Cancer therapies are known cause of irreversible cardiac complications in treated patients. Many studies defined the mechanisms of heart damage in chemotherapy treatments. Intrinsically, anthracyclines affect the integrity of cardiomyocytes, causing in combination oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, damage to DNA structure and alterations in energy metabolism. In recent years, numerous insights underlined the mechanisms of cardiomyocytes pathogenesis, induced by Doxorubicin (DOX): an anthracyclinic antibiotic, with antineoplastic action, with large antitumor spectrum. However, very little has been discovered about the effect of these drugs on cardiac fibroblasts: the activation of these cells and the derived myocardial fibrosis are the aspects that characterize DOX cardiomyopathy. All of these events, however, are considered secondary to cardiomyocyte injury, with a late onset during cardiotoxicity, and therefore a minor biological impact. The cardiomyocytic component, in an adult heart, represents only 25-35% of the cell population; the other portion is occupied by non-cardiomyocytic cells (endothelial cells, leukocytes, smooth muscle cells, pericytes and fibroblasts): a balanced and synergic system, which guarantees organic stability, only if each component is able to maintain its homeostasis. For this reason, we hypothesized that DOX could exert a direct and biologically relevant effects on fibroblasts. To test our hypothesis, we first studied the behavior of primary cardiac fibroblasts (HCFs, Human Cardiac Fibroblasts), isolated from the right atrial appendages, of patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery, with extra-corporeal circulation. We then made use of primary cultures of cardiomyocytes and cardiac fibroblasts, obtained from the hearts of neonatal mice, to understand if the fibroblasts treated with DOX were able to influence the contiguous cells in the myocardium. For our experiments, HCFs, obtained by enzymatic digestion, were treated with DOX 0.3 µM, a subapoptotic concentration; under these conditions, the state of cellular senescence (SA β-Gal and immunofluorescence for p16INK4), the state of proliferation (cytofluorimetric assay for CFSE), apoptosis (immunofluorescence for cleaved caspase 3), fibroblastic activation (immunofluorescence for α-SMA and staining with Picro-Sirius red) and the involvement of p53 (western blot) were studied. Functional experiments have been conducted to better understand the involvement of the p53 and TGF-β pathways in cardiac DOX dysfunction: the cells were therefore treated with pifitrin-α (PFT, p53 inhibitor) and GW788388 (GW , TGF-β receptor inhibitor). The DOX, with tested concentration, induces senescence in the treated HCFs, which appear morphologically more extended and flattened, with increased expression of SA β-Gal and p16INK4a, compared to the control cells, guided by an increase in the expression of p53, and with a contained proliferative activity. DOX also induces the deposition of collagen and α-SMA in myofibroblasts. Pretreatments with PFT and GW have proven to be essential to prevent the phenotypic switch of HCFs in myofibroblasts. These effects are also evident in the case of the autocrine effect of HCFs, treated with the conditioned culture medium of other HCFs (previously treated with DOX 0.3 µM for 3 hours and maintained in culture for 2 hours in serum free conditions, to obtain the conditioned culture medium). To better understand the presence of a cross-talk between the cells that compose the heart, murine neonatal cardiomyocytes (nMCMs, neonatal Mouse Cardiomyocytes) and fibroblasts (nMCFs, neonatal Mouse Cardiac Fibroblasts) were obtained by enzymatic digestion, from hearts of mice of 1-2 days (C57BL / 6), and grown in their specific growth medium. nMCFs were treated with DOX 0.5 µM for three hours and kept in culture for the next two hours in serum free medium; the conditioned medium (CM, Conditioned Medium), containing the secretome of myofibroblasts has been used to treat the nMCMs and study its paracrine effect. The analysis of the nMCFs CM allowed us to exclude the presence of DOX or its metabolites, but the secretome of the nMCFs is sufficient to induce senescence in the nMCMs, which show an increased SA β-Gal activity, without affecting the integrity mitochondrial. The fibroblasts, unlike what is known to date, are deeply damaged by DOX, and and influence contiguous cardiomyocytes in paracrine manner, causing lesions, by means of their secretome, and not by effect of the metabolites of DOX. Further studies will be necessary to characterize the factors secreted by fibroblasts, implicated in the pathogenesis of cardiotoxicity.
Le terapie antitumorali sono note cause di complicazioni cardiache irreversibili nei pazienti trattati. Numerosi sono gli studi che hanno definito i meccanismi con cui i trattamenti chemioterapici portano a danni cardiaci. In modo intrinseco, le antracicline influenzano l’integrità dei cardiomiociti, provocando in combinazione stress ossidativo, disfunzione mitocondriale, danni nella struttura del DNA ed alterazioni nel metabolismo energetico. Negli ultimi anni sono state numerose le intuizioni circa i meccanismi alla base della patogenesi dei cardiomiociti, indotta dalla Doxorubicina (DOX): un antibiotico antraciclinico, ad azione antineoplastica, che possiede un ampio spettro antitumorale. Ben poco, invece, è stato scoperto sull’effetto di questi farmaci sui fibroblasti cardiaci: l’attivazione di queste cellule e la fibrosi miocardica, che ne deriva, sono gli aspetti che caratterizzano la cardiomiopatia da DOX. L’insieme di questi eventi, tuttavia, sono considerati secondari alla lesione dei cardiomiociti, e si ritiene che abbiano un esordio tardivo nel corso della cardiotossicità, e quindi un impatto biologico minore. La componente cardiomiocitica, in un cuore adulto, rappresenta circa il 25-35% della popolazione cellulare; la restante parte è occupata da cellule di natura non cardiomiocitica (endoteliali, leucociti, cellule muscolari lisce, periciti e fibroblasti): un sistema equilibrato e sinergico, che garantisce la stabilità organica, solo se ogni componente è in grado di mantenere la sua omeostasi. Per tale ragione abbiamo ipotizzato che la DOX potesse esercitare effetti diretti e biologicamente rilevanti sui fibroblasti. Per verificare la nostra ipotesi, abbiamo, in un primo momento, studiato il comportamento dei fibroblasti cardiaci primari (HCF, Human Cardiac Fibroblast), isolati dalle appendici atriali destre, di pazienti sottoposti a chirurgia cardiaca elettiva, con circolazione extracorporea. Successivamente ci siamo avvalsi di colture primarie di cardiomiociti e fibroblasti cardiaci, ottenuti dai cuori di topi neonatali, per comprendere se i fibroblasti trattati con la DOX fossero in grado di influenzare le cellule contigue del miocardio. Per i nostri esperimenti, HCF, ottenuti per digestione enzimatica, sono stati trattati con DOX 0,3 µM, una concentrazione subapoptotica; è stata studiato, in queste condizioni, lo stato di senescenza cellulare (SA β-Gal ed immunofluorescenza per p16INK4), lo stato di proliferazione (saggio citofluorimetrico per CFSE), l’apoptosi (immunofluorescenza per caspasi 3 clivata), l’attivazione fibroblastica (immunofluorescenza per α-SMA e colorazione con Picro-Sirius red) ed il coinvolgimento di p53 (western blot). Esperimenti di tipo funzionale sono stati condotti per meglio comprendere il coinvolgimento dei pathway di p53 e TGF-β nella disfunzione cardiaca da DOX: le cellule sono state, per tanto, trattate con pifitrina-α (PFT, inibitore di p53) e GW788388 (GW, inibitore del recettore di TGF-β). La DOX, nella concentrazione testata, induce la senescenza nei HCF trattati, i quali appaiono morfologicamente più estesi ed appiattiti, con aumentata espressione di SA β-Gal e p16INK4a, rispetto alle cellule di controllo, guidata da un aumento nell’espressione di p53, e con un’attività proliferativa contenuta. La DOX induce anche la deposizione di collagene e α-SMA nei miofibroblasti. I pretrattamenti con PFT e GW si sono rivelati essenziali per prevenire lo switch fenotipico dei HCF in miofibroblasti. Questi effetti sono altresì evidenti nel caso dell’effetto autocrino di HCF, trattati con il mezzo di coltura condizionato di altri HCF (precedentemente trattati con DOX 0,3 µM per 3 ore e mantenuti in coltura per 2 ore in condizioni serum free, per ottenere il mezzo di coltura condizionato). Per meglio comprendere la presenza di un cross-talk tra le cellule che compongono il cuore, cardiomiociti (nMCM, neonatal Mouse Cardiomyocyte) e fibroblasti (nMCF, neonatal Mouse Cardiac Fibroblast) murini neonatali sono stati ottenuti per digestione enzimatica, da cuori di topi di 1-2 giorni (C57BL/6), e cresciuti nel loro specifico terreno di crescita. nMCF sono stati trattati con DOX 0,5 µM per tre ore e mantenuti in coltura per le due ore successive in terreno serum free; il mezzo condizionato (CM, Conditioned Medium), contenente il secretoma dei miofibroblasti è stato utilizzato per trattare i nMCM e studiarne l’effetto paracrino. L’analisi del CM di nMCF ci ha permesso di escludere la presenza di DOX o suoi metaboliti, ma il secretoma dei nMCF è sufficiente ad indurre la senescenza nei nMCM, che mostrano un’incrementata attività SA β-Gal, senza intaccare l’integrità mitocondriale. I fibroblasti, diversamente da quanto noto fino ad oggi, sono profondamente danneggiati dalla DOX, ed influenzano in maniera paracrina i cardiomiociti contigui, provocando lesioni, per mezzo del loro secretoma, e non per effetto dei metaboliti della DOX. Ulteriori studi saranno necessari per caratterizzare i fattori secreti dai fibroblasti, implicati nella patogenesi della cardiotossicità.
Ruolo dei fibroblasti cardiaci nella cardiotossicità da doxorubicina
Cancer therapies are known cause of irreversible cardiac complications in treated patients. Many studies defined the mechanisms of heart damage in chemotherapy treatments. Intrinsically, anthracyclines affect the integrity of cardiomyocytes, causing in combination oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, damage to DNA structure and alterations in energy metabolism. In recent years, numerous insights underlined the mechanisms of cardiomyocytes pathogenesis, induced by Doxorubicin (DOX): an anthracyclinic antibiotic, with antineoplastic action, with large antitumor spectrum. However, very little has been discovered about the effect of these drugs on cardiac fibroblasts: the activation of these cells and the derived myocardial fibrosis are the aspects that characterize DOX cardiomyopathy. All of these events, however, are considered secondary to cardiomyocyte injury, with a late onset during cardiotoxicity, and therefore a minor biological impact. The cardiomyocytic component, in an adult heart, represents only 25-35% of the cell population; the other portion is occupied by non-cardiomyocytic cells (endothelial cells, leukocytes, smooth muscle cells, pericytes and fibroblasts): a balanced and synergic system, which guarantees organic stability, only if each component is able to maintain its homeostasis. For this reason, we hypothesized that DOX could exert a direct and biologically relevant effects on fibroblasts. To test our hypothesis, we first studied the behavior of primary cardiac fibroblasts (HCFs, Human Cardiac Fibroblasts), isolated from the right atrial appendages, of patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery, with extra-corporeal circulation. We then made use of primary cultures of cardiomyocytes and cardiac fibroblasts, obtained from the hearts of neonatal mice, to understand if the fibroblasts treated with DOX were able to influence the contiguous cells in the myocardium. For our experiments, HCFs, obtained by enzymatic digestion, were treated with DOX 0.3 µM, a subapoptotic concentration; under these conditions, the state of cellular senescence (SA β-Gal and immunofluorescence for p16INK4), the state of proliferation (cytofluorimetric assay for CFSE), apoptosis (immunofluorescence for cleaved caspase 3), fibroblastic activation (immunofluorescence for α-SMA and staining with Picro-Sirius red) and the involvement of p53 (western blot) were studied. Functional experiments have been conducted to better understand the involvement of the p53 and TGF-β pathways in cardiac DOX dysfunction: the cells were therefore treated with pifitrin-α (PFT, p53 inhibitor) and GW788388 (GW , TGF-β receptor inhibitor). The DOX, with tested concentration, induces senescence in the treated HCFs, which appear morphologically more extended and flattened, with increased expression of SA β-Gal and p16INK4a, compared to the control cells, guided by an increase in the expression of p53, and with a contained proliferative activity. DOX also induces the deposition of collagen and α-SMA in myofibroblasts. Pretreatments with PFT and GW have proven to be essential to prevent the phenotypic switch of HCFs in myofibroblasts. These effects are also evident in the case of the autocrine effect of HCFs, treated with the conditioned culture medium of other HCFs (previously treated with DOX 0.3 µM for 3 hours and maintained in culture for 2 hours in serum free conditions, to obtain the conditioned culture medium). To better understand the presence of a cross-talk between the cells that compose the heart, murine neonatal cardiomyocytes (nMCMs, neonatal Mouse Cardiomyocytes) and fibroblasts (nMCFs, neonatal Mouse Cardiac Fibroblasts) were obtained by enzymatic digestion, from hearts of mice of 1-2 days (C57BL / 6), and grown in their specific growth medium. nMCFs were treated with DOX 0.5 µM for three hours and kept in culture for the next two hours in serum free medium; the conditioned medium (CM, Conditioned Medium), containing the secretome of myofibroblasts has been used to treat the nMCMs and study its paracrine effect. The analysis of the nMCFs CM allowed us to exclude the presence of DOX or its metabolites, but the secretome of the nMCFs is sufficient to induce senescence in the nMCMs, which show an increased SA β-Gal activity, without affecting the integrity mitochondrial. The fibroblasts, unlike what is known to date, are deeply damaged by DOX, and and influence contiguous cardiomyocytes in paracrine manner, causing lesions, by means of their secretome, and not by effect of the metabolites of DOX. Further studies will be necessary to characterize the factors secreted by fibroblasts, implicated in the pathogenesis of cardiotoxicity.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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