100014 - Dipartimento di Scienze della formazione
A cross-cultural study of response to Icelandic and Italian folktales.
2002-01-01 Morra, Sergio; Lazzarini, S.
A new model of verbal short-term memory
2000-01-01 Morra, Sergio
A test of a neo-Piagetian model of the Water Level Task.
2008-01-01 Morra, Sergio
A working memory span task for toddlers
2021-01-01 Morra, Sergio; Gandolfi, Elena; Panesi, Sabrina; Prandelli, Laura
Analisi evolutiva dei processi attentivi in giovani giocatori di pallavolo.
2013-01-01 Bisagno, E.; Morra, Sergio
Assessing individual performance in team sports: A new method developed in youth volleyball
2019-01-01 Bisagno, Elisa; Morra, Sergio; Basciano, Martina; Rosina, Carola; Vitali, Francesca
Attention and control deficits following closed head injury.
1994-01-01 Stablum, F.; Leonardi, G.; Mazzoldi, M.; Umilta', C.; Morra, Sergio
Children’s representation of specialized skilled movements: The cases of snowboarding and aikido
2024-01-01 Sosic, Allegra; Panesi, Sabrina; Morra, Sergio
Classe, inclusione, numero: alcuni modelli neopiagetiani.
1982-01-01 Morra, Sergio
Classification in children: two information-processing models.
1984-01-01 Morra, Sergio
Cognitive aspects of change in drawings: A neo-Piagetian theoretical account.
2005-01-01 Morra, Sergio
Come disegnare una persona che non sta diritta in piedi?
1995-01-01 Morra, Sergio; Perchinenna, R.
Cultural literacy: Developmental and social aspects of experience and knowledge of Icelandic culture.
1998-01-01 Gudbjornsdottir, G.; Morra, Sergio
Developmental differences in the use of verbatim versus spatial representations in the recall of spatial descriptions: a probabilistic model and an experimental analysis.
1989-01-01 Morra, Sergio
Developmental evidence for working memory as activated long-term memory.
2003-01-01 Morra, Sergio
Distribuzione di probabilità delle distanze euclidee: due tecniche per l'inferenza statistica
1987-01-01 Morra, Sergio
Drawing a dog: The role of working memory and executive function
2016-01-01 Panesi, Sabrina; Morra, Sergio
Executive function, language, and the toddler’s discovery of representational drawing
2021-01-01 Panesi, Sabrina; Morra, Sergio
Executive functions and mental attentional capacity in preschoolers
2020-01-01 Panesi, Sabrina; Morra, Sergio
From scribbling to drawing: the role of working memory
2017-01-01 Morra, Sergio; Panesi, S