Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 11.100
Totale 11.100
Nazione #
IT - Italia 11.100
Totale 11.100
Città #
Genova 7.500
Rapallo 1.343
Genoa 1.324
Vado Ligure 907
Bordighera 26
Totale 11.100
Nome #
Control strategies for electric traction AC drives directly fed through 3 kV overhead 194
Rectifier Dynamic Mod­els for Short-Circuit Transient Analysis in DC Metrorail Sys­tems 150
A new PWM control sys­tem for UPS using hysteresis com­pa­rator 144
Dynamic performances of AC drives fed from power transistor-thyristor inverters 143
Influence of traffic composition on the capacity of mixed.traffic railway lines. RAIL ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL 142
A quantitative approach to risk management in critical infrastructures 141
A new multilevel PWM method: a theoretical analysis 137
A serious game architecture for green mobility 134
A new multilevel PWM method: a theoretical analysis 133
Analysis of PWM techniques using uniform sampling in variable-speed electrical drives with large speed range 133
Analysis and synthesis of ac static power controllers 129
Modelling for electromagnetic interference assessment in electric railway traction systems 126
Voltage regulation of AC/DC converters for railway applications: a comparison among control strategies 125
Theoretical and experimental study of the two-harmonic reluctance machine, a new class of variable speed device 124
A smart mobility serious game concept and business development study 123
A simplified control strategy for inverter-fed in­duc­tion motors oriented to electric traction applica­tion: design and realiza­tion 122
PWM strategies for in­verter-fed asynchronous motors with a wide range of variable speed 122
Accurate track modelling for fault current studies in third rail metro railways 117
PWM systems in power converters: an extension of the sub-harmonic method 115
A software tool for optimised maintenance of electric locomotives 111
Prospects of boating in Italy 109
Technologies to support of the railway circulation in emergency conditions 109
Static conversion systems for remote rural communities coupled to solar and wind generators 108
A new power VDMOS model, implemented in SPICE and oriented toward the design of electronic power converters 107
A new brushless excitation device for inverter-fed synchronous motors with variable frequency and voltage 105
A frequency domain model for 3kV DC side resonance identification 104
The two-harmonic reluctance motor: an introduction to a new kind of variable-speed device 103
Digital simulation of AC electrical drives based on field-oriented control method using a general purpose program 101
Transformers parameters sensitivity of short circuit phenomena in dc metrorail systems 101
A static hy­brid converter for road electric vehicles 100
A modular approach to converter design for high power AC drives 99
Impact of high power semiconductor devices technological development on the next generation of locomotives 98
A quantitative approach to risk management in Critical Infracstructures 98
Il Porto di Genova. La dimensione urbana conflittuale. Le condizioni per risolvere e per costruire scenari ecoterritoriali 97
Active power filter for traction line harmonic reduction 97
Advanced computer simulation for analysis and design of electrified transportation systems: electric plants and drives 97
Evaluation of interport performances: a state automaton approach 96
A new approach to optimise interport performance 96
High computational power and great interfacing capability for electric drives control: a new surface-mount DSP based system 96
Digital sim­ulation of a high-dynamics brushless motor drive for robotic ap­plications 95
Use of frequency dependent track models in traction systems simulation 94
EMC issues in electric railway traction systems 93
AC chopper regulation using power transistors 91
Estimation of losses in static power converters via computer simulation: preliminary results 90
Real-time monitoring of the longitudinal strain of Continuous Welded Rail for safety improvement 90
Safety and Security in Railway Engineering 89
High power factor control system in multilevel converters for AC heavy traction drives 89
Improving AC line cur­rent and power factor using converters controlled by a generalized PWM method 88
CWR Continuous Monitoring Systems: Risk Reduction and Economic Benefits 88
Different excitation systems for inverter-fed synchronous motors with variable speed 85
Various solutions for electric load compensation using energy storage systems controlled by ac/dc converters 85
A high performance DSP based system for ro­botics drives 84
Structure and control of electronic power converters for optimized load sharing in underground railway substations 84
Optimized design of air-core inductors for applications in power electronics 84
Transport, safety & security: Priorità per governare il mondo dei trasporrti 83
Competitiveness of Trolley-bus in Urban Transport 82
Various solutions for electric load compensation using energy storage systems controlled by ac/dc converters 82
Fundamental aspects of linear induction motor drives control 82
RFI-NET (Nuovo Esercitatore di Traffico) Un simulatore di traffico per la valutazione delle potenzialità del traffico ferroviario in nodi complessi con sistemi di distanziamento sovrapposti 82
Improving the performance of ac/dc converters with high frequency AC chop­per control 81
Application of the European standards to the Local Public Transport (LPT). 79
A non-industred operating robot: the drive system 79
Port Development vs. Technological development: the challenge of keeping the pace 78
Modelling and simulation of frequency dependent track impedance and admittance in electric rail traction systems 78
Evolution of Railways liberalisation in the European Community 78
A new scalar and a field-oriented control method in low-dynamics AC drives 77
Comparison between high power VSI structures for real and reactive power control 77
Computer System Design and Operation in Railways and Other Mass Transit System 76
modelling for the prediction of interference between power and signalling currents in railway traction systems 76
Macro­modeling of power bipolar transistor using SPICE 76
Modelling and simulation of supply current interference in traction systems arising from multilevel converters in high power locomotives drives 75
Computer simulation and experimental results of Elec­trical Drives for Dual-Mode Bus 75
Azionamenti in corrente alternata alimentati direttamente da linea di contatto a 3 kV 75
Study and design of a low cost system to estimate vehicle battery autonomy 74
I Porti: vincoli ed opportunità – I Porti Città 73
Computer System Design and Operation in Railways and Other Transit Sistems 73
Interport modelling with state automata 73
Energy storage systems for electric power networks 72
The impact of a new high speed railway system on the human environment 72
Active power filter for harmonic reduction in traction line 71
Metodologie e modelli per lo studio e la progettazione di tecniche di controllo in azionamenti per locomotrici 70
Optimum design of a Power Transistor In­vert­er controlled by PWM technique 69
Simulation based calibration of analytical models for line traffic capacity 68
Convertitore a GTO per gruppi statici di continuita' 68
Dalla parte dell’impresa 67
Cornigliano e la funzione logistica 67
How railways can become the framework of European Transport Sytem.4th World Congress on Railway Research, Firenze, November 16-19, 1997 66
Real and reactive power operation domain analysis for electronically controlled SMES 66
The role of the Notified Body in the process liberalization 65
Power demand levelling in light rail transit systems 65
Azionamenti AC per trazione ferroviaria alimentati direttamente da linea di contatto a 3 kV 65
Object oriented programming in railway traffic simulation for supervision and training 64
Il Mediterraneo è una rendita 63
L’italia e il gap nella logistica 63
Innovative technologies supporting the driving crew in degraded running conditins 63
Strumenti software per l'analisi e la progettazione di sistemi per la trazione elettrica 62
Evoluzione e attuazione della liberalizzazione del trasporto pubblico 61
L'alimentazione impulsiva nei precipitatori elettrostatici 61
Il ruolo della certificazione di sicurezza all'interno del settore dei trasporti 61
Tecniche di modulazione per convertitori in configurazione multilivello 59
Totale 9.207
Categoria #
all - tutte 30.093
article - articoli 5.568
book - libri 774
conference - conferenze 22.307
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 1.110
patent - brevetti 334
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 60.186

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 89 195 597 351 147
2020/2021387 32 18 20 25 6 62 14 20 65 26 48 51
2021/20221.379 8 130 56 167 71 81 131 328 33 122 21 231
2022/20231.614 167 97 38 188 238 312 6 123 236 20 165 24
2023/2024588 37 84 15 63 54 114 21 33 38 17 24 88
2024/20251.393 84 163 141 130 242 238 222 173 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.118