100008 - Dipartimento di medicina sperimentale; 100010 - Dipartimento di Scienze chirurgiche e diagnostiche integrate; 100016 - Dipartimento di Antichità, filosofia e storia  

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A case of bifid rib from the “G.Marro” egyptian osteological collection. 1-gen-2006 Boano, R.; Fulcheri, Ezio; Rabino Massa, E. .
A Case of Large Uterine Myoma in a 14-Year-Old Girl 1-gen-2013 LEONE ROBERTI MAGGIORE, Umberto; Ferrero, Simone; Bogliolo, S; Fulcheri, Ezio; Musizzano, Y; VALENZANO MENADA, Mario
A case of Paget from a Northern Italy medieval necropolis 1-gen-2018 Rossetti, C.; Pasquinelli, L.; Verzeletti, A.; Armocida, G.; Licata, M.; Fulcheri, E.
A case of stillbirth: the importance of placental investigation in medico-legal practice. 1-gen-2009 Marchetti, D; Belviso, M; Fulcheri, Ezio
A case of twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) complicated by an angiodystopic vessel 1-gen-2015 Brisigotti, MARIA PIA; Paladini, D; Vellone, VALERIO GAETANO; Fulcheri, Ezio
A lymph nodal capillary-cavernous hemangioma 1-gen-1999 A., Dellacha'; Fulcheri, Ezio; Campisi, Corradino
A new approach in histopathological diagnosis of lymphedema: Pathophysiological and therapeutical implications 1-gen-1996 Badini, A.; Fulcheri, Ezio; Campisi, Corradino; Boccardo, Francesco
A new protocol of prevention of secondary lymphedema 1-gen-2005 Boccardo, F.; Fulcheri, Ezio; Taddei, G.; Villa, G.; Michelini, S.; Campisi, C.
A newly described thoracic vascular malformation in fetuses with Down syndrome. 1-gen-2005 Prefumo, F; Ierullo, Am; Fulcheri, Ezio; Venturini, PIER LUIGI; DE BIASIO, P; Thilaganathan, B.
A Rare Case of Fatal Thyroid Hemorrhage After Fine-Needle Aspiration: Case Report and Review of the Literature 1-gen-2022 Bonsignore, A.; Drommi, M.; Frigiolini, F.; Roncallo, A.; Ventura, F.; Buffelli, F.; Fulcheri, E.
Abnormalities of glandular cells on first level cytology: what do really mean? The Genoa Experience 1-gen-2014 Vellone, VALERIO GAETANO; Cartesegna, Eleonora; Calamaro, Paola; Sarocchi, Francesca; Abete, Luca; Mastracci, Luca; Grillo, Federica; Fulcheri, Ezio
Absolute shortness of the umbilical cord and hypoplasia of the arcuate nucleus and of the parabrachial/Kölliker-Fuse complex in a case of sudden intrauterine fetal death. 1-gen-2009 Mingrone, R; Fulcheri, Ezio; Lavezzi, Am; Matturri, L.
Alcoholic beri-beri: a not yet clearly understood pathogenesis. Problems presented by a particularly clinical complex case 1-gen-1984 Nahum, M; Ferraris, R; Tabaton, M; Gandolfo, Carlo; Albano, C; Fulcheri, Ezio
ALTERED CELL-FUNCTION ASSOCIATED TO LOSS OF CELL-MATRIX ADHESION: PRELIMINARY DATA ON A RAT AORTIC SMOOTH MUSCLE CELL LINE 1-gen-2007 Barisione, Chiara; Garibaldi, Silvano; Ghigliotti, Giorgio; Fulcheri, E.; Mura, M.; Fabbi, Patrizia; Tracchi, I.; Altieri, Paola; Aloi, C.; Spallarossa, P.; Barsotti, Antonio; Brunelli, Claudio
An investigation of endemic goitre during the centuries in sacral figurative arts. 1-gen-1988 Giampalmo, A; Fulcheri, Ezio
Analisi antropologica dei resti umani rinvenuti presso le antiche terme di Cotilia, VI - VII sec. d. C. (Cittaducale, Rieti). Con appendice di paleopatologia. . 1-gen-1988 Rubini, M.; Fulcheri, Ezio
Analysis of natural killer cells isolated from human decidua: Evidence that 2B4 (CD244) functions as an inhibitory receptor and blocks NK-cell function 1-gen-2006 Vacca, Paola; Pietra, Gabriella; Falco, M; Romeo, E; Bottino, Cristina; Bellora, Francesca; Prefumo, F; Fulcheri, Ezio; Venturini, PIER LUIGI; Costa, M; Moretta, Alessandro; Moretta, Lorenzo; Mingari, MARIA CRISTINA
Analysis of p53 and c-erbB-2 expression in ovarian endometrioid carcinomas arising in endometriosis. 1-gen-2003 Prefumo, F; Venturini, PIER LUIGI; Fulcheri, Ezio
Andrew T. Sandison-Obituary. 1-gen-1983 Fulcheri, Ezio; RABINO MASSA, E.; Masali, M.
Androgen receptor (AR) expression in endometrial carcinoma. Correlations with other markers of aggressiveness 1-gen-2021 Carbone, R; Paudice, M; Parrella, V; Montanari, E; Biatta, Cm; Buffelli, F; Barra, F; Ferrero, S; Fulcheri, E; Vellone, Vg