100016 - Dipartimento di Antichità, filosofia e storia
A Synthesis of Recent Research in the Paleolithic Deposits of Caverna delle Arene Candide (Finale Ligure, SV)
2023-01-01 Riel-Salvatore, Julien; Gravel-Miguel, Claudine; Maggi, Roberto; Martino, Gabriele; Rellini, Ivano; Firpo, Marco; Rossi, Stefano; Stefano Sparacello, Vitale
Caratteristiche chimiche e metallurgiche di manufatti bronzei antichi: le borchie a campanello di Chiavari
1998-01-01 Stagno, E.; Pinasco, M. R.; Piccardo, P.; Maggi, R.; Ienco, M. G.
The environment of the last hunters-gatherers and first agro-pastoralists in the western Mediterranean region, between the Rhone and the Northern Apennines (7th - 6th millennium cal. BCE): Attractiveness of the landscape units and settlement patterns
2018-01-01 Battentier, Janet; Binder, Didier; Guillon, Sebastien; Maggi, Roberto; Negrino, Fabio; Sénépart, Ingrid; Tozzi, Carlo; Théry-Parisot, Isabelle; Delhon, Claire
The paradoxical pattern of the Mesolithic evidence in Liguria: piecing together the puzzle.
2016-01-01 Maggi, R.; Negrino, F.
Towards an improved understanding of the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene eco-climatic context of human activities in the Northern Apennines, Italy
2023-01-01 Branch, Nicholas; Montanari, Carlo; Simmonds, Michael; Maggi, Roberto; Negrino, Fabio; Hoyle, Thomas