Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.323
Totale 6.323
Nazione #
IT - Italia 6.323
Totale 6.323
Città #
Genova 4.481
Rapallo 629
Genoa 610
Vado Ligure 589
Bordighera 14
Totale 6.323
Nome #
ZenHackAdemy: Ethical Hacking @ DIBRIS 204
Open Data for the masses - Unleashing personal data into the wild 145
An Exploratory Survey on SOA Knowledge, Adoption and Trend in the Italian Industry 142
Neighbor-of-neighbor routing over deterministically modulated Chord-like DHTs 130
Great is the enemy of good: is perfecting specific courses harmful to global curricula performances? 124
SOA Adoption in the Italian Industry 124
Towards an Acceptance Testing Approach for Internet of Things Systems 124
On the Aggregation Techniques in Stochastic Petri Nets and Stochastic Process Algebras 123
On the Computation of Performance Characteristics of Concurrent Programs using GSPNs 120
An abstract machine for asynchronous programs with closures and priority queues 119
Virtual mobility or distance learning? A unique case study from theFaculty of Economics 118
An Acceptance Testing Approach for Internet of Things Systems 117
Towards a runtime verification approach for internet of things systems 117
A comparison of performance evaluation process algebra and generalized stochastic Petri nets 116
Open Data and Personal Information: A Smart Disclosure Approach Based on OAuth 2.0 116
GreatSPN 1.7: GRaphical Editor and Analyzer for Timed and Stochastic Petri Nets 115
Software performance modelling using PEPA nets 113
An Efficient Algorithm for Aggregating PEPA Models 112
Comparing Testing and Runtime Verification of IoT Systems: A Preliminary Evaluation based on a Case Study 112
Accessibility and usability of a collaborative e-learning application 110
A NERD DOGMA: introducing CTF to non-expert audience 108
A Collaborative Environment for the Design of Accessible Educational Objects 107
Ticketh, a ticketing system built on ethereum 106
PEPA nets: A structured performance modelling formalism 106
Envisioning smart disclosure in the public administration 105
:DRHOP, A Platform Proposal for Online Charity 105
The University in the Polis: an Emerging Role of Democratic Intermediary in E-Participation? 105
Process algebras for systems diagnosis 104
Improving the Performance of Road Network Analysis: The Morandi Bridge Case Study 103
PEPA nets: A structured performance modelling formalism 102
Collaborative Environments: Accessibility and Usability for Users with Special Needs 102
Stochastic Petri net semantics for stochastic process algebras 101
Efficient Performance Analysis Techniques for Stochastic Well-formed nets and Stochastic Process Algebras 100
A Comparison of the Expressiveness of SPA and Bounded SPN models 100
Physical Web for Smart Campus Management 99
Modelling Mobility with PEPA Nets 98
Integrating TwoTowers and GreatSPN through a Compact Net Semantics 97
The University in the Polis: An Emerging Role of Democratic Intermediary in e-Participation? 96
Use of GSPNs for concurrent software validation in EPOCA 94
Towards Runtime Monitoring of Node.js and Its Application to the Internet of Things 94
Nuovi modelli didattici: aula web in medicina e chirurgia. 90
Stochastic Process Algebras: a New Approach to Performance Modeling 88
Exploiting Symmetries in Stochastic Process Algebras 87
Integrating Two Towers and GreatSPN 86
AulaWeb, Web-based Learning as a Commodity - The Experience of the University of Genova 83
User-Centered Design of E-Learning Tools for Users with Special Needs: The VisualPedia Case Study 82
Exploiting Modal Logic to Express Performance Measures 82
Semi-automatic Generation of Cybersecurity Exercises: A Preliminary Proposal 79
LMS Adoption at the University of Genova: Ten Years After 78
Publish-Subscribe over Social Networks 77
CyberChallenge.IT@Unige: Ethical Hacking for Young Talents 77
GSPN and SPA Compared in Practice - Modelling A Distributed Mail System 74
Civic participation powered by Ethereum: A proposal 71
Social networks as a support for event notification services 70
Automatic Challenge Generation for Hands-on Cybersecurity Training 65
Capture the Flag competitions for Higher Education 64
Stochastic Process Algebras 63
Training educators: plan for replicating the experience 61
Problematiche per la gestione di un servizio basato su Moodle in un contesto universitario di medie dimensioni 60
Diagnosis and Diagnosability Analysis Using PEPA 59
Aulaweb, un servizio cresciuto nel tempo 58
Introduzione all'Informatica (Quarta edizione) 57
L'Ora del Codice è arrivata a Genova! 56
OT Cyber Security Frameworks Comparison Tool (CSFCTool) 48
VisualPedia: Wiki per la didattica a supporto di studenti con diverse forme di disabilità 38
Designing a Serious Game for Cybersecurity Education 31
Cyber Range and Cyber Defense Exercises: Gamification Meets University Students 28
Evaluating the effectiveness of automatic image captioning for web accessibility 28
2022 8th International Conference on Optimization and Applications (ICOA) 25
Foreword 16
Evaluating the Effectiveness of STEM Images Captioning 8
Enlisting Students in Gamifying Software Testing Education: Results and Key Insights 8
Totale 6.430
Categoria #
all - tutte 19.520
article - articoli 3.958
book - libri 176
conference - conferenze 11.813
curatela - curatele 145
other - altro 189
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.239
Totale 39.040

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.248 0 0 0 0 0 192 254 114 145 281 184 78
2020/2021515 67 33 43 62 32 43 16 42 43 64 28 42
2021/2022769 25 65 48 84 34 70 49 170 40 73 35 76
2022/2023798 79 76 6 57 114 145 24 62 118 5 101 11
2023/2024423 20 50 9 62 28 66 34 26 17 15 38 58
2024/2025638 47 106 58 84 198 145 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.430