Introduction Thanks to the global improvement in care and living conditions, the world population is increasingly aging, however, as evidenced by the literature, the need to improve the qualitative state of this process requires further developments in research. The term fragility identifies a condition of vulnerability caused by the inability of biological systems, at various levels, to preserve the functional reserves of organs and systems that regulate a person's life unscathed. The elderly, for reasons related to the aging process and intercurrent illnesses, become more vulnerable and many conditions can alter the body's homeostatic balance. Fragility is caused by the inability of biological systems, at various levels (from cell to person), to maintain homeostasis. With aging there is a reduction in the functional reserves of organs and systems, especially as regards the musculoskeletal system, which expose the individual to a greater risk of "rupture" and "fracture" induced by pathogens or by changes in the bio-psychological balance and quality of life. Since the determinants of this process are very different (biological-clinical or environmental), it is sometimes difficult to identify fragility and its triggering factors, on which to intervene, both preventively and therapeutically. The very elderly represent the age group most involved in the mechanisms that induce fragility, because the clinical condition characterized by disability, resulting from chronic diseases, is often apparently indistinguishable from the conditions of fragility itself. The latter, therefore, is better defined by the set of many variables rather than by a single entity, which is why it is difficult to provide a precise definition. The diagnostic criteria for defining osteosarcodynapenia have indicated as possible markers the presence of balance and gait disorders, sarcopenia, reduced exercise tolerance, changes in body composition and in the quantitative and qualitative aspect of bone tissue (loss weight, sarcopenia, malnutrition). The criteria have been validated by a series of studies that have shown the association of these characteristics with the increased risk of institutionalization and death, as well as with the onset of geriatric syndromes (disability, cognitive status, falls, urinary incontinence, malnutrition). Identifying and understanding the role of frailty as a condition that modulates the quality and duration of life of the elderly is an important starting point; from this point of view, in fact, it becomes the target of targeted interventions on a clinical, surgical, psychological and social level to reduce the risk of negative events. Therefore, recognizing the biological characteristics of age-related osteosarcodynapenia and understanding its pathophysiological determinants have been at the center of gerontological research in recent years. In particular, the research focused on the identification of biological markers that allow screening of frailty at an early stage when the possibilities of prevention and intervention are more likely to be successful. As already indicated in the literature, the focus is mainly on physical problems induced by fragility: - quantitative reduction in bone mineral stock (BMD [Bone Mineral Density] assessment by DXA [Dual X-ray Absorptiometry] and qualitative method (assessable by TBS [Trabecular Bone Score] method)); - disability; increased clinical vulnerability; -high risk of musculoskeletal deterioration (osteoporotic disease state; sarcopenic state assessable with the Total Body Scan iDXA for Metabolic Health method); - Reduction of the degree of functional state based on the CGA (Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment) or the Multidimensional Assessment (VMD) methodology it is considered a valid tool of geriatric medicine that elaborated and validated it; it is not limited only to the evaluation-diagnostic moment but from an operational point of view it also extends to the management of the patient. Since interdisciplinarity is the characterizing element of the VMD, is a valid investigation tool for the frail elderly. It is therefore evident that and the essential element is the multidimensionality that clinical evaluation must have. [1-13] OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were to examine the associations between neuro-motor and nutritional cognitive parameters and bone mineral density, bone quality, fat mass, and lean body mass in prosthetic geriatric patients. hip, divided into two groups according to bone therapy with Denosumab (DMAB) vs Alendronate (ALD) and in the reference healthy controls (CNT) Materials and methods: 95 patients (mean age 80 ± 8 years) with hip replacement and 50 healthy controls of the same age (mean age 74 ± 11 years) were enrolled. The study population was divided into two groups according to Denosumab (DMAB) vs Alendronate (ALD) therapy. The Geriartric assessment scales of functional status (CGA) were performed: HAND GRIP, BARTHEL index, ADL, IADL, MNA, CIRS com, CIRS sev, Tinetti, MMSE. Bone mineral density (BMD, g / cm2) at the level of the lumbar spine (L1-L4) and of the entire femur was measured by the DXA Lunar Prodigy densitometer (GE Lunar, Madison, WI, USA) as well as the evaluation of the total metabolic body expressed by the Relative Skeletal Mass Index (RSMI). The body mass index (BMI, kg / m2) was calculated for all subjects. According to the anthropometric equation [14], sarcopenia was defined by RSMI <5.5 kg / m2 in women. The TBS value was calculated on all lumbar spine densitometric examinations using the TBS iNsight Medimaps software (Lunar Prodigy). Evaluation of the expected fracture risk in the next 10 years in relation to the recognized risk factors (FRAX algorithm analysis) All patients underwent a serum dosage of 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25 (OH) D ng / ml), of the PTH pg parathyroid hormone / ml and evaluation of hemoglobin Hb g / L. RESULTS: In the 95 patients enrolled, a reduction in bone mass was observed for 78 patients (80%); in particular 52 with osteoporosis (53%) and 41 (42%) with osteopenia. BMD values were significantly lower in hip replacement patients than in the control group (respectively, lumbar spine: 0.998 ± 0.161 g / cm2 vs 1.240 ± 0.932 g / cm2; Femoral neck: 0.784 ± 0.212 g / cm2 vs 0.845 ± 0.164 g / cm2; Ward 0.563 ± 0.173 g / cm2 vs 0.657 ± 0.106 g / cm2; Trochanter: 0.666 ± 0.104 g / cm2 vs 0.725 ± 0.143 g / cm2; Whole Femur: 0.827 ± 0.182 g / cm2 vs 1.033 ± 0.161 g / cm2, both with p <0.001). To date (respectively, lumbar spine: 1.178 ± 0.761 g / cm2 Femoral neck: 0.989 ± 0.712 g / cm2; Ward 0.874 ± 0.982 g / cm2; Trochanter: 0.981 ± 0.382 g / cm2; Whole Femur: 1.036 ± 0.294 g / cm2). The TBS values at the level of the lumbar spine were significantly lower in the prosthetic patients compared to the control group (respectively, 1.012 ± 0.163 score vs 1.361 ± 0.126 score, both with p <0.001). Average RSMIs are 5.42 ± 0.078kg / m² below the mean of the control population (5.7kg / m²) increased on average by 2.07 ± 0.078kg / m² compared to T0. Between the levels of TBS and the levels of RSMI respectively 1.914 ± 0.152 and 4.72 ± 0.029kg / m² there is a positive correlation with p <0.001; with an average implementation of TBS from T0 of 0.874 ± 0.121. A comparison of the 1-year data on the 55 concluded patients shows that the levels of TBS appear to be influenced by antiresorptive therapy; the improvement is more in the ALD group (60%) than in the DMAB group (40%); in both cases the improvement does not exceed 5-8% of total significance so it is not statistically detectable. The dosages of 25 (OH) D were found to be 13 ± 1.4 ng / ml at T0 and 24 ± 0.7 ng / ml at T1. The PTH values were 40.36 ± 2.7 pg / ml at T0 and 47 ± 2.7 pg / ml at T1. Hb values were 12.47 ± 1.1 g / L at T0 and 14.18 ± 0.97 g / L to T1. From the analysis of geriatric parameters respectively in the ALD vs DMAB group, we found: Hand-grip strength, Kg ± DS In female patients: 15.3 ± 5.3 vs 13.5 ± 6.2, in male patients 22.1 ± 5.0 vs 23.2 ± 1.6; Barthel Index, score ± SD 91 ± 14 vs 83 ± 23; ADL, n ° ± SD 5.5 ± 0.9 vs 5.1 ± 1.5; IADL, n ° ± SD 5.8 ± 2.5 vs 5.1 ± 3.4; MNA, score ± SD 11.4 ± 2.2 vs 10.4 ± 2.9 CIRS comorbidity, score ± SD 4.3 ± 1.8 vs 4.2 ± 1.6; CIRS severity, score ± SD 1.9 ± 0.5 vs 1.9 ± 0.3, SPMSQ, score ± SD 2.0 ± 2.2 vs 1.9 ± 2.1; BMI, mean ± SD 24.4 ± 5.2 vs 21.3 ± 2.9 Examining the basal characteristics from the bone and muscle point of view, first of all, a deficient state of Vitamin D common to the two groups is highlighted. In both, BMD is indicative of osteoporosis in the femoral neck and osteopenia in the spine (probably due to artifacts due to the presence of osteoarthritis and / or vertebral fractures). The TBS shows a slight difference between the two groups (DMab 1.129 ± 0.160 ALD 1.032 ± 0.162, p .073), indicating a condition of bone degradation in both. Considering the Hand Grip and RSMI values, with reference to the cut offs indicated in the EWGSOP2 Consensus, both groups show a state of “confirmed” sarcopenia. In particular, the values of RSMI in women are frankly pathological, while those of men are at the lower limits (Ald 7.7 ± 1.2, Dmab 7.1 ± 0.1), but we must weigh the lower prevalence of males within the sample (12.2%). There is no real difference between the two drugs, even after adjustment for the variables (BMI and TBS). The percentage changes in RSMI clearly show a strengthening effect of the appendicular musculature from part of Denosumab, with statistically significant difference compared to Alendronate (Ald -5.8 ± 12.4 vs Dmab 0.5 ± 4.5, p = 0.046) Conclusions. Currently the study shows us how there is a correlation between the recovery of muscle mass, the reduction of fat mass and the functional, motor and fragility index recovery.This study shows that sarcopenia is common in elderly patients, mostly in those classified as normal or overweight according to BMI. Therefore, the TBS and BMD values could play a key role in a muscle-bone feedback in the geriatric patient in the post-operative state such as that of the hip replacement. Patients who report fragility femur fractures are osteosarcopenic subjects, we must consider the syndrome, not the individual pathologies. linked to the transient immobilization following the event indicating that the continuation of therapy beyond the 1st year should be recommended and encouraged, in association with interventions aimed at favoring patient mobilization. Consistent with the resulting data, in association with an average increase in (OH) D, in the most compliant patients a more marked recovery is also observed on BMD, mirror of the bone mineral quantity, while the recovery on the quality of the bone shown by the analysis of trabecular bone (TBS) is lower. have a potential muscle strengthening effect, so it appears to be a promising approach to the elderly osteosarc patient openico. The TBS in association with the evaluation of the total metabolic body, prove additional clinical parameters compared to the standard densitometric values on our sample of elderly patients, suggesting how these methods can improve the evaluation of "fragility" of the geriatric patient in the post-fracture period to improve 'diagnostic-therapeutic framework and better compliance with therapy. References .Rockwood K et al.Interdiscip Top Gerontol Geriatr. 2015;41:VII-X.;2.Chen KW et al.Worldviews Evid Based Nurs. 2017 Apr 27 3.Mitnitski AB et al. Biogerontology. 2017 Mar 2. ;4.Searle SD, Rockwood K. et al. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2015 Aug 3;7(1):54. 5.Strawbridge WJ et al.Med S ci 1998;53A:M9-16.;6.Chin A et al.J Clin Epidemiol 1999;52:1015-21.;7.Walston J et al. J Am Geriatr S oc 2006;54:991-1001.;8.Rantanen T et al.J Gerontol A Biol Med Sci 2000;55A:M168-73.;9.Rantanen T et al.J Am Geriatr S oc 2000;48:613-7.;10.Rozzini R et al.Arch I ntern Med 2001;161:299-300.;11.Brown JC et al.Aging Clin Exp Res. 2016 Mar 28 12.Villa P et al.J Endocrinol Invest. 2016 Feb;39(2):191-8..;13.Lamy O et al.Rev Med Suisse. 2011 Nov 2;7(315):2130, 2132-4, 2136.;14.Baumgartner RN et al., J Epidemiol. 147:755–76
Introduzione Grazie al globale miglioramento delle cure e delle condizioni di vita, la popolazione mondiale sta sempre più invecchiando tuttavia come si evince dalla letteratura il bisogno di rendere migliore lo stato qualitativo di questo processo necessità di ulteriori sviluppi in ricerca. Il termine fragilità identifica una condizione di vulnerabilità provocata dall’incapacità dei sistemi biologici, a vari livelli, di conservare indenni le riserve funzionali di organi e apparati che regolano la vita della persona. L’anziano, per motivi legati al processo d’invecchiamento e alle malattie intercorrenti, diviene più vulnerabile e molte condizioni possono alterare l’equilibrio omeostatico dell’organismo. La fragilità è provocata dall’incapacità dei sistemi biologici, a vari livelli (dalla cellula alla persona), di conservare l’omeostasi . Con l’invecchiamento si assiste alla riduzione delle riserve funzionali di organi e di apparati soprattutto per quanto concerne l’apparato muscolo-scheletrico, che espongono l’individuo a un maggior rischio di “rottura” e di “frattura” indotto da agenti patogeni o da modificazioni dell’equilibrio bio-psicologico e della qualità di vita. Poiché le determinanti di questo processo sono molto diverse (biologico-cliniche o ambientali), è talvolta difficile identificare la fragilità e i suoi fattori scatenanti, sui quali intervenire, in senso sia preventivo sia terapeutico. Le persone molto anziane rappresentano la fascia d’età maggiormente coinvolta dai meccanismi che inducono fragilità , perché la condizione clinica caratterizzata da disabilità, conseguente alle patologie croniche, è spesso apparentemente indistinguibile dalle condizioni di fragilità stessa . Quest’ultima, quindi, si definisce meglio dall’insieme di molte variabili piuttosto che da una singola entità, motivo per il quale è difficile fornirne una definizione precisa. I criteri diagnostici per definire la osteosarcodinapenia , hanno indicato come possibili marker la presenza di disturbi dell’equilibrio e della marcia, la sarcopenia, la ridotta tolleranza allo sforzo, le modificazioni della composizione corporea e dell’aspetto quantitativo e qualitativo del tessuto osseo (perdita di peso, sarcopenia, malnutrizione ). I criteri sono stati validati da una serie di studi che hanno dimostrato l’associazione di queste caratteristiche con l’aumento di rischio di istituzionalizzazione e di morte, nonché con l’insorgenza di sindromi geriatriche (disabilità, stato cognitivo, cadute, incontinenza urinaria, malnutrizione ). Identificare e comprendere il ruolo della fragilità come condizione che modula la qualità e la durata della vita dell’anziano costituisce un importante punto di partenza; in quest’ottica, infatti, essa diviene target d’interventi mirati sul piano clinico, chirurgico, psicologico e sociale per ridurre il rischio di eventi negativi. Riconoscere quindi le caratteristiche biologiche della osteosarcodinapenia età-correlata e comprendere le sue determinanti fisiopatologiche sono stati al centro della ricerca gerontologica degli ultimi anni. In particolare la ricerca si è concentrata sull’identificazione di marcatori biologici che permettano uno screening della fragilità in fase precoce quando le possibilità di prevenzione e di intervento hanno maggiore probabilità di successo. Come già indicato dalla letteratura l’attenzione verte principalmente sui problemi fisici indotti dalla fragilità: -riduzione del patrimonio minerale osseo quantitativo (Valutazione della BMD [Bone Mineral Density ] tramite metodica DXA [Dual X-ray Absorptiometry] e qualitativo (valutabile mediante metodica TBS [Trabecular Bone Score]);-disabilità; aumentata vulnerabilità clinica;-elevato rischio di deterioramento muscolo-scheletrico (stato di malattia osteoporotica; stato sarcopenico valutabile con metodica Total Body Scan iDXA for Metabolic Health);-Riduzione del grado di stato funzionale sulla base della CGA (Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment) ossia la metodologia della Valutazione Multidimensionale (VMD) è considerata un valido strumento della medicina geriatrica che lo ha elaborato e validato; esso non si limita al solo momento valutativo-diagnostico ma dal punto di vista operativo si estende anche alla gestione del paziente. Essendo l’interdisciplinarità l’elemento caratterizzante la VMD, risulta un valido strumento di indagine nei confronti dell’anziano fragile.Risulta quindi evidente che l’elemento essenziale è la multidimensionalità che la valutazione clinica deve avere.[1-13] Obiettivi.Gli obiettivi di questo studio sono stati di esaminare le associazioni tra i parametri cognitivi neuro-motori e nutrizionale e la densità minerale ossea, la qualità dell’osso, la massa grassa , la massa magra in tutto il corpo in pazienti geriatrici protesizzati d’anca,divisi in due gruppi a seconda della terapia per l’osso con Denosumab (DMAB) vs Alendronato (ALD) e nei controlli sani (CNT) di riferimento. Materiali e Metodi. Sono stati arruolati 95 pazienti (età media 80±8 anni) protesizzati d’anca e 50 controlli sani di pari età (età media 74±11anni). La popolazione di studio è stata divisa in due gruppi a seconda della terapia con Denosumab (DMAB) vs Alendronato (ALD) . Sono state effettuate le scale di valutazione Geriartrica dello stato funzionale (CGA):HAND GRIP ,BARTHEL index, ADL,IADL,MNA,CIRS com, CIRS sev, Tinetti, MMSE. La Densità minerale ossea (BMD, g/cm2) a livello del rachide lombare (L1-L4) e dell’intero del femore è stata misurata mediante il densitometro DXA Lunar Prodigy (GE Lunar , Madison, WI, USA) cosi come la valutazione del corpo metabolico totale espresso dall’ Indice di massa scheletrica relativa (RSMI). Per tutti i soggetti è stato calcolato l’indice di massa corporea (BMI, kg/m2). Secondo l’equazione antropometrica [14], la sarcopenia è stata definite da RSMI<5.5 kg/m2 nelle donne. Il valore di TBS è stato calcolato su tutti gli esami densitometrici del rachide lombare utilizzando il TBS iNsight Medimaps software (Lunar Prodigy). Valutazione del rischio fratturativo atteso nei 10 anni successivi in rapporto ai fattori di rischio riconosciuti (analisi algoritmo FRAX).Tutti i pazienti sono stati sottoposti al dosaggio sierico della 25 idrossivitamina D (25(OH)D ng/ml),del Paratormone PTH pg/ml e valutazione dell’ emoglobina Hb g/L. Risultati.Nei 95 pazienti arruolati si osservava una riduzione di massa ossea per 78 pazienti (80%); in particolare 52 in condizione di osteoporosi (53%) e 41 (42%) di osteopenia. I valori di BMD sono risultati significativamente più ridotti nei pazienti protesizzati d’anca rispetto al gruppo di controllo (rispettivamente, rachide lombare: 0.998±0.161 g/cm2 vs 1.240±0.932 g/cm2;Collo del femore: 0.784±0.212 g/cm2 vs 0.845±0.164 g/cm2; Ward 0.563±0.173 g/cm2 vs 0.657±0.106 g/cm2; Trocantere: 0.666 ±0.104 g/cm2 vs 0.725±0.143 g/cm2;Femore Intero: 0.827±0.182 g/cm2 vs 1.033±0.161 g/cm2, entrambi con p<0.001). Ad Oggi (rispettivamente, rachide lombare: 1.178±0.761 g/cm2 Collo del femore: 0.989±0.712 g/cm2; Ward 0.874±0.982 g/cm2; Trocantere: 0.981 ±0.382 g/cm2;Femore Intero: 1.036±0.294 g/cm2).I valori di TBS a livello del rachide lombare sono risultati significativamente più bassi nei pazienti protesizzati nei confronti del gruppo di controllo (rispettivamente, 1.012±0.163 score vs 1.361±0.126 score, entrambi con p<0.001).Ad Oggi I Valori RSMI medi sono 5,42±0,078kg/m² al di sotto della media della popolazione di controllo (5,7 Kg/m²) incrementati in media di 2,07±0,078kg/m² rispetto al T0. Tra I livelli di TBS e i livelli di RSMI rispettivamente 1.914±0.152 e 4,72±0,029kg/m² si denota una correlazione positiva con p<0.001; con un’implementazione media del TBS dal T0 dello 0,874±0.121.Da un confronto dei dati ad 1 anno sui 55 pazienti conclusi risulta che i livelli di TBS sembrano influenzati dalla terapia antiriassorbitiva; il miglioramento risulta maggiormente nel gruppo ALD(60%) rispetto al gruppo DMAB (40%); in entrambi i casi il miglioramento non supera il 5-8% di significatività totale percui non statisticamente rilevabile. I dosaggi della 25(OH)D sono risultati 13±1.4 ng/ml al T0 e 24±0.7 ng/ml a T1. I Valori del PTH sono risultati 40,36±2.7 pg/ml al T0 e 47±2.7 pg/ml al T1.I Valori dell’Hb sono risultati 12,47±1.1 g/L al T0e 14,18±0.97 g/L al T1. Dall’analisi dei parametri geriatrici rispettivamente nel gruppo ALD vs DMAB abbiamo riscontrato: Hand-grip strength, Kg ± DS Nelle pazienti donne :15.3 ± 5.3 vs 13.5 ± 6.2 ,nei pz uomini 22.1 ± 5.0 vs 23.2 ± 1.6; Barthel Index, score ± DS 91 ± 14 vs 83 ± 23;ADL, n° ± DS 5.5 ± 0.9 vs 5.1 ± 1.5 ;IADL, n° ± DS 5.8 ± 2.5 vs5.1 ± 3.4 ;MNA, score ± DS 11.4 ± 2.2 vs 10.4 ± 2.9 CIRS comorbidity, score ± DS 4.3 ± 1.8 vs4.2 ± 1.6 ;CIRS severity, score ± DS 1.9 ± 0.5 vs 1.9 ± 0.3 ,SPMSQ, score ± DS 2.0±2.2 vs 1.9 ± 2.1 ; BMI, media ± DS 24.4 ± 5.2 vs21.3 ± 2.9 Esaminando le caratteristiche basali dal punto di vista osseo e muscolare si evidenzia innanzitutto uno stato carenziale di Vitamina D comune ai due gruppi. In entrambi la BMD è indicativa di osteoporosi a livello del collo femorale ed osteopenia a livello della colonna (verosimilmente per gli artefatti dovuti alla presenza di osteoartrosi e/o fratture vertebrali). Il TBS presenta una lieve differenza tra i due gruppi (DMab 1.129 ± 0.160 ALD 1.032 ± 0.162, p .073), indicando in entrambi una condizione di degradazione ossea. Considerando i valori Hand Grip e di RSMI, con riferimento ai cut off indicati nel Consensus EWGSOP2, in entrambi i gruppi si denota uno stato di sarcopenia “confermata”. In particolare, i valori di RSMI nelle donne sono francamente patologici, mentre quelli degli uomini sono ai limiti inferiori (Ald 7,7 ± 1,2, Dmab 7,1± 0,1), ma dobbiamo pesare la prevalenza inferiore del sesso maschile all’interno del campione (12,2%).Non sussiste una reale differenza tra i due farmaci, neppure dopo aggiustamento per le variabili (BMI e TBS).Le variazioni percentuali dell’RSMI mostrano chiaramente un effetto di potenziamento della muscolatura appendicolare da parte di Denosumab, con differenza statisticamente significativa rispetto ad Alendronato (Ald -5.8 ± 12.4 vs Dmab 0.5 ± 4.5, p=0.046) Conclusioni. Attualmente lo studio ci indica come vi sia una correlazione tra il recupero della massa muscolare la riduzione della massa grassa e il recupero funzionale ,motorio e sull’indice di fragilità.Questo studio mostra come la sarcopenia sia frequente nei pazienti anziani, per lo più in quelli classificati come normali o in sovrappeso secondo il BMI. Pertanto i valori di TBS e BMD, potrebbero avere un ruolo chiave in un feedback muscolo-osso nel paziente geriatrico in stato post-operatorio come quello della protesi d’anca. I pazienti che riportano frattura di femore da fragilità sono soggetti osteosarcopenici dobbiamo considerare la sindrome, non le singole patologie.La BMD e il TBS ad un anno dalla frattura mostrano un bilancio “in perdita”, nonostante la prescrizione di terapia anti-riassorbitiva, verosimilmente legato alla transitoria immobilizzazione successiva all’evento indice che si debba raccomandare ed incoraggiare la prosecuzione della terapia oltre il 1°anno, in associazione ad interventi mirati a favorire la mobilizzazione del paziente.Coerentemente ai dati risultanti ,in associazione ad un aumento medio della 25(OH)D, si osserva nei pazienti più complianti un recupero maggiormente marcato anche sulla BMD ,specchio della quantità minerale ossea, minore invece è il recupero sulla qualità dell’osso mostrata dall’analisi dell’osso trabecolare (TBS).Il Denosumab sembra avere un potenziale effetto di rinforzo muscolare, per cui sembra essere un promettente approccio al paziente anziano osteosarcopenico. Il TBS in associazione alla valutazione del corpo metabolico totale ,si dimostrano parametri clinici aggiuntivi rispetto ai valori densitometrici standard sul nostro campione di pazienti anziani ,suggerendo come queste metodiche possano migliorare la valutazione di “fragilità” del paziente geriatrico nel post-fratturativo per migliorarne l’inquadramento diagnostico-terapeurico e una migliore compliance alla terapia. Bibliografia 1.Rockwood K et al.Interdiscip Top Gerontol Geriatr. 2015;41:VII-X.;2.Chen KW et al.Worldviews Evid Based Nurs. 2017 Apr 27 3.Mitnitski AB et al. Biogerontology. 2017 Mar 2. ;4.Searle SD, Rockwood K. et al. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2015 Aug 3;7(1):54. 5.Strawbridge WJ et al.Med S ci 1998;53A:M9-16.;6.Chin A et al.J Clin Epidemiol 1999;52:1015-21.;7.Walston J et al. J Am Geriatr S oc 2006;54:991-1001.;8.Rantanen T et al.J Gerontol A Biol Med Sci 2000;55A:M168-73.;9.Rantanen T et al.J Am Geriatr S oc 2000;48:613-7.;10.Rozzini R et al.Arch I ntern Med 2001;161:299-300.;11.Brown JC et al.Aging Clin Exp Res. 2016 Mar 28 12.Villa P et al.J Endocrinol Invest. 2016 Feb;39(2):191-8..;13.Lamy O et al.Rev Med Suisse. 2011 Nov 2;7(315):2130, 2132-4, 2136.;14.Baumgartner RN et al., J Epidemiol. 147:755–76
Osteosarcodinapenia in età geriatrica, studio epidemiologico: analisi dei fattori di rischio; studio degli algoritmi e valutazione densitometrica quantitativa e qualitativa (analisi in totalbody e TBS) in coorti di pazienti geriatrici protesizzati selezionati.
Introduction Thanks to the global improvement in care and living conditions, the world population is increasingly aging, however, as evidenced by the literature, the need to improve the qualitative state of this process requires further developments in research. The term fragility identifies a condition of vulnerability caused by the inability of biological systems, at various levels, to preserve the functional reserves of organs and systems that regulate a person's life unscathed. The elderly, for reasons related to the aging process and intercurrent illnesses, become more vulnerable and many conditions can alter the body's homeostatic balance. Fragility is caused by the inability of biological systems, at various levels (from cell to person), to maintain homeostasis. With aging there is a reduction in the functional reserves of organs and systems, especially as regards the musculoskeletal system, which expose the individual to a greater risk of "rupture" and "fracture" induced by pathogens or by changes in the bio-psychological balance and quality of life. Since the determinants of this process are very different (biological-clinical or environmental), it is sometimes difficult to identify fragility and its triggering factors, on which to intervene, both preventively and therapeutically. The very elderly represent the age group most involved in the mechanisms that induce fragility, because the clinical condition characterized by disability, resulting from chronic diseases, is often apparently indistinguishable from the conditions of fragility itself. The latter, therefore, is better defined by the set of many variables rather than by a single entity, which is why it is difficult to provide a precise definition. The diagnostic criteria for defining osteosarcodynapenia have indicated as possible markers the presence of balance and gait disorders, sarcopenia, reduced exercise tolerance, changes in body composition and in the quantitative and qualitative aspect of bone tissue (loss weight, sarcopenia, malnutrition). The criteria have been validated by a series of studies that have shown the association of these characteristics with the increased risk of institutionalization and death, as well as with the onset of geriatric syndromes (disability, cognitive status, falls, urinary incontinence, malnutrition). Identifying and understanding the role of frailty as a condition that modulates the quality and duration of life of the elderly is an important starting point; from this point of view, in fact, it becomes the target of targeted interventions on a clinical, surgical, psychological and social level to reduce the risk of negative events. Therefore, recognizing the biological characteristics of age-related osteosarcodynapenia and understanding its pathophysiological determinants have been at the center of gerontological research in recent years. In particular, the research focused on the identification of biological markers that allow screening of frailty at an early stage when the possibilities of prevention and intervention are more likely to be successful. As already indicated in the literature, the focus is mainly on physical problems induced by fragility: - quantitative reduction in bone mineral stock (BMD [Bone Mineral Density] assessment by DXA [Dual X-ray Absorptiometry] and qualitative method (assessable by TBS [Trabecular Bone Score] method)); - disability; increased clinical vulnerability; -high risk of musculoskeletal deterioration (osteoporotic disease state; sarcopenic state assessable with the Total Body Scan iDXA for Metabolic Health method); - Reduction of the degree of functional state based on the CGA (Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment) or the Multidimensional Assessment (VMD) methodology it is considered a valid tool of geriatric medicine that elaborated and validated it; it is not limited only to the evaluation-diagnostic moment but from an operational point of view it also extends to the management of the patient. Since interdisciplinarity is the characterizing element of the VMD, is a valid investigation tool for the frail elderly. It is therefore evident that and the essential element is the multidimensionality that clinical evaluation must have. [1-13] OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were to examine the associations between neuro-motor and nutritional cognitive parameters and bone mineral density, bone quality, fat mass, and lean body mass in prosthetic geriatric patients. hip, divided into two groups according to bone therapy with Denosumab (DMAB) vs Alendronate (ALD) and in the reference healthy controls (CNT) Materials and methods: 95 patients (mean age 80 ± 8 years) with hip replacement and 50 healthy controls of the same age (mean age 74 ± 11 years) were enrolled. The study population was divided into two groups according to Denosumab (DMAB) vs Alendronate (ALD) therapy. The Geriartric assessment scales of functional status (CGA) were performed: HAND GRIP, BARTHEL index, ADL, IADL, MNA, CIRS com, CIRS sev, Tinetti, MMSE. Bone mineral density (BMD, g / cm2) at the level of the lumbar spine (L1-L4) and of the entire femur was measured by the DXA Lunar Prodigy densitometer (GE Lunar, Madison, WI, USA) as well as the evaluation of the total metabolic body expressed by the Relative Skeletal Mass Index (RSMI). The body mass index (BMI, kg / m2) was calculated for all subjects. According to the anthropometric equation [14], sarcopenia was defined by RSMI <5.5 kg / m2 in women. The TBS value was calculated on all lumbar spine densitometric examinations using the TBS iNsight Medimaps software (Lunar Prodigy). Evaluation of the expected fracture risk in the next 10 years in relation to the recognized risk factors (FRAX algorithm analysis) All patients underwent a serum dosage of 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25 (OH) D ng / ml), of the PTH pg parathyroid hormone / ml and evaluation of hemoglobin Hb g / L. RESULTS: In the 95 patients enrolled, a reduction in bone mass was observed for 78 patients (80%); in particular 52 with osteoporosis (53%) and 41 (42%) with osteopenia. BMD values were significantly lower in hip replacement patients than in the control group (respectively, lumbar spine: 0.998 ± 0.161 g / cm2 vs 1.240 ± 0.932 g / cm2; Femoral neck: 0.784 ± 0.212 g / cm2 vs 0.845 ± 0.164 g / cm2; Ward 0.563 ± 0.173 g / cm2 vs 0.657 ± 0.106 g / cm2; Trochanter: 0.666 ± 0.104 g / cm2 vs 0.725 ± 0.143 g / cm2; Whole Femur: 0.827 ± 0.182 g / cm2 vs 1.033 ± 0.161 g / cm2, both with p <0.001). To date (respectively, lumbar spine: 1.178 ± 0.761 g / cm2 Femoral neck: 0.989 ± 0.712 g / cm2; Ward 0.874 ± 0.982 g / cm2; Trochanter: 0.981 ± 0.382 g / cm2; Whole Femur: 1.036 ± 0.294 g / cm2). The TBS values at the level of the lumbar spine were significantly lower in the prosthetic patients compared to the control group (respectively, 1.012 ± 0.163 score vs 1.361 ± 0.126 score, both with p <0.001). Average RSMIs are 5.42 ± 0.078kg / m² below the mean of the control population (5.7kg / m²) increased on average by 2.07 ± 0.078kg / m² compared to T0. Between the levels of TBS and the levels of RSMI respectively 1.914 ± 0.152 and 4.72 ± 0.029kg / m² there is a positive correlation with p <0.001; with an average implementation of TBS from T0 of 0.874 ± 0.121. A comparison of the 1-year data on the 55 concluded patients shows that the levels of TBS appear to be influenced by antiresorptive therapy; the improvement is more in the ALD group (60%) than in the DMAB group (40%); in both cases the improvement does not exceed 5-8% of total significance so it is not statistically detectable. The dosages of 25 (OH) D were found to be 13 ± 1.4 ng / ml at T0 and 24 ± 0.7 ng / ml at T1. The PTH values were 40.36 ± 2.7 pg / ml at T0 and 47 ± 2.7 pg / ml at T1. Hb values were 12.47 ± 1.1 g / L at T0 and 14.18 ± 0.97 g / L to T1. From the analysis of geriatric parameters respectively in the ALD vs DMAB group, we found: Hand-grip strength, Kg ± DS In female patients: 15.3 ± 5.3 vs 13.5 ± 6.2, in male patients 22.1 ± 5.0 vs 23.2 ± 1.6; Barthel Index, score ± SD 91 ± 14 vs 83 ± 23; ADL, n ° ± SD 5.5 ± 0.9 vs 5.1 ± 1.5; IADL, n ° ± SD 5.8 ± 2.5 vs 5.1 ± 3.4; MNA, score ± SD 11.4 ± 2.2 vs 10.4 ± 2.9 CIRS comorbidity, score ± SD 4.3 ± 1.8 vs 4.2 ± 1.6; CIRS severity, score ± SD 1.9 ± 0.5 vs 1.9 ± 0.3, SPMSQ, score ± SD 2.0 ± 2.2 vs 1.9 ± 2.1; BMI, mean ± SD 24.4 ± 5.2 vs 21.3 ± 2.9 Examining the basal characteristics from the bone and muscle point of view, first of all, a deficient state of Vitamin D common to the two groups is highlighted. In both, BMD is indicative of osteoporosis in the femoral neck and osteopenia in the spine (probably due to artifacts due to the presence of osteoarthritis and / or vertebral fractures). The TBS shows a slight difference between the two groups (DMab 1.129 ± 0.160 ALD 1.032 ± 0.162, p .073), indicating a condition of bone degradation in both. Considering the Hand Grip and RSMI values, with reference to the cut offs indicated in the EWGSOP2 Consensus, both groups show a state of “confirmed” sarcopenia. In particular, the values of RSMI in women are frankly pathological, while those of men are at the lower limits (Ald 7.7 ± 1.2, Dmab 7.1 ± 0.1), but we must weigh the lower prevalence of males within the sample (12.2%). There is no real difference between the two drugs, even after adjustment for the variables (BMI and TBS). The percentage changes in RSMI clearly show a strengthening effect of the appendicular musculature from part of Denosumab, with statistically significant difference compared to Alendronate (Ald -5.8 ± 12.4 vs Dmab 0.5 ± 4.5, p = 0.046) Conclusions. Currently the study shows us how there is a correlation between the recovery of muscle mass, the reduction of fat mass and the functional, motor and fragility index recovery.This study shows that sarcopenia is common in elderly patients, mostly in those classified as normal or overweight according to BMI. Therefore, the TBS and BMD values could play a key role in a muscle-bone feedback in the geriatric patient in the post-operative state such as that of the hip replacement. Patients who report fragility femur fractures are osteosarcopenic subjects, we must consider the syndrome, not the individual pathologies. linked to the transient immobilization following the event indicating that the continuation of therapy beyond the 1st year should be recommended and encouraged, in association with interventions aimed at favoring patient mobilization. Consistent with the resulting data, in association with an average increase in (OH) D, in the most compliant patients a more marked recovery is also observed on BMD, mirror of the bone mineral quantity, while the recovery on the quality of the bone shown by the analysis of trabecular bone (TBS) is lower. have a potential muscle strengthening effect, so it appears to be a promising approach to the elderly osteosarc patient openico. The TBS in association with the evaluation of the total metabolic body, prove additional clinical parameters compared to the standard densitometric values on our sample of elderly patients, suggesting how these methods can improve the evaluation of "fragility" of the geriatric patient in the post-fracture period to improve 'diagnostic-therapeutic framework and better compliance with therapy. References .Rockwood K et al.Interdiscip Top Gerontol Geriatr. 2015;41:VII-X.;2.Chen KW et al.Worldviews Evid Based Nurs. 2017 Apr 27 3.Mitnitski AB et al. 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