Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.654
Totale 4.654
Nazione #
IT - Italia 4.654
Totale 4.654
Città #
Genova 3.244
Rapallo 603
Vado Ligure 427
Genoa 364
Bordighera 16
Totale 4.654
Nome #
Mitochondria-rich cells in Antarctic fish gills. 131
Mitochondria-rich cells in gills and skin of an African lungfish, Protopterus annectens 127
Ion transport proteins and aquaporin water channels in the kidney of amphibians from different habitats 123
Identification and distribution of nitric oxide synthase in the brain of adult Antarctic Teleosts 114
Regulatory peptides in the urinary bladder of two genera of Antarctic Teleosts 111
A genomic and proteomic based approach to pharmacotherapy for cardiovascular diseases 108
Branchial and cutaneous mitochondria-rich cells in primitive bony fishes 108
Vasoactive peptides in the heart of Champsocephalus gunnari 106
Microgravity-induced apoptosis in cultured glial cells 102
A genomic and proteomic based approach to pharmacotherapy for cardiovascular diseases 102
Ion transport systems in kidney and urinary bladder of two Antarctic teleosts, Chionodraco hamatus and Trematomus bernacchii 101
The cytoskeleton in cardiocytes and nervous elements in the heart of icefishes and red-blooded Antarctic fishes 101
Bradykinin and Angiotensin II in the rat developing heart. 99
The Kallikrein- Kinin and the Renin-Angiotensin Systems in the kidney of an african lungfish, Protopterus annectens 98
Immunoreactive localization of vasoactive hormones (Atrial natriuretic peptide and endothelin) in the heart of Protopterus annectens, an African lungfish 97
Immunohistochemical localisation of FMRF-amide-like peptide in the brain of icefish and red blooded Antarctic Teleosts 95
Weightlessness-induced alterations in the glial cell machinery 94
Cadmium-induced alterations and cell death in the gills of a teleost fish (Scorpaena porcus). 94
Kallikrein-Kinin System in Antarctic Teleosts 91
Vasoactive hormones in the dipnoans' heart 90
Galanina nell’encefalo di anguilla: uno studio immunocitochimico ed autoradiografico 89
Clinorotation-induced weightlessness influences the cytoskeleton of glial cells in colture 88
Somatostatin in lungfish kidney: an immunohistochemical, autoradiographical and in situ hybridisation study 83
Key enzymes of the kallikrein-kinin system in antarctic teleosts 82
Distribution of vasoactive peptides in the antarctic teleost Notothenia neglecta 80
Osmoregulatory peptides immunoreactivity in the lower intestinal tract of the lungfish Protopterus annectens 79
Osmoregulation in the Antarctic teleost Histiodraco velifer 78
Weightlessness-induced alterations at subcellular level in cultured glial cells 77
Enzymes and other proteins involved in ion transport in the amphibians kidney 77
Ultrastructural immunolocalization of ANP and ET-1 in the heart of Protopterus annectens 75
Aspetti morfologici e funzionali della cute del dipnoo Protopterus annectens 75
Microgravity-induced programmed cell death in astrocytes. 75
Cadmium-induced alterations in teleosts gills and kidney 75
Gravitational vector changes affect glial cells in culture 74
Mitochondria-rich cells in kidney and urinary bladder of Antarctic fishes 74
Regulatory peptides in larvae of the antarctic teleost Pleuragramma antarcticum 73
Simulated microgravity induces alteration in the central nervous sistem 73
The skin and the lateral line organs in the Antarctic Teleosts: presence of osmoregulatory peptides 73
Cytoskeletal dynamic in glial cultured cells under microgravity 72
Microgravity-induced programmed cell death in cultured glial cells 71
Apoptosi e proliferazione in cellule gliali sottoposte a microgravità. 68
Somatostatin in the ovary of an African lungfish (Protopterus annectens): an in situ hybridisation, immunohistochemical and autoradiographical study. 68
Effects of induced aestivation in Protopterus annectens: an histomorphological study. 67
Alterazioni indotte da esposizione a metalli pesanti in encefalo di Liza aurata (Mugilide bentonico) 67
Adaptation of glial cells to simulated weightlessness 65
Alterazioni indotte da inquinamento di metalli pesanti nell’apparato renale di Mugilidi bentonici in ambienti salmastri ad alto e basso impatto antropico 62
Effetti della variazione del vettore gravità su cellule Ntera2. 62
Galanin in eel brain: an immunohistochemical and autoradiographical study 61
Regulatory peptides involved in follicular maturation in the ovary of lower vertebrates 61
Somatostatin in lungfish's kidney: immunolocalisation, mRNA expression and binding sites 61
Magnetosensibilità in Teleostei Antartici 55
Distribuzione di Ossido Nitrico Sintetasi nell'encefalo di Teleostei Antartici 53
Cellule a cloruri in cute, branchie e vescica urinaria di Teleostei antartici 50
Estivazione in Protopterus annectens 50
Immunoreattività per  tubulina nel cuore di Teleostei antartici 47
Intraovarian localization of Somatostatin in the African lungfish Protopterus annectens 42
Le branchie dei Teleostei Antartici: aspetti morfofunzionali 42
Localizzazione e caratterizzazione di interleuchina 1 nell'ascidia Styela plicata 40
Totale 4.656
Categoria #
all - tutte 12.981
article - articoli 4.443
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 8.265
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 273
Totale 25.962

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020769 0 0 0 0 0 0 178 43 88 245 142 73
2020/2021166 7 6 8 5 15 20 5 8 37 14 20 21
2021/2022494 4 50 55 57 7 13 8 152 17 49 5 77
2022/2023702 62 44 3 60 109 159 0 65 109 4 76 11
2023/2024257 13 36 2 36 28 31 8 22 23 8 14 36
2024/2025451 19 77 48 47 169 91 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.656