Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 647
Totale 647
Nazione #
IT - Italia 647
Totale 647
Città #
Genova 197
Genoa 192
Vado Ligure 132
Rapallo 123
Bordighera 3
Totale 647
Nome #
Influence of Implant Thread Morphology on Primary Stability: A Prospective Clinical Study 108
Analysis of the Subgingival Microbiota in Implant-Supported Full-Arch Rehabilitations 80
Framework Materials for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Rehabilitations: A Systematic Review of Clinical Studies 64
Salivary Micro-RNA and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Systematic Review 62
Macrophagic Inflammatory Response Next to Dental Implants with Different Macro- and Micro-Structure: An In Vitro Study 62
Morphological and Chemical Characterization of Titanium and Zirconia Dental Implants with Different Macro- and Micro-Structure 60
Peri-Implant Tissue Behaviour Next to Different Titanium Surfaces: 16-Year Post-Trial Follow-Up 46
Efficacy of air-polishing devices without removal of implant-supported full-arch prostheses 37
One‐stage versus two‐stage technique using two splinted extra‐short implants: A multicentric split‐mouth study with a one‐year follow‐up 33
MicroRNA in Implant Dentistry: From Basic Science to Clinical Application 30
Shock Absorption Capacity of High-Performance Polymers for Dental Implant-Supported Restorations: In Vitro Study 24
Biomarkers from Peri-Implant Crevicular Fluid (PICF) as Predictors of Peri-Implant Bone Loss: A Systematic Review 20
miRNA as predictors of dental implant success: clinical analysis using microarray 19
Efficacy and safety of erythritol air-polishing in implant dentistry: A systematic review 17
Antimicrobial Activity of Glycine Air Polishing: A Clinical Split- Mouth Study on Full-Arch Implant-Supported Rehabilitations 16
Rehabilitation of edentulous mandibles following the Brånemark Novum immediate loading protocol. A 21-Year Case Series Follow-up 14
Comparison of Full-Arch Intraoral Scans Immediately After Implant Insertion Versus Healed Tissue: A Multicentric Clinical Study 6
Totale 698
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.051
article - articoli 3.975
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 8.026

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2020/2021106 0 0 13 1 3 3 31 20 5 10 3 17
2021/2022109 17 0 0 21 4 8 0 21 1 18 2 17
2022/2023150 15 20 0 12 24 14 0 13 17 1 32 2
2023/2024180 2 8 0 31 8 42 8 6 6 8 19 42
2024/2025153 24 27 21 16 37 28 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 698