Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 829
Totale 829
Nazione #
IT - Italia 829
Totale 829
Città #
Genoa 226
Vado Ligure 216
Genova 209
Rapallo 177
Bordighera 1
Totale 829
Nome #
Anisotropic peridynamics for homogenized microstructured materials 136
Continuum-molecular modeling of planar micropolar media: Anisotropy, chiral properties and length-scale effects 47
An electromechanical micropolar peridynamic model 44
Bond-based peridynamic modelling of singular and nonsingular crack-tip fields 41
Modelling laminated glass beam failure via stochastic rigid body-spring model and bond-based peridynamics 40
A continuum-molecular model for anisotropic electrically conductive materials 40
An Electromechanical Micropolar Peridynamic Model for Isotropic and Orthotropic Materials 40
Simulating fracture in rock using a micropolar peridynamic formulation 39
Thermodinamically-consistent dynamic continualization of block-lattice materials 38
Crack kinking in isotropic and orthotropic micropolar peridynamic solids 38
A bond-based micropolar peridynamic model with shear deformability: Elasticity, failure properties and initial yield domains 36
Estimating laminated glass beam strength via stochastic Rigid Body-Spring Model 35
Overall constitutive properties of stratified lattices with alternating chirality 34
A full orthotropic micropolar peridynamic formulation for linearly elastic solids 33
Anisotropic Continuum-Molecular Models: A Unified Framework Based on Pair Potentials for Elasticity, Fracture and Diffusion-Type Problems 32
Seismic modelling and analysis of masonry building in aggregate: A case study 31
Stochastic discrete approaches for glass strength estimation 30
Energy absorbing multilayered self-recovering metamaterials with chiral topology 29
A full orthotropic bond-based peridynamic formulation for linearly elastic solids 29
Seismic assessment of a venetian bell tower taking into account soil-structure interaction 29
Influence of soil deformability on the seismic response of a masonry tower 27
null 18
Dynamic continualization of masonry-like structured materials 16
Enhanced high-frequency continualization scheme for inertial beam-lattice metamaterials 15
Totale 897
Categoria #
all - tutte 5.624
article - articoli 4.411
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 1.213
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 11.248

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2021/2022239 60 2 10 4 2 11 2 42 0 28 61 17
2022/2023250 18 32 16 8 13 14 11 11 43 1 73 10
2023/2024157 5 21 7 31 9 11 5 10 6 0 27 25
2024/2025251 8 43 44 36 50 67 3 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 897