Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 2.504
Totale 2.504
Nazione #
IT - Italia 2.504
Totale 2.504
Città #
Genova 1.766
Rapallo 287
Genoa 249
Vado Ligure 194
Bordighera 8
Totale 2.504
Nome #
A Biology-driven Approach Identifies the Hypoxia Gene Signature as a Predictor of the Outcome of Neuroblastoma Patients 180
Molecular fingerprinting reflects different histotypes and brain region in low grade gliomas 168
Comparison of clinical outcomes for patients with large choroidal melanoma after primary treatment with enucleation or proton beam radiotherapy. 144
Specific gene expression signatures of low-grade gliomas (LGG) 144
Consistency of Learning Algorithms Using Attouch–Wets Convergence 134
Finding structured gene signatures 132
Quantitative echography in primary uveal melanoma treated by proton beam therapy. 119
Proton beam radiotherapy of uveal melanoma: Italian patients treated in Nice, France. 115
Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Data 113
Dimensionality Reduction and Generalization 112
Proximal methods for the latent group lasso penalty 110
Identification of Multiple Hypoxia Signatures in Neuroblastoma Cell Lines by l1-l2 Regularization and Data Reduction 109
Solving Structured Sparsity Regularization with Proximal Methods 108
Sparsity in Learning Theory 106
A Regularized Method for Selecting Nested Group of Genes from Microarray Data 103
A Primal-Dual Algorithm for Group Sparse Regularization with Overlapping Groups 100
Combining l1-l2 regularization with biological prior for multi-level hypoxia signature in Neuroblastoma 92
A Regularization Approach to Nonlinear Variable Selection 91
A Method for Robust Variable Selection with Significance Assessment 90
The l1-l2 Regularization Framework Unmasks the Hypoxia Signature Hidden in the Transcriptome of a Set of Heterogenous Neuroblastoma Cell Lines 86
Nonparametric Sparsity and Regularization 86
The Use of Platelet-rich Plasma Gel in Patients with Mixed Tumour Undergoing Superficial Parotidectomy: A Randomized Study 77
Totale 2.519
Categoria #
all - tutte 7.241
article - articoli 4.524
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 879
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.838
Totale 14.482

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020379 0 0 0 0 0 0 89 34 55 98 73 30
2020/2021158 12 18 34 8 9 7 4 10 18 11 11 16
2021/2022268 9 12 27 38 9 13 26 63 5 26 7 33
2022/2023335 24 34 4 46 27 48 45 15 39 5 40 8
2023/2024186 16 18 23 24 12 16 3 27 13 3 8 23
2024/2025217 14 27 21 34 38 69 14 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.519