Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.884
Totale 9.884
Nazione #
IT - Italia 9.884
Totale 9.884
Città #
Genova 6.920
Rapallo 1.238
Vado Ligure 875
Genoa 831
Bordighera 20
Totale 9.884
Nome #
Epidemiological trend in tuberculosis in the Italian region of Liguria: impact of immigration and AIDS. 167
Antigenic characterisation of influenza B virus with a new microneutralisation assay: comparison to haemagglutination and sequence analysis 149
Socioeconomic impact of Influenza on healthy children and their families 136
SARS-CoV, influenza A and syncitial respiratory virus resistance against common disinfectants and ultraviolet irradiation 134
Evaluation of performance of RIBA processor system for automated analysis of the strip immunoblot assay for detection of antibodies to hepatitis C virus 129
Analytical and laboratory evaluation of a new fully-automated third generation enzyme immunoassay for the detection of antibodies to the hepatitis C virus 125
Molecular epidemiology of an outbreak of hepatitis A in Italy. 115
Characterization of hepatitis C virus genotypes in Italian subjects at different risk of infection. 115
Clinical and socio-economic impact of influenza and respiratory syncytial virus infection on healthy children and their households 115
New A/H3N2 influenza variant: a small genetic evolution but a heavy burden on the Italian population during the 2004-2005 season 113
Surveillance of influenza in Apulia, Italy, 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 seasons 113
The intradermal vaccination: past experiences and current perspectives. 110
High heterogeneity of influenza B viruses circulating in Northern Italy during the 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 seasons 106
Prevalence of diphtheria toxin antibodies in human sera from a cross-section of the Italian population 105
Influenza and respiratory syncytial virus in infants and children: relationship with attendance at a paediatric emergency unit and characteristics of the circulating strains 104
An outbreak of hepatitis C virus in a haemodialysis unit: molecular evidence of patient-to-patient transmission 103
Influenza Burden on Italian Paediatric Population: Five year Nation-wide Surveillance and Correlation between Epidemiological and Virological Data 102
Decline in pneumonia and acute otitis media after the introduction of childhood pneumococcal vaccination in Liguria, Italy 101
Benefit-cost evaluation of Influenza vaccination in the elderly in the Italian Region of Liguria 97
Use of a microplate method of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect serum antibody presence to influenza virus surface antigens 95
Study for the improvement of antitetanus passive immunoprophylaxis and comparison between methods for antitoxin determination 94
Seroneutralization vs. Immunoenzymatic (ELISA) test: instruments for assessing humoral immunity towards the mumps virus. Preliminary results 91
[Course of immunity in subjects repeatedly vaccinated with Sabin virus]. 90
Cross-protection by MF59-adjuvanted influenza vaccine: neutralizing and haemagglutination-inhibiting antibody activity against A(H3N2) drifted influenza viruses 89
Anamnestic response to administration of purified non-adsorbent hepatitis B surface antigen in healthy responders to hepatitis B vaccine with long-term non-protective antibody titres. 89
First aid healthcare interventions Operations Centres (118) in Italy 88
Molecular characterization of influenza B viruses circulating in Northeren Italy during the 2001-2002 epidemic season 87
Impact of infant pneumococcal vaccination on pneumonia and acute otitis media hospitalisations in Liguria, Italy 86
Weekly monitoring of Influenza Like Illness (ILI) and other acute respiratory infections (ARI) impact on pediatric population during the last two years in 10 Italian Regions. 84
La scelta dei ceppi da includere nel vaccino antinfluenzale: un nuovo test di microneutralizzazione per la valutazione dell’antigenicità e della suscettibilità della popolazione 83
Phylogenetic relationships of the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes of human influenza B viruses isolated in Italy during the 2001-02 and 2002-03 seasons 82
Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plans 81
The impact of Influenza and respiratory Syncitial virus in a 0-14 year children cohort: a comparison with the national surveillance network and between methods for influenza virological surveillance 81
Influenza laboratory surveillance in 2000-01 and 2001-02 seasons in Italy: report on WHO national Influenza Center activity 81
Combination hepatitis C virus antigen and antibody immoassay as new tool for early diagnosis of infection 80
Drug resistance among influenza A viruses isolated in Italy from 2000 to 2005: are the emergence of Adamantane-resistant viruses cause of concern? 80
Silver zeolite antimicrobial activity in aluminium heating, ventilation and air conditioning system ducts. 79
Benefit-cost evaluation of Influenza vaccination in elderly people in Liguria, Italy 79
Meningitis epidemiology: a review 78
History and evolution of influenza vaccines 78
Flaccid paralysis surveillance in the Italian region of Liguria 77
A/H1N1v influenza pandemic in Italy: an update 77
[Detection of poliovirus carriers in the school population of Genoa, Savona and Alessandria from 1965 to 1969]. 77
Health care workers: their knowledge and behaviour with respect to influenza vaccination 76
Influenza surveillance by general practitioners and paediatricians in the Italian region of Liguria in 1999-2002 76
Tubercolosis today: populations at risk 76
A novel approach to reduce the hepatitis C virus window period: clinical evaluation of a new ELISA assay for HCV core antigen 75
[Results of vaccination against influenza in a geriatric center. II. Epidemiological and clinical studies]. 75
Quantitative evaluation of anti-HBs in sera. I 75
Quantitative evaluation of anti-HBs in sera. II 74
Confronto fra metodiche sierologiche per la valutazione dello stato immunitario e l'accertamento dell'infezione rubeolica in gravidanza 73
Quantitative detection and typing of HBs Ag and anti-HBs by radioimmunoassay techniques. 73
Influenza pandemic AH1N1V/2009. Early experience and autumn perspectives. 72
Epidemiology of HDV Infection in Ligurian population 72
Influenza e Virus Respiratorio Sinciziale in età pediatrica: rischio di ospedalizzazione e caratteristiche dei ceppi circolanti. 71
The Thousand and One Antigenical and Virological faces of Influenza B Virus: Ten Years of Surveillance in Italy 71
The virological monitoring of water. I. Drinking water. 71
Vaccinazione anti-influenzale: i vantaggi dei carrier di nuova generazione 71
Valutazione costi-benefici della vaccinazione influenzale in Liguria 69
Influenza A, B and respiratory syncytial virus, a simultaneous detection by a new multiplex reverse transcription nested-PCR assay 69
Serological Protection Induced by Influenza Inactivated Vaccine Against Drifted Variants: The Importance of Adjuvant MF-59 69
Vaccination promotion within a framework of public health education 68
Passive-active immunoprophylaxis in new-borns to HBsAg carrier Mothers in Liguria. I 68
Costi benefici della vaccinazione influenzale nella popolazione anziana genovese 68
Evaluation of a new hepatitis C virus sequecing assay as a routine method for genotyping 68
Evaluation of safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of 6 licensed influenza vaccines 67
Influenza epidemiology in Genoa between 1975 and 1978 67
Influenza vaccination coverage levels among children with high-risk medical conditions 67
Fattori di rischio, stili di vita e prevenzione 66
Immunogenicity of heptavalent pneumococcal vaccine and hexavalent vaccine, co-administered to italian infants at 3, 5 and 11-12 months of age 65
Cinetica dell'antitossina tetanica dopo somministrazione di immunoglobuline specifiche 65
Hospital Acquired Infections in Liguria. Prevalence, Location, Epidemiological monitoring Proposal in Medical Divisions 65
Epidemiological distribution and significance of anti-HBs. 64
Risposta sierologica a vaccini lievito-derivati contro l'epatite B 64
Comportamento del titolo sierico dell'antitossina tetanica, somministrata per via intramuscolare e per via endovenosa. Confronto fra 2 metodi per il dosaggio in vitro 64
Caratterizzazione molecolare dell'emoagglutinina dei virus influenzali B isolati nel corso della stagione epidemica 2001/02 63
Safety, Tolerability and Immunogenicity of two Influenza Subunit Vaccines, Combined and Not with MF-59 Adjuvant Emulsion, Administered to HIV-1 Seropositive and Seronegative Adults 62
Valutazione costi/benefici della vaccinazione influenzale negli anziani in Liguria (Italia) 62
Patient information, attitude and behaviour concerning influenza vaccination at the polyclinic of Siena 62
Influenza-related hospitalizations, diagnostic procedures and medication use among healthy children and their families 61
Burden dell’influenza nella popolazione italiana nel periodo compreso tra il 1999 e il 2004: correlazioni tra sorveglianza clinico-epidemiologica e caratterizzazione antigenica e molecolare dei virus influenzali 61
The impact of influenza and respiratory syncytial virus in a 0-14-year children cohort: a comparison with national network and between methods for influenza surveillance 61
Epidemiologia e prevenzione della poliomielite su basi molecolari 60
Evaluation of antitetanus passive immunoprophylaxis and comparison between methods for antitoxin determination 60
SARS Management 59
Tra i vaccini facoltativi qualcuno merita l'obbligo 58
Mortality rate in Genoa regarding influenza epidemics 58
Studio caso-controllo sulla associazione tra sindromi neurologiche e vaccinazioni obbligatorie in Liguria nel periodo gennaio 1980 febbraio 1983 57
Malattie infettive 56
La vaccinazione antinfluenzale con vaccino a sub-unità nel primo anno di vita 56
Balneazione e malattie infettive - Indagine su un campione di scolari genovesi 56
Bilancio del primo anno di vaccinazione contro l'epatite B in Liguria 56
Fattori di rischio, stili di vita e prevenzione 55
L'influenza suina nell'Italia Settentrionale durante l'inverno 1976-77 55
High Heterogeneity of Influenza B Viruses circulating in Northeren Italy during the 2001-02 and 2002-03 seasons 55
Poliomielite 54
Rapporto sull'influenza: dai virus alla vaccinazione 54
Stato immunitario antitetanico di ricoverati in "pronto soccorso" sulla base di dati anamnestici e dell'antitossina circolante 54
Totale 8.025
Categoria #
all - tutte 29.828
article - articoli 20.606
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 6.364
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.858
Totale 59.656

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.083 0 0 0 0 0 266 420 60 215 609 355 158
2020/2021317 20 9 26 6 18 44 12 16 65 27 39 35
2021/20221.452 12 162 118 210 25 37 72 381 38 127 54 216
2022/20231.468 164 87 12 137 273 292 6 134 243 9 100 11
2023/2024533 32 108 11 61 42 67 20 29 37 12 24 90
2024/2025961 104 175 52 124 309 197 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.920