Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 10.174
Totale 10.174
Nazione #
IT - Italia 10.174
Totale 10.174
Città #
Genova 7.444
Genoa 1.190
Rapallo 807
Vado Ligure 722
Bordighera 11
Totale 10.174
Nome #
An Analysis of Backjumping and Trivial Truth in Quantified Boolean Formulas Satisfiability 187
Algorithms for Solving Satisfiability Problems with Qualitative Preferences 184
SAT-Based Planning with Minimal-#actions Plans and "soft" Goals 175
Automatic Test Generation for Coverage Analysis of ERTMS Software 175
Watched Data Structures for QBF Solvers 170
Benefits of bounded model checking at an industrial setting 168
A Subset-Matching Size-Bounded Cache for Satisfiability in Modal Logics 168
Automatic Test Generation for Coverage Analysis Using CBMC 159
SAT vs. Translation based decision procedures for modal logics: a comparative evaluation 158
Computing All Optimal Solutions in Satisfiability Problems with Preferences 156
Backjumping for Quantified Boolean Logic satisfiability 154
QuBE++: An efficient QBF solver 153
(In)Effectiveness of Look-Ahead Techniques in a Modern SAT Solver 152
Comparison of knowledge sharing strategies in a parallel QBF solver 149
Automatic Test-Pattern Generation for Grey-Box Programs 149
MRG: Building Planners for Real World Complex Applications 148
NuSMV 2: An OpenSource Tool for Symbolic Model Checking 145
SAT-based planning in complex domains: Concurrency, constraints and nondeterminism 145
On the Relation Between Answer Set and SAT Procedures (or, Between cmodels and smodels) 143
Dependent and Independent Variables in Propositional Satisfiability 141
Solving satisfiability problems with preferences 135
Quantifier Structure in search based procedures for QBFs 134
Introducing Preferences in Planning as Satisfiability 134
An Experimental Study of Search Strategies and Heuristics in Answer Set Programming 134
Twelve years of QBF evaluations: QSAT is PSPACE-hard and it shows 134
A SAT-based Decision Procedure for the Boolean Combination of Difference Constraints 131
Evaluating Search Strategies and Heuristics for Efficient Answer Set Programming 128
QBF Reasoning on Real-World Instances 128
Embedding complex decision procedures inside an interactive theorem prover 127
SAT-Based Decision Procedures for Automated Reasoning: a Unifying Perspective 127
Backjumping for Quantified Boolean Logic Satisfiability 127
TSAT++: an Open Platform for Satisfiability Modulo Theories 126
From Propositional Deciders to First Order Deciders: a Structured Approach to the Decision Problem 125
Nonmonotonic causal theories 124
Structured proof procedures 124
OPTSAT: A Tool for Solving SAT Related Optimization Problems 124
Ideal and Real Belief about Belief 124
PaQuBE: Distributed QBF Solving with Advanced Knowledge Sharing 123
sQueezeBF: An Effective Preprocessor for QBFs Based on Equivalence Reasoning 123
Constraints and AI Planning 122
QUBE: A System for Deciding Quantified Boolean Formulas Satisfiability. 122
The SAT-based Approach to Separation Logic 120
Evaluating search heuristics and optimization techniques in propositional satisfiability 117
Towards an Efficient Library for SAT: a Manifesto 116
Answer Set Programming based on Propositional Satisfiability 116
Improving Plan Quality in SAT-Based Planning 115
SAT-Based Procedures for Temporal Reasoning 114
Visual Representation of Natural Language Scene Descriptions 111
Monotone Literals and Learning in QBF Reasoning 110
Clause/Term Resolution and Learning in the Evaluation of Quantified Boolean Formulas 107
Flexible planning by integrating multilevel reasoning 104
Proving formulas through reduction to decidable classes 104
On the Relation among Answer Set Solvers 102
A knowledge Based System for Automatic 3D Scene Generation 101
Optimal stopping methods for finding high quality solutions to satisfiability problems with preferences 100
Parallel QBF Solving with Advanced Knowledge Sharing 100
Quantifier Structure in search based procedures for QBFs 99
Optimal Planning as Constraint Optimization 98
Representing Action: Indeterminacy and Ramifications 96
An Action-based Approach to the Formal Specification and Automated Analysis of Business Processes under Authorization Constraints 93
Editorial: Nonmonotonic Reasoning 92
SAT-Based Decision Procedures for Classical Modal Logics 91
Learning for Quantified Boolean Logic Satisfiability 89
An empirical perspective on ten years of QBF solving 89
A Subset-matching Size-bounded Cache for Testing Satisfiability in Modal Logics 89
Translation-based approaches for solving disjunctive temporal problems with preferences 89
Combining approaches for solving satisfiability problems with qualitative preferences 88
Using Bounded Model Checking for Coverage Analysis of Safety-Critical Software in an Industrial Setting 87
Satisfiability in the Year 2005 86
The 2003 International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS-03) 85
Formal Specification and Automatic Analysis of Business Processes under Authorization Constraints: an Action-based Approach 85
Reasoning with Quantified Boolean Formulas 82
Solving Optimization Problems with DLL 82
Conditional behavior trees: Definition, executability, and applications 82
Sixth International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - Selected and Revised Papers 80
A new Approach for Solving Satisfiability Problems with Qualitative Preferences 78
Improving the automatic test generation proces for Coverage Analysis using CBMC 74
SAT-Based Answer Set Programming 73
Planning as Satisfiability with Preferences 73
A generate-and-test approach for computing "optimal" plans in SAT-based planning 70
A SAT-based polynomial space algorithm for answer set programming 65
null 65
“On the integration of biomedical Knowledge bases: problems and solutions” 64
Non-Omniscient Belief as Context-Based Resoning 62
Modeling and Reasoning about Business Processes under Authorization Constraints: a Planning-based Approach. 61
A Pseudo-Boolean approach for solving planning problems with IPC simple preferences 61
Partially Grounded Planning as Quantified Boolean Formula 55
QuBE7.0 52
Planning as Quantified Boolean Formula 46
Chapter 30. Reasoning with Quantified Boolean Formulas 44
Optimal Planning Modulo Theories 30
A simple proof-theoretic characterization of Stable Models 25
Nice and Nasty Theory of Mind for Social and Antisocial Robots 23
A Simple Proof-theoretic Characterization of Stable Models: Reduction to Difference Logic and Experiments 17
Symbolic Numeric Planning with Patterns 15
Optimal Planning as Constraint Optimisation - Preliminary Report 12
Optimal Planning with Expressive Action Languages as Constraint Optimization 11
Improvements to SAT-based conformant planning 10
Nice and Nasty Theory of Mind for Social and Antisocial Robots 7
Introduction to the special issue on quantified CSPs and QBF 7
Totale 10.274
Categoria #
all - tutte 29.852
article - articoli 11.112
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 16.764
curatela - curatele 219
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.757
Totale 59.704

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.083 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 230 424 304 125
2020/2021773 63 97 51 56 24 69 53 92 70 83 54 61
2021/20221.241 29 104 128 175 33 72 74 260 45 108 55 158
2022/20231.013 119 53 8 126 180 181 3 71 159 3 81 29
2023/2024511 32 83 14 55 25 103 17 29 28 25 41 59
2024/20251.218 54 145 52 79 272 193 153 257 13 0 0 0
Totale 10.274