100022 - Dipartimento di Scienze della terra, dell'ambiente e della vita
(U-Th)/He dating of low T metamorphism in the Penninic sector (Ligurian Alps, Northern Italy): inferences on deformation ages of Alpine tectonic evolution.
2008-01-01 Maino, M.; Dallagiovanna, G.; Gaggero, Laura; Persano, C.; Seno, S.; Stuart, F. M.
A multi-year experience: a plan for the improvement of the quality analytics of 15 Liguria Laboratories for the measure of asbestos fiber concentration in air in Optical Microscopy (MOCF).
2005-01-01 Bruzzone, M.; Capannelli, Gustavo; Cortesogno, Luciano; Gaggero, Laura; Valente, Teresio
Age, origin and geodynamic significance of plagiogranites in lherzolites and gabbros of the Piedmont-Ligurian basin.
1995-01-01 Borsi, L.; Scharer, U.; Gaggero, Laura; Crispini, Laura
Alteration patterns of marble and stones from different environment exposures: a systematic approach from buildings and museum collections in Genoa (Italy).
2012-01-01 Scrivano, Simona; Gaggero, Laura; A., Taddei
Alteration patterns of marble under different environmental exposures: a systematic approach from the Staglieno Monumental Cemetery and Museum Collections in Genoa (Italy).
2012-01-01 Scrivano, Simona; Gaggero, Laura; A., Taddei
An analytical study of the hammerstones from Monte Loreto (Liguria, Italy).
2004-01-01 De Pascale, A.; Cortesogno, Luciano; Gaggero, Laura; Maggi, R.; Pearce, M.
Archaeometric and archaeological characterization of Medieval and post-Medieval tiles from S. Francesco’s church, Savona (Italy)
2018-01-01 Ricolfi, Elena; Scrivano, Simona; Gaggero, Laura; Capelli, Claudio; Decri, Anna
Asbestos fibres release from serpentinites during quarry operations: case studies from eastern ligurian ophiolites
2006-01-01 Marescotti, Pietro; Gaggero, Laura; Isola, E; Malatesta, Cristina; Solimano, M.
Assessment of asbestos content in serpentinites: From field analysis to a quantitative expression.
2010-01-01 Gaggero, Laura; Isola, E.
Basaltic magmatism at the Juan de Fuca Ridge, NE Pacific Ocean (ODP LEG 168): mode of occurrence and chemical compositions.
2001-01-01 Cortesogno, Luciano; Gaggero, Laura; Marescotti, Pietro
Breakdown of asbestos-containing waste by self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS).
2014-01-01 Gaggero, Laura; Ferretti, Maurizio; Sanguineti, Elisa; Caratto, Valentina; Belfortini, Claudio; Musi, Luigi
Breakdown of natural chrysotile and asbestos-containing waste by Self-propagating High temperature Synthesis (SHS).
2014-01-01 Ferretti, Maurizio; Gaggero, Laura; Caratto, Valentina; Belfortini, Claudio; Musi, Luigi
CO2-water-rock interactions experimentally investigated under elevated temperature hydrothermal conditions
2015-01-01 Ferretti, Maurizio; Gaggero, Laura; Sanguineti, Elisa
CO2-water-rock interactions experimentally investigated under elevated temperature hydrothermal conditions.
2014-01-01 Ferretti, Maurizio; Gaggero, Laura; Sanguineti, Elisa; Caratto, Valentina; Belfortini, Claudio
Cobalt enamels through time: arsenic's influence and removal in historical production techniques
2024-01-01 Bruzzone, Lisa; Gaggero, Laura; Zucchiatti, Alessandro; Molera, Judit
Dati preliminari di conducibilità termica della crosta inferiore a sud della trasforme di KANE (dorsale medio-atlantica)
1995-01-01 Gaggero, Laura; Pasquale, Vincenzo; Verdoya, Massimo; F., Biraghi
Different tectono-thermal evolution in eclogitic rocks from the axial zone of Sardinia Variscan chain.
2000-01-01 Cortesogno, Luciano; Gaggero, Laura; Oggiano, G.
Do the Ligurian Alps know that the Mediterranean dried out 6 Ma?
2011-01-01 C., Persano; D., Peavot; R., Beucher; Gaggero, Laura; F., Stuart
Environmental analysis of a sensitive area (sea national park) by a geoindicator network. An additional approach in environmental monitoring in Liguria.
2014-01-01 Pucci, V.; Gaggero, Laura; D’Acqui, R.
Excavating rates and boring pattern of Cliona albimarginata (Porifera: Clionidae) in different substrata
2007-01-01 Calcinai, B.; Azzini, F.; Bavestrello, Giorgio; Gaggero, Laura; Cerrano, Carlo