Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 21.545
Totale 21.545
Nazione #
IT - Italia 21.545
Totale 21.545
Città #
Genova 15.211
Rapallo 2.455
Genoa 2.327
Vado Ligure 1.490
Bordighera 62
Totale 21.545
Nome #
L'esofagite distruttiva da caustici:trattamento chirurgico mediante esofago-colon-plastica sec.Waterston-Soave 321
Displasia neuronale intestinale e pseudo-malattia di Hirschsprung. 231
Histochemical study of Dom mouse: A model for Waardenburg-Hirschsprung's phenotype. 153
Neural crest neuroblasts can colonise aganglionic and ganglionic gut in vivo. 150
Variants of the ACTG2 gene correlate with degree of severity and presence of megacystis in chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction. 148
Abnormalities in "low" anorectal malformations (ARMs) and functional results resecting the distal 3 cm. 146
Preliminary report on the International Conference for the Development of Standards for the Treatment of Anorectal Malformations. 138
Gastrointestinal phenotype of ATR-X syndrome. 138
Anorectal malformations associated with enteric dysganglionosis in Danforth's short tail (Sd) mice 136
HOX11L1: a promoter study to evaluate possible expression defects in intestinal motility disorders 133
10.5.9 Disganglionosi Intestinali Trattato di clinica e terapia V edizione 133
Common PHOX2B poly-alanine contractions impair RET gene transcription, predisposing to Hirschsprung disease 133
Diagnostic Criteria of Pediatric Intestinal Myopathies 128
A new rapid acetylcholinesterase histochemical method for the intraoperative diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease and intestinal neuronal dysplasia 127
Results of a mechanical Duhamel pull-through for the treatment of Hirschsprung's disease and intestinal neuronal dysplasia 126
Update on basic research on Hirschsprung's disease. 126
[Computed tomography vs. magnetic resonance in the diagnosis of anorectal anomalies]. 125
A gene for Hirschsprung disease maps to the proximal long arm of chromosome 10. 125
Successful treatment of Neuroblastoma in an adolescent with intra-arterial embolization before surgery 125
Controversies concerning diagnostic guidelines for anomalies of the enteric nervous system: a report from the fourth International Symposium on Hirschsprung's disease and related neurocristopathies. 124
Mouse-isolated plexus differentiates neural crest precursors into enteric neuroblasts 122
Ret protein in the human fetal rectum. 122
Endocavitary electrocardiography during central vein catheter positioning in a newborn with persistent left superior vena cava. 121
Perioperative management of hypertensive neuroblastoma: A study from the Italian Group of Pediatric Surgical Oncologists (GICOP) 120
[Molecular biology, basic research and diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease]. 119
Rectal suction biopsy in the diagnosis of intestinal dysganglionoses: 5-year experience with Solo-RBT in 389 patients. 119
Associated anomalies in intestinal neuronal dysplasia 117
Hirschsprung's disease, one of the most difficult diagnoses in pediatric surgery: a review of the problems from clinical practice to the bench. 116
Deleted and normal chromosome 10 homologs from a patient with Hirschsprung disease isolated in two cell hybrids through enrichment by immunomagnetic selection. 116
Intestinal microvillous atrophy and transient neuronal dysplasia 114
Adrenal masses in children: the role of minimally invasive surgery. 114
Video-Assisted Needle Core Biopsy in Children Affected by Neuroblastoma: A Novel Combined Technique 114
Complete penoscrotal transposition. 113
La displasia neuronale intestinale tipo B migrant: una nuova entità clinica 111
Autosomal recessive microcephaly with early onset seizures and spasticity. 111
HLXB9 homeobox gene and caudal regression syndrome. 110
GDNF deficit in Hirschsprung's disease. 110
Molecular genetics of Hirschsprung disease. 110
Frequency of RET mutations in long- and short-segment Hirschsprung disease. 110
CT of anorectal malformation--a postoperative evaluation. 109
Sacral development in anorectal malformations and in normal population 108
Anorectal malformations associated with sacral hypodevelopment: a spectrum of anomalies controlled by the same gene? 107
Total colonic aganglionosis associated with an interstitial deletion of the long arm of chromosome 10. 107
Hirschsprung's disease: alpha-naphthylesterase activity in the enzyme-histochemical evaluation of the extent of the aganglionic segment during surgery 107
Rectal suction biopsy in the workup of childhood chronic constipation: indications and diagnostic value. 107
Evaluation of the HOX11L1 gene as a candidate for congenital disorders of intestinal innervation 105
Association of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 and Hirschsprung disease. 104
Hirschsprung's Disease and Related neuromuscular Disorders of the Intestine 104
Heterogeneity and low detection rate of RET mutations in Hirschsprung disease 103
Soave's extramucosal endorectal pull-through procedure. 103
Haplotypes of the human RET proto-oncogene associated with Hirschsprung disease in the Italian population derive from a single ancestral combination of alleles 102
Hirschsprung's disease: alpha-naphthylesterase activity in the enzyme-histochemical evaluation of the extent of the aganglionic segment during surgery. 102
Complete Posterior Sagittal Anorectal Mobilization (PSAM): A new surgical approach for pediatric pelvic-perineal tumor resections 102
Use of staplers in congenital lobar emphysema. 101
Currarino syndrome: Proposal of a diagnostic and therapeutic protocol 101
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia associated with ipsilateral upper limb reduction defects: report of a case with thumb hypoplasia. 100
Laparoscopy in Diagnosis of Intestinal Motility Disorders 98
Genetics of anorectal malformations. 98
Feasibility of perineal sagittal approaches in patients without anorectal malformations. 97
Constipation and chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction as a clinical expression of intestinal neuronal dysplasia (IND)] 97
Connective tissue in gut development: a key player in motility and in intestinal desmosis 97
[Blocked transcolostomy colonography in the identification of anorectal malformations]. 95
Histologic study of peritoneal adhesions in children and in a rat model 95
[Computed tomography and anorectal malformations. Their preoperative evaluation]. 94
Perineal sagittal approach in patients without anorectal malformations 94
New concepts in preoperative imaging of anorectal malformation. New concepts in imaging of ARM. 94
Neuronal intestinal dysplasia: clinical experience in Italian patients. 93
Exclusion of the Sonic Hedgeog gene as responsible for Currarino syndrome and anorectal malformations with sacral hypodevelopment 93
Hirschsprung disease: do risk factors of poor surgical outcome exist? 93
Basic research on intestinal dysganglionosis 92
Hirschsprung's disease: 13 Years' experience in 112 patients from a single institution 92
Histopathology of Chronic Constipation 91
Point mutations affecting the tyrosine kinase domain of the RET proto-oncogene in Hirschsprung's disease. 89
Intraabdominal calcifications in the newborn: an unusual case with anorectal malformation and other anomalies. 89
[An association between anorectal malformations and Down's syndrome]. 89
Abnormalities in low Anorectal Malformations (ARMs) and Functional Results Resecting the Distal Three Centimetres 87
Long-gap oesophageal atresia: a combined endoscopic and radiologic evaluation. 86
Anorectal malformastions and hypothesis of mendelian inheritance 86
Preoperative enzymo-histochemical diagnosis of dysganglionoses associated with anorectal malformations (ARM) with recto-vestibular and recto-perineal fistula 86
Image-defined risk factors in unresectable neuroblastoma: SIOPEN study on incidence, chemotherapy-induced variation, and impact on surgical outcomes 86
Ingested magnets. 86
[Anesthesiologic approach in surgery of malformations in infants]. 85
Myenteric Gangliositis in oesophageal achalasia of children 85
20.18 Poliposi Familiare del Colon 85
Primary anastomosis in esophageal atresia type I without a gap 84
Single nucleotide polymorphic alleles in the 5' region of the RET proto-oncogene define a risk haplotype in Hirschsprung's disease 83
One gene: different disorders: the concept of phenotype diversity due to allelic series. 83
A gene for Hirshsprung disease maps to the proximal long arm of chromosome 10 83
A stray bullet in the brain. 82
Condition for SSCP analysis, common polymorphisms and mutations of the RET protooncogene in Hirschsprung patients. 82
A new enzymo-histochemical diagnosis kit for Hirschsprung disease. 82
Mapping and identification of a candidate gene for Hirschsprung disease:a review 81
HLXB9 and sacral agenesis and the Currarino syndrome 81
Diagnosi e trattamento chirurgico dell'aganglia totale del colon all'Istituto G.Gaslini 80
Update on molecular genetic research on Hirschsprung's disease 80
Chicken Ovoalbumin Upstream Promoter Transcription Factor II in Mammalian Foetal Lung 80
Total colonic aganglionosis. 80
Total colonic aganglionosis associated with an interstitial deletion of the long arm of chromosome 10. Molecular characterization of the region and family studies 79
Pratical Diagnostic Aspects of the molecular biology of Hirschsprung disease 79
Involvement of the HLXB9 homeobox gene in Currarino syndrome 79
Totale 10.777
Categoria #
all - tutte 62.283
article - articoli 34.536
book - libri 227
conference - conferenze 22.190
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 578
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 4.752
Totale 124.566

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.030 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 255 413 1.264 689 409
2020/20211.065 51 77 57 98 46 101 65 113 159 117 88 93
2021/20222.965 55 264 244 407 86 134 179 642 119 315 58 462
2022/20232.993 334 119 43 303 477 509 31 258 533 38 301 47
2023/20241.252 125 238 43 107 92 116 64 96 62 19 60 230
2024/20252.085 55 371 113 207 477 370 310 182 0 0 0 0
Totale 21.663