Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 8.459
Totale 8.459
Nazione #
IT - Italia 8.459
Totale 8.459
Città #
Genova 6.508
Rapallo 1.023
Genoa 602
Vado Ligure 308
Bordighera 18
Totale 8.459
Nome #
Rectifier Dynamic Mod­els for Short-Circuit Transient Analysis in DC Metrorail Sys­tems 145
Track and traction line impedance expressions for deterministic and probabilistic voltage distortion analysis 144
Resistance and internal inductance of traction rails at power frequency: a survey 139
Measurement of the Internal Impedance of Traction Rails at Audiofrequency 130
Electromagnetic emissions from electrical rotating machinery 123
Modelling for electromagnetic interference assessment in electric railway traction systems 123
Assessment of H-field levels inside a DC railway substation 121
Sensitivity analysis of railway line impedance to variations of electrical and geometrical parameters 115
Power control with stepped wave modulated VSI 114
Genetic Algorithm approach for the determination of the electrical parameters of railway traction lines 113
Fuzzy identification of rail track parameters 110
Electromagnetic fields in traction systems: modelling and applications 110
Measurement of the internal impedance of traction rails at 50 Hz 107
The Internal Impedance of Traction Rails for DC Railways in the 1-100 kHz Frequency Range 106
Experimental results on low rail-to-rail conductance values 106
Accurate track modelling for fault current studies in third rail metro railways 105
Measurement of the Internal Impedance of traction rails at 50 Hz 102
VMOS release of master/slave consolidation network for MHD converter: experimental results 99
A software tool for optimised maintenance of electric locomotives 98
Transformers parameters sensitivity of short circuit phenomena in dc metrorail systems 97
Simplified modelling of 2x25 kV AT Railway System for the solution of low frequency and large scale problems 95
Measuring electromagnetic emission from large power rotating machines 95
A generalised model for harmonic analysis of natural commutation conversion systems 92
A frequency domain model for 3kV DC side resonance identification 91
Use of frequency dependent track models in traction systems simulation 90
The role of computers in research on electric rail transport systems 90
A feeding impedance model of electrified rail track 89
Integrated modelling of audiofrequency track circuits 89
Determination of the electrical parameters of railway traction lines: calculation, measurement and reference data 88
Measurement techniques for validating the calculation methods of electric railway traction line parameters 88
Transient and steady state short circuit currents in rectifiers for dc traction supply 88
EMC issues in electric railway traction systems 87
Advanced computer simulation for analysis and design of electrified transportation systems: electric plants and drives 87
Computer methods for electromagnetic analysis of electric traction systems 87
Distribution of the traction return current in AT electric railway systems 86
Procedure for the measurement of the electrical parameters of railway traction lines 86
Active power filter for traction line harmonic reduction 86
Electromagnetic emission from high speed railways 86
Magnetic field emissions from synchronous generators 85
Calculation of electromagnetic emissions around a railway vehicle by TLM-2D 85
Experimental methodologies for the power MOS model validation 85
CAD techniques applied to traction systems 84
Synthesis of line impedance expressions for railway traction systems 83
Perspective of modelling and integration activities for the assessment of Electrical System Compatibility for Advanced Rail Vehicles (ESCARV EU project) 83
Electromagnetic radiated emissions from electrical rotating machinery 81
Measurement of AT Electric Railway System currents and validation of a Multiconductor Transmission Line model 81
Various solutions for electric load compensation using energy storage systems controlled by ac/dc converters 81
Modelling non-linear impedances in electric rail transport systems 81
International railway research projects at the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Genova 81
A method for integrated analysis of multi-converter systems 80
Computation of harmonic current in traction lines with vehicle motion 80
Vector control method in high power drives for industrial applications 78
Harmonic modelling of traction currents 78
Voltage regulation in electrical supply substations for dc traction systems 78
Electromagnetic emission from trolley buses and railway vehicles 76
Reference curves of the pantograph impedance in DC railway systems 76
Power conditioning systems interconnecting accumulator batteries to AC line with decoupled control of real and reactive power 76
Various solutions for electric load compensation using energy storage systems controlled by ac/dc converters 75
EU funded research in the field of electrical system compatibility in railways 74
A low EM noise emission ac drive for electric vehicle applications 74
Modelling and simulation of frequency dependent track impedance and admittance in electric rail traction systems 74
Identification of Catenary Harmonics in 3kV dc traction systems 73
Electromagnetic compatibility of advanced rail transport signalling 73
modelling for the prediction of interference between power and signalling currents in railway traction systems 72
Analisi dei disturbi elettromagnetici in audiofrequenza negli impianti di trazione ferroviaria 72
Modelling and simulation of supply current interference in traction systems arising from multilevel converters in high power locomotives drives 71
EMC modelling for railway traction systems 70
Energy storage systems for electric power networks 68
Interactions between 3kV dc and 25kV 50Hz traction systems for high speed railways 68
The impact of a new high speed railway system on the human environment 68
modelling crosstalk in traction power systems 67
Modelling of multiconductor transmission lines for conducted and radiated interference 67
Measurement and analysis of low-frequency magnetic field emissions in rolling stock 66
Mechanical effects of chopper drives torque ripple on the wheels of the E633 italian locomotives 65
Train motion simulation by EMTP 65
Alcuni aspetti preliminari al calcolo ed alla modellistica delle emissioni elettromagnetiche associate al contatto pantografo-catenaria 64
Digital simulation for optimum choice of VSI structures for metrorail induction motor drives 64
The electromagnetic environment of railway installations: modelling techniques 64
Modelling of electromagnetic emission from catenary-pantograph sliding contact 64
Comparison between high power VSI structures for real and reactive power control 64
Harmonic interference in signalling systems in underground railways 63
Real and reactive power operation domain analysis for electronically controlled SMES 62
Canale MHD in configurazione Faraday: progetto di un circuito di consolidamento 62
Power demand levelling in light rail transit systems 61
How to model LDMOS devices for high voltage low current applications 61
Low-frequency magnetic fields in DC railway substations 60
Rectifier substations 59
Object oriented programming in railway traffic simulation for supervision and training 59
Probabilistic assessment of harmonic impedance in dc traction systems 57
Railway line models for impedance evaluation 57
Canale MHD in configurazione Faraday: metodologia di consolidamento 55
Canale MHD in configurazione diagonale: metodologie di consolidamento e diagonalizzazione 54
Optimum strategy for traffic management in a light rail transit system during power supply faults 54
Strumenti software per l'analisi e la progettazione di sistemi per la trazione elettrica 52
Modelli e simulazione per l'analisi delle interferenze elettromagnetiche condotte ed indotte 51
Emissioni elettromagnetiche associate al contatto strisciante pantografo-catenaria: aspetti elementari del calcolo e della modellistica 51
Modelli per l'analisi in frequenza degli impianti elettrici per la trazione ferroviaria 50
Modellistica di supporto alla normativa in merito alla compatibilitàm elettromagnetica in ambiente ferroviario 49
Tecniche di simulazione per il calcolo delle correnti di cortocircuito transitorie in un sistema di trazione metropolitano 49
Thyristor SMES control for optimised real and reactive power compensation 49
Totale 8.136
Categoria #
all - tutte 20.946
article - articoli 3.804
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 15.719
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 1.262
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 161
Totale 41.892

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.908 0 0 0 86 178 181 349 96 167 473 275 103
2020/2021380 24 18 29 28 14 61 16 15 52 25 48 50
2021/20221.157 7 104 23 126 78 112 122 278 23 99 21 164
2022/20231.214 116 56 15 171 182 248 6 89 213 11 91 16
2023/2024417 30 92 5 35 23 70 18 26 9 7 30 72
2024/2025315 19 140 97 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.476