Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.186
Totale 9.186
Nazione #
IT - Italia 9.186
Totale 9.186
Città #
Genova 6.777
Rapallo 1.069
Genoa 749
Vado Ligure 570
Bordighera 21
Totale 9.186
Nome #
Reduction of interferences in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry by multiple linear regression modelling 175
Determination of ultratrace elements in natural waters by solid-phase extraction and atomic spectrometry methods 167
Chlorofluorocarbon distribution in the Ross Sea water masses. 160
Determination of lead in bone tissues by axially viewed inductively coupled plasma multichannel-based emission spectrometry 158
Investigation of the formation of solid-phase compounds between tellurium and interfering elements in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry 145
Studies of water masses mixing in the Ross Sea (Antarctica) using chemical tracers. 145
Determination of trace metals in sea-water by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry following solid-phase extraction: quantification and reduction of residual matrix effects 143
Determination of manganese by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry: matrix effect control by multiple linear regression model 139
Empirical modelling of interferences in electrothermal atomization atomic absorption spectrometry 139
Determination of sub-nanomolar levels of iron in sea-water using reaction cell inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after Mg(OH)2 coprecipitation 138
Heavy Metals Distribution in Suspended ParticulateMatter and Sediment Collected from Vlora Bay(Albania): A Methodological Approach for MetalPollution Evaluation 136
Temporal distribution of trace metals in Antarctic coastal waters 133
Distribution of dissolved labile and particulate iron and copper in Terra Nova Bay polynya (Ross Sea, Antarctica) surface waters in relation to nutrients and phytoplankton growth. 133
Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometric determination of trace elements in sediments after sequential selective extraction: effects of reagents and major elements on the analytical signal 132
Determination of porphyrins and metalloporphyrins using liquid chromatography-diode array detection and mass spectrometry 131
Combined effects of inorganic acids in inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry 130
Reduction of interferences in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry by multiple linear regression modelling 130
Direct determination of arsenic in sea-water by reaction cell inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry 128
Effects of ice melting on Cu, Cd and Pb profiles in Ross Sea waters (Antarctica) 127
A new nebulization device with exchangeable aerosol generation mode as a useful tool to investigate sample introduction processes in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry 126
Simultaneous determination of CFC-11, CFC-12 and CFC-113 in seawater samples using a purge and trap gas-chromatographic system 122
Trace metals in particulate matter and sediments 120
Heavy metals in Albanian coastal sediments 120
Evaluation and comparison of two selective extraction procedures for heavy metal speciation in sediments 118
Mercury speciation in environmental samples by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry with in situ preconcentration on a gold trap. 118
Multivariate investigation of matrix effects in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry using pneumatic or ultrasonic nebulization 116
Determination of trace level of Se and Hg in photographic emulsions by atomic spectroscopy techniques 115
Distributions of carbonate properties along the water column in the Mediterranean Sea: Spatial and temporal variations. 114
Distribuzione di Pb, Cd e Hg ed individuazione di possibili bioindicatori nell'ecosistema marino costiero di Baia Terra Nova (Ross Sea-Antartide), mediante l'utilizzo della Banca Campioni Ambientali Antartici 113
Distribution and speciation of heavy metals in apulian coastal sediments. 169-182 110
Multivariate study in chemical vapor generation for simultaneous determination of arsenic, antimony, bismuth, germanium, tin, selenium, tellurium and mercury by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry 110
Dissolved Oxygen, NO and PO as tracers for Ross Sea Ice Shelf Water overflow. 109
Humic acids in marine sediments: an extraction procedure for the determination of the complexed metals 109
Occurrence of butyltin compounds in water and mussel samples collected in an oil port. 108
Multivariate optimization of an axially-viewed inductively coupled plasma multichannel-based emission spectrometer for the analysis of environmental samples 107
Determination of organotin compounds in marine mussel samples by using high-performance liquid chromatography–hydride generation inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry 104
Reduction of acid effects in inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry using internal standards selected by principal component analysis 104
Trace metals speciation in coastal particulate matter for marine environmental studies in Antarctica 102
Multivariate study in chemical vapor generation for simultaneous determination of arsenic, antimony, bismuth, germanium, tin, selenium, tellurium and mercury by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry 102
Determination of butyltin compounds by high-performance liquid chromatography-hydride generation-electrothermal atomization atomic absorption spectrometry 101
Determinazione di metalli pesanti nell'acqua di mare mediante spettrometria di assorbimento atomico dopo la preconcentrazione su resina chelante: controllo della qualità dei dati analitici 101
Trace metals distributions in coastal sea ice of Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea, Antarctica 101
An in situ filtration system for trace elements determination in suspended particulate matter 100
A new high efficiency micro-sample introduction system for inductively coupled plasma spectrometry and its application to the analysis of Antarctic snow 100
Determinazione di metalli in tracce in acque naturali e ghiaccio marino mediante preconcentrazione in flusso e spettrometria atomica 97
Building and analyzing models from data by stirred tank experiments for investigation of matrix effects and selection of internal standards in ICP-AES 97
Micronutrienti (frazione biodisponibile di ferro e rame).(capitolo 10) 95
"Sea Truth Project": a joint research effort to validate a procedure using thematic mapper data to monitor the quality of coastal waters 95
Distribuzione di elementi in trace nelle acque della Gerlache Inlet 93
Antarctic Environmental Specimen Bank: a tool for environmental contamination studies in polar regions 91
Laboratory studies of the accumulation of inorganic and methylmercury by the mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam) in relation to the presence of sediment. 90
Distribution of dissolved and particulate iron, copper and manganese in shelf waters of the Ross Sea (Antarctica) 86
Distribuzione di Fe, Cu, Co e Mn in acque subsuperficiali nel mare di Ross (Campagna Oceanografica 1994/95) 86
Combined effects of inorganic acids in inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry 86
Spatial and seasonal variability of dissolved oxygen and nutrients in the southern adriatic coastal waters 85
Applicazione di tecniche di analisi statistica multivariata in campo ambientale marino 84
Determination of trace metals in seawater by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry following preconcentration on Chelex-100: quantification and reduction of residual matrix effects. 84
Determination of Trace Amounts of Vanadyl Porphyrin inMarine Mussel Tissues by High-performance LiquidChromatography With Both Ultraviolet/Visible andInductively Coupled Plasma Atomic EmissionSpectrometric Detection 84
Distribution of heavy metals in sediments of Ligurian coastal areas 82
Evoluzione temporale dei profili di concentrazione di Cu, Cd e Pb particellati nelle acque del Mare di Ross 82
Variazioni temporali nelle distribuzioni lungo la colonna d’acqua di Cu, Fe e Mn in relazione ai processi fisici e biologici osservati a Baia Terra Nova durante l’estate australe 1997/98 82
Antarctic environmental specimen bank: a tool for environmental contamination studies in polar regions 81
Trace metal speciation in coastal and off-shore sediments from Ross Sea (Antarctica) 81
Investigation of the reactions between tellurium and interfering elements, with or without the presence of chemical modifiers, in Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 80
Studio della distribuzione di metalli pesanti associati alle fasi solide in Mare Adriatico 80
Il ruolo del ghiaccio marino nella distribuzione e speciazione di elementi in tracce nell'ambiente costiero di Baia Terra Nova 79
La spettrometria di massa con sorgente a plasma (ICP-MS) per la determinazione di specie chimiche di interesse ambientale e tossicologico 79
Interferences of Major Elements in the Determination of Rare Earth Elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. 78
Campionamento di materiale particellato sospeso nella colonna d’acqua ed incluso nel ghiaccio marino per studi sulla distribuzione temporale di metalli in tracce nelle acque costiere antartiche 76
Simultaneous determination of arsenic, mercury and selenium in foodstuffs by HG-ICP-OES 76
Separation and determination of trace amounts of inorganic tin and tributyltin using high-pressure liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy. 76
Determinazione simultanea di arsenico, selenio e mercurio in matrici alimentari mediante HG-ICP-AES 75
Distribution and speciation of trace elements in the coastal area of Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica): the role of pack-ice 74
Caratterizzazione chimica di zone frontali nel Mare Adriatico 73
Occurrence, patways and bioaccumulation of organometallic compounds in the marine environment. 73
Determinazione di metalli pesanti in acqua di mare 72
Speciation of heavy metals in albanian costal sediments 72
Spectroscopic evaluation of interaction among trace elements and biogenic carbonates in marine environment. 71
Selection of optimal internal standards in Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry 67
Determinazione di ferro disciolto in acqua di mare mediante coprecipitazione con Mg(OH)2 e analisi ICP-DRC-MS 65
Determinazione di composti organometallici di stagno in matrici ambientali mediante HG-ETAAS 64
Banca Campioni Ambientali Antartici: bilancio del primo decennio di attività e sviluppo di ricerche sull’utilizzo di bioindicatori per il monitoraggio di metalli potenzialmente tossici 60
Studio multivariato di parametri oceanografici chimici e fisici caratterizzanti l’area Nord-Adriatica 58
Determinazione di ultratracce di stagno in matrici ambientali mediante HG-ETAAS 58
Studio della distribuzione di metalli in tracce nel materiale particello in relazione ai sistemi frontali nel Mare Adriatico 56
Interfacciamento tra Cromatografia Liquida ad Alta Prestazione e Spettrometria di Assorbimento Atomico con Atomizzazione Elettrotermica per la Speciazione di Composti Organostannici in Sedimenti ed Organismi Marini 54
Ottimizzazione multivariata dei parametri operativi nella ICP-AES 51
Distribuzione di elementi in tracce nel ghiaccio marino di Baia Terra Nova 51
Determinazione diretta di elementi in tracce in acqua di mare mediante ICP-DRC-MS 48
Selezione dello standard interno ottimale nella spettrometria ottica di emissione con sorgente a plasma indotto da radiofrequenze 47
Speciazione di metalli in tracce nel materiale particellato costiero per studi sull'ambiente marino in Antartide 39
Monitoring of heavy metals and butyltin compounds in coastal waters of Ligurian Sea: Results of a mussel watch project 24
Totale 9.226
Categoria #
all - tutte 26.656
article - articoli 16.629
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 8.932
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.095
Totale 53.312

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.386 0 0 0 0 0 0 314 108 173 415 280 96
2020/2021557 59 55 50 57 19 75 36 37 61 37 39 32
2021/20221.285 34 135 80 168 83 61 120 270 33 104 70 127
2022/20231.281 133 80 25 126 172 229 4 97 240 5 153 17
2023/2024528 14 88 8 51 39 123 21 45 37 31 29 42
2024/2025601 34 115 54 68 147 181 2 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.226