Gambatesa mine: a re-investigation of crystal structure and chemical composition. 113
Molecular level interactions in brushite-aminoacids composites 113
Multifrequency EMR and Magnetic Characterization of Synthetic Powdered Hematite 112
Mineralogical and geochemical characterisation of open.air tailing and waste-rock dumps from the Libiola Fe-Cu sulphide mine (Eastern Liguria, Italy) 112
A micro-XANES approach to monitor AMD alteration process. 108
Cerchiaraite-(Fe) and cerchiaraite-(Al), two new barium cyclosilicate chlorides from Italy and California, USA 108
Lavinskyite-1M, K(LiCu)Cu6(Si4O11)2(OH)4, the monoclinic MDO equivalent of lavinskyite-2O (formerly lavinskyite), from the Cerchiara manganese mine, Liguria, Italy 107
Impact of cationic polystyrene nanoparticles (PS-NH2) on early embryo development of Mytilus galloprovincialis: Effects on shell formation 106
Synchrotron radiation analyses of heterogeneous mine-waste materials related to AMD processes. 103
Analisi in µ-SXRF e µ-SXRD (ESRF - ID18F) su ossi-idrossidi di ferro provenienti dalla discarica mineraria di Libiola: risultati preliminari 102
Sulfuric acid speleogenesis in the Majella Massif (Abruzzo, Central Apennines, Italy). 102
Calcium doping in double perovskite SmBa1−xCaxCo2O5+δ to enhance the electrochemical activity of solid oxide cell reversible oxygen electrode 101
An EPR and magnetometric study of natural Fe-oxides and -oxyhydroxides nanoparticles 101
Soil and Plant Communities of a dump site in the Libiola mine (NW Italy) 101
Mineralogical and geochemical spatial analyses of a waste-rock dump at the Libiola Fe-Cu sulphide mine (Eastern Liguria, Italy) 99
Application of synchrotron radiation-based techniques (µ-XRD, µ-XRD, and µ-XANES) to study Fe-rich hardpans within waste-rock dump. 99
Cerchiaraite-(Fe), a new mineral from Big Creek, eastern Fresno County, California, USA. 98
A multifrequency electron magnetic resonance (EMR) spectroscopy and magnetic characterization of synthetic hematite 96
Fe-rich stalactites and stalagmites formed by colloidal deposition within mine galleries. 96
Cassagnaite, a new V-bearing silicate mineral from the Cassagna Mine, Northern Apenines, Italy 96
Mineralogical and chemical evolution of ochreous precipitates from the Libiola Fe–Cu-sulfide mine (Eastern Liguria, Italy) 96
MI.PRE.ME. MIcrofunghi Per REcuperare MEtalli (mycomining). 96
Mineralogical and chemical evolution of ochreous precipitates from the Libiola Fe-Cu-sulphides Mine (Eastern Liguria, Italy). 95
A monoclinic K-Li-Cu-Mg silicate from the Cerchiara mine: a dimorph of lavinskyite? 95
Micro- and nano-crystalline Fe-oxyhydroxides as authigenic phases from ARD processes (Libiola Mine, Eastern Liguria, Italy): preliminary advanced characterization 94
Acid Mine Drainage evaluation: from qualitative to quantitative mineralogy 94
Mineralogical and chemical evolution of ochreous stream sediments from the Libiola Fe-Cu-sulphides mine (Eastern Liguria, Italy). 93
Cassagnaite, a new mineral from Cassagna Mine, Northern Appenines, Italy 92
Assessment of metal distribution in different Fe precipitates related to Acid Mine Drainage through two sequential extraction procedures 92
Benthic diatom community response to metal contamination from an abandoned Cu mine: Case study of the Gromolo Torrent (Italy) 92
Signs of the XVII-XIX centuries mining activity at Monte Ramazzo mine (Genova, Italy) 91
Varicolored stream sediments in mine effluents in Libiola mine (Liguria, Italy). 91
Relationships between crystallographic and compositional parameters of minerals belonging to the carpholite group 91
Role of Fe-oxyhydroxides on storage of potential waste elements: a mineralogical study on stream sediments from the Libiola Fe-Cu-sulfides mine (eastern Liguria, Italy) 90
Biodiversity in metal-polluted soils 90
Alteration of sulphides within an open air waste-rock dump: application of synchrotron µ-XRD, µ-XRF, and µ-XANES analyses. 90
Characterization of minothems at Libiola (NW Italy): morphological, mineralogical, and geochemical study 90
Colloidal precipitates related to AMD settings: a combined HT-XRD and bulk leaching test approach. 89
Plant colonization on a contaminated serpentine site 88
Petroplinthite formation in a quaternary complex paleosol along NW Italian coast: groundwater and sedimentary input interaction 87
Relationships between soil composition and phyto- and myco-diversity in a waste-rock dump of the Libiola sulphide-mine (Eastern Liguria, Italy) 86
Fungi and plants in contaminated sulphide mine soil in Libiola (NW-Italy) 85
Mineral-fungal interactions in a waste-rock dump from the Libiola mine (eastern Liguria, Italy) 85
Secondary minerals formed in Acid Mine Drainage environment: the case of Libiola Mine 83
Petroplinthite formation in a quaternary complex paleosol along NW Italian coast: from micromorphology to landscape evolution 83
Sources and contamination rate of port sediments: evidences from dimensional, mineralogical, and chemical investigations 83
Meadow development of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica on the rocky seabed: a preliminary study in the Ligurian Sea. 82
Secondary minerals from salt caves in the Atacama Desert (Chile): a hyperarid and hypersaline environment with potential analogies to the Martian subsurface 82
Micro-SXRF and micro-SXRD analyses (ESRF-ID18f) on Fe-oxyhydroxides crusts from mine waste of Libiola mine 81
Genetic evolution of nanocrystalline Fe-oxides and -oxyhydroxides assemblages from the Libiola Mine (Eastern, Liguria, Italy): structural and microstructural investugations 81
Environmental impact of Acid Mine Drainage on the Roşia River (Roşia Montană mining area, Romania): a mineralogical and geochemical approach 80
Mineralogical and chemical evolution of ochreous precipitates formed during Acid Mine Drainage processes at the Rosia Montana gold mine (Romania) 80
Effect of mineralogy and chemistry of metal polluted soils on biodiversity and metal bioaccumulation (Libiola Mine, Italy) 79
Colloidal precipitates related to Acid Mine Drainage: bacterial diversity and microfungi heavy metal interactions 79
A multifrequency Electron Magnetic Resonance (EMR) spectroscopy and magnetic characterisation of synthetic powdered hematite 78
Combined use of micro-SXRD and micro-SXRF for microscale investigations on Fe-oxyhydroxides assemblages from Libiola Mine waste (Italy) 77
Micrometric single crystal structure analyses of Vanadium minerals with unresolved structure 77
Temperature-induced phase transition and remobilization of potential ecotoxic elements (PTE) in AMD colloidal precipitates. 77
Natural Fe-oxides and -oxyhydroxides nanoparticles: an EPR and SQUID investigation 77
Minerochemical investigation and spectroscopic characterisation of Fe-oxides and -oxyhydroxides produced during AMD processes (Libiola mine , Eastern Liguria, Italy). 76
Mineralogical and chemical variations in a sulphide waste-rock dump (Libiola mine, Liguria) 76
Marine-derived fungi as potential indicators of sediment quality and bioremediation tool: preliminary study. 76
The abandoned Fe-Cu sulphides mine of Libiola (Northern Apennine, eastern Liguria, Italy) 75
Mineralogy and chemistry of varicolored stream sediments from AMD processes in Libiola mine 75
EPR study and magnetic investigation of synthetic hematite, a-Fe2O3 75
Arsenmedaite, Mn2+6As5+Si5O18(OH), the arsenic analogue of medaite, from the Molinello mine, Liguria, Italy: occurrence and crystal structure 75
Environmental pollution in river and marine sediments: the case of Gromolo Torrent (Liguria, Italy) 75
Caratterizzazione mineralogica e geochimica dei materiali di discarica (tailings e waste rocks) della miniera di Libiola (Liguria orientale) 74
Mineral-Microorganism interactions in Acid mine Drainage environments: preliminary results. 74
Mycodiversity assessment of a contaminated area of the abandoned libiola copper sulphide mine (Liguria, NW Italy) 74
Totale 10.081
Categoria #
all - tutte 40.016
article - articoli 30.096
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 8.040
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 1.003
patent - brevetti 468
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 409
Totale 80.032

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.037 0 0 0 0 0 0 455 142 272 624 391 153
2020/2021895 37 112 51 79 67 102 39 73 88 80 87 80
2021/20221.902 43 148 109 223 118 99 101 448 97 172 86 258
2022/20231.896 198 107 22 196 258 340 25 143 340 18 213 36
2023/2024868 46 126 34 84 72 127 72 61 54 14 58 120
2024/20251.218 41 228 100 184 334 312 19 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.506