Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 1.148
Totale 1.148
Nazione #
IT - Italia 1.148
Totale 1.148
Città #
Genoa 450
Vado Ligure 421
Genova 189
Rapallo 73
Bordighera 15
Totale 1.148
Nome #
Buildings that ‘Speak’: Ichnological Geoheritage in 1930s Buildings in Piazza della Vittoria (Genova, Italy) 79
null 65
Ichnofossils, Cracks or Crystals? A Test for Biogenicity of Stick‐Like Structures from Vera Rubin Ridge, Mars 65
A Paleogene mixed carbonate-siliciclastic system in the western Tethys: spectral gamma-ray as a tool for the reconstruction of paleoclimate and transgressive-regressive cycles. 62
Ethology of the trace fossil Chondrites: Form, function and environment 61
An ichnological predictive map of the Jezero Crater, Mars: searching for potential traces of life-substrate interactions based on terrestrial analogues (Liguria, Italy; Naturtejo UNESCO Geopark, Portugal; Ômnôgov, Mongolia). 46
Sabellid tubes from the deep shelf off Liguria (Italy): A modern analogue for distal Skolithos Ichnofacies? 43
Bartonian coastlines along the westernmost sector of Liguria: palaeoenvironmental interpretation with insights into the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO). 42
Astroichnology: present, past and future. 40
A predictive model for the ichnological suitability of the Jezero crater, Mars: searching for fossilized traces of life-substrate interactions in the 2020 Rover Mission Landing Site. 38
A middle Eocene shallow-water drowning ramp in NW Italy: from shoreface conglomerates to distal marls. 37
Biodiversity of Larger Benthic Foraminifera (LBF) from the Bartonian succession of Capo Mortola promontory (Liguria, NW Italy). 34
Short-term middle Eocene (Bartonian) paleoenvironmental changes in the sedimentary succession of Olivetta San Michele (NW Italy): the response of shallow-water biota to climate in NW Tethys. 33
Depositional and paleontological consequences of the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) as recorded along a shallow-water succession near Olivetta San Michele (IM), NW Italy. 32
Shallow-water sedimentary environments across the MECO as recorded in NW Italy: palaeodiversity and palaeoecological constraints. 31
If the Universe is teeming with life... Where are the martian ichnofossils? Application of palaeontological predictive modelling for the search of extraterrestrial life. 30
Toward a comprehensive palaeogeographic reconstruction of the Paleogene foredeep basin in the Provençal Domain. 25
Da Vinci's paleodictyon: The fractal beauty of traces 23
Small-world dynamics: a new evolutionary force? 21
A Paleogene mixed carbonate-siliciclastic system in the western Tethys: spectral gamma-ray as a tool for the reconstruction of paleoclimate and transgressive-regressive cycles 17
Palaeontology outreach 2.0: video and photo blogging about the ichnological heritage of Liguria, Italy. 17
"Sam Gon's Trilobites" at the Penha Garcia interpretative center 14
Coastal raptors and raiders: New bird tracks in the Pleistocene of SW iberian Peninsula 14
A multidisciplinary study of ecosystem evolution through early Pleistocene climate change from the marine Arda River section, Italy 12
Geodelia 12
Eucera bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Eucerini) preserved in their brood cells from late Holocene (middle Neoglacial) palaeosols of southwest Portugal 12
Stars of the aftermath: Asteriacites beds from the Lower Triassic of the Carnic Alps (Werfen Formation, Sauris di Sopra), Italy 12
Daedalus mega-ichnosite from the Muradal Mountain (Naturtejo Global Geopark, Central Portugal): Between the Agronomic Revolution and the Ordovician Radiation 12
The ichnological importance and interest of the Geological Museum of Lisbon collections: Cladichnus lusitanicum in continental facies from the Lower Cretaceous of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) 12
Behaviors mapped by new geographies: Ichnonetwork analysis of the Val Dolce Formation (lower Permian; Italy-Austria) 11
TERRAGAZE at the UNESCO National Meeting 11
Permian lobed Zoophycos as the product of the terrestrialization process: Behavioral innovation in the Tahkandit Limestone (Yukon River, Alaska, USA) 11
La forma è sostanza. Scelte didattiche per l'aggiornamento degli Operatori Naturalistici e Culturali. 11
Daedalus Mega-ichnosites: The Armorican Quartzite Bridge between Villuercas-Ibores-Jara and Naturtejo UNESCO Global Geoparks 11
Depositional processes and environmental settings in rock shelters: The case of the prehistoric Oscurusciuto site (Southern Italy) 11
Life in a Gilbert-type delta system: Ichnoassociations of the Ventimiglia palaeovalley and their sequence stratigraphic significance (Pliocene, NW Italy). 10
PramSoft 10
Paleobiologica for Dinoexpo 9
Life in an Artinskian (Cisuralian) Permian megacaldera: Benthic palaeoecology in the shadow of the Bolzano Supervolcano (Athesian Volcanic District, Italy) 9
Small-world dynamics drove Phanerozoic divergence of burrowing behaviors 9
Organism-substrate interactions and astrobiology: Potential, models and methods 9
Giant trilobite burrows and their paleobiological significance (Lower-to-Middle Ordovician from Penha Garcia, Portugal) 9
Tracking the last elephants in Europe during the Würm Pleniglacial: the importance of the Late Pleistocene aeolianite record in SW Iberia 9
Evolution of Crustaceans at the edge of the end-Permian crisis: Ichnonetwork analysis of the fluvial succession of Nurra (Permian-Triassic, Sardinia, Italy) 8
Quando Pramollo stava all'Equatore 8
Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522-1605): The study of trace fossils during the Renaissance 8
Ichnoassociations, facies and depositional environments of a modern barrier-island: Ilha da Tavira (Ria Formosa, Portugal) 8
Trilobites to Man 8
Prehistoric stone disks from entrances and cemeteries of north-eastern Adriatic hillforts 7
The IchnoGIS method: Network science and geostatistics in ichnology. Theory and application (Grado lagoon, Italy) 7
Neoichnology of a barrier-island system: The Mula di Muggia (Grado lagoon, Italy) 7
Leonardo da vinci, the founding father of ichnology 7
Ichnology of Alluvial-Fan related sequences: The example of Sarzedas Basin (Upper Miocene, UNESCO Naturtejo Geopark) 7
Geologia&Arte. Un viaggio estetico da Leonardo ad Avatar 7
Running crabs, Walking crinoids, Grazing gastropods: Behavioral diversity and evolutionary implications of the Cabeço da Ladeira Lagerstätte (Middle Jurassic, Portugal) 7
The Penha Garcia Ichnological Park at Naturtejo UNESCO Global Geopark (Portugal): a Geotourism Destination in the Footprint of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event 6
Patterns of occurrence and distribution of crustacean ichnofossils in the lower jurassic-upper cretaceous of Atlantic occidental margin basins, Portugal 6
Geoconservation in the cabeço da ladeira paleontological site (Serras de aire e candeeiros nature park, Portugal): Exquisite preservation of animals and their behavioral activities in a middle jurassic carbonate tidal flat 6
“Fossil Art”: The importance and value of the palaeobiodiversity in the Naturtejo Global Geopark, under UNESCO (Portugal) 6
Feeding behavior of giant trilobites from the Penha Garcia Ichnological Park (UNESCO Naturtejo Global Geopark, Portugal) 6
Trace fossils in seep-impacted sediments as a tool to decipher the origin of fine-grained intervals of the Marnoso-arenacea turbidite succession (Miocene, northern Apennines, Italy) 6
Life in near-anoxic conditions: A case study of the ichnology and infaunal ecology of Silurian graptolitic black shales from Sardinia, Italy 5
Microbial-related biogenic structures from the Middle Ordovician slates of Canelas (Northern Portugal) 5
The earliest evidence of deep-sea vertebrates 3
Totale 1.231
Categoria #
all - tutte 7.579
article - articoli 4.845
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 2.268
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 466
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 15.158

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 4 2
2020/202173 12 5 8 6 3 3 4 6 8 6 8 4
2021/2022109 4 3 2 2 9 10 1 19 11 15 0 33
2022/2023110 11 2 3 5 10 22 4 4 19 3 20 7
2023/2024228 9 18 1 33 3 12 41 21 13 11 27 39
2024/2025685 43 75 24 32 155 150 89 110 7 0 0 0
Totale 1.231