Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 13.329
Totale 13.329
Nazione #
IT - Italia 13.329
Totale 13.329
Città #
Genova 9.785
Rapallo 1.236
Genoa 1.225
Vado Ligure 1.052
Bordighera 31
Totale 13.329
Nome #
Green networking with packet processing engines: Modeling and optimization 167
An Open-Source Platform for Distributed Linux Software Routers 163
Standard Methodologies for Energy Efficiency Assessment 160
Exporting data-plane energy-aware capabilities from network devices toward the control plane: The Green Abstraction Layer 154
A steady-state model for energy-efficient packet processing engines under mixed traffic 152
Adaptive frequency control of packet processing engines in telecommunication networks 152
Fine-grained energy-efficient consolidation in SDN networks and devices 150
The Green Abstraction Layer: A standard power management interface for next-generation network devices 149
A closed-form model for the IEEE 802.3az network and power performance 149
An Analytical Model for Designing and Controlling New-Generation Green Devices 148
A High Performance IP Traffic Generation Tool Based on the Intel IXP2400 Network Processor 146
Evaluating the Energy-Awareness of Future Internet Devices 144
Energy-Aware Load Balancing for Parallel Packet Processing Engines 142
Cutting the energy bills of Internet Service Providers and telecoms through power management: An impact analysis 140
Joint Power Scaling of Processing Resources and Consolidation of Virtual Network Functions 138
Decentralized Scalable Dynamic Load Balancing among Virtual Network Slice Instantiations 138
A Game for Energy-Aware Allocation of Virtualized Network Functions 137
A decentralized team routing strategy among telecom operators in an energy-aware network 135
SDN-enabled energy-efficient network management 133
Theoretical and technological limitations of power scaling in network devices 131
Analyzing and Optimizing the Linux Networking Stack 131
Linux Software Router: Data Plane Optimization and Performance Evaluation 130
Energy-Aware Equipment for Next-Generation Networks 130
The potential impact of green technologies in next-generation wireline networks – Is there room for energy saving optimization? 130
The dark side of network functions virtualization: A perspective on the technological sustainability 129
DROPv2: Energy-Efficiency through Network Function Virtualization 126
Satellite networking integration in the 5G ecosystem: Research trends and open challenges 124
Optimizing power delay product in energy-aware packet forwarding engines 124
Trading off power consumption and delay in packet forwarding engines with adjustable service rate 123
Energy efficiency in the Future Internet: A survey of existing approaches and trends in energy-aware fixed network infrastructures 121
Energy-aware Performance Optimization for Next Generation Green Network Equipment 120
IP forwarding Performance Analysis in presence of Control Plane Functionalities in a PC-based Open Router 120
"Enabling Backbone Networks to Sleep" 119
Corrections to: "Green Networking With Packet Processing Engines: Modeling and Optimization" 119
Exposing energy-aware capabilities in next generation network devices 117
Neural Approximation of Team Optimal Dynamic Routing in IP Networks 116
Applying traffic merging to datacenter networks 115
Large-scale validation and benchmarking of a network of power-conservative systems using ETSI's Green Abstraction Layer 115
Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling in parallel network processors 115
Capacity planning in IP Virtual Private Networks under mixed traffic 114
Power scaling in network devices 114
The hidden cost of network low power idle 114
A High Performance IP Traffic Generation Tool Based on the Intel IXP2400 Network Processor 113
Performance and Power Consumption Modeling for Green COTS Software Router 112
Hybrid optimization for QoS control in IP Virtual Private Networks 112
Environmental benefits of a universal mobile charger and energy-aware survey on current products 111
A scalable SDN slicing scheme for multi-domain fog/cloud services 111
An SDN/NFV Platform for Personal Cloud Services 111
Green extension of OpenFlow 110
Network layer performance in Peer-to-Peer file sharing systems 109
Energy efficiency in optical networks 109
Setting the course for a green Internet 109
Performance Constrained Power Consumption Optimization in Distributed Network Equipment 109
Energy-aware Resource Adaptation for Next Generation Network Equipment 107
Move with Me: Scalably keeping virtual objects close to users on the move 107
Burst2Save: Reducing Network-Induced Energy Consumption in the Home Environment 106
Modeling Performance and Energy Efficiency of Virtualized Flexible Networks 106
Energy-efficient sleeping modes for next-generation core networks 105
Beyond Single-Box SW Router Architectures 105
Trading off Energy and Forwarding Performance in Next-Generation Network Devices 105
The expected impact of smart devices virtualization 105
A northbound interface for power management in next generation network devices 104
Energy-efficient management and control in video distribution networks: "legacy" hardware based solutions and perspectives of virtualized networking environments 104
Packet forwarding with Linux Kernel 2.6.x 103
Green Network Technologies and the Art of Trading-off 103
DROP: An Open-Source Project towards Distributed SW Router Architectures 103
Analyzing and Optimizing the Linux Networking Stack 102
Equivalent bandwidth adaptation with energy preservation under delay constraints 102
A MEC approach to improve QoE of video delivery service in urban spaces 102
IP forwarding Performance Analysis in presence of Control Plane Functionalities in a PC-based Open Router 101
The IP Lookup Mechanism in a Linux Software Router: Performance Evaluation and Optimizations 101
Energy adaptation in multi-core software routers 101
Evaluating the Impact of Micro-Data Center (μDC) Placement in an Urban Environment 101
Planning multiservice VPN networks: an analytical/simulative mechanism to dimension the bandwidth assignments 100
Designing optimal energy profiles for network hardware 99
A Multi-Clustering Approach to Scale Distributed Tenant Networks for Mobile Edge Computing 99
The TREND Experimental Activities on "green" Communication Networks 98
Design, development and orchestration of 5G-ready applications over sliced programmable infrastructure 98
An Effective Forwarding Architecture for SMP Linux Routers 96
Enabling the TCP segmentation offload to save energy2013 24th Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications - Green ICT (TIWDC) 94
A high-end Linux based Open Router for IP QoS networks: tuning and performance analysis with internal (profiling) and external measurement tools of the packet forwarding capabilities 93
Personal Services Placement and Low-Latency Migration in Edge Computing Environments 93
Introducing standby capabilities into next-generation network devices 91
Analytical/Simulation Optimization System for Access Control and Bandwidth Allocation in IP Networks with QoS 90
A Fluid Model for High-End Network Equipment with QoS Policied Aggregated Traffic 89
A scalable approach for steady state traffic modeling in high-speed backbone networks 88
A Fluid Simulator for Aggregate TCP Connections 87
The GreenNet project 86
The low Energy COnsumption NETworks (ECONET) project 85
State of the Art of Existing Standards for the Evaluation of Network Performance and Energy Consumption 81
A Model-based Approach Towards Real-time Analytics in NFV Infrastructures 79
OpenFlow in the small 78
GreenSim: An Open Source Tool for Evaluating the Energy Savings through Dynamic Adaptation 77
EE-DROP: An energy-aware router prototype2013 24th Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications - Green ICT (TIWDC) 77
Green Support for PC-based Software Router: Performance Evaluation and Modeling (BEST PAPER AWARD) 77
Smart proxying for reducing network energy consumption 76
Virtualization of set-top-box devices in next generation SDN-NFV networks: the INPUT project perspective 76
RFC 2544 Performance evaluation of a Linux Based Open Router 74
A high-end Linux based Open Router for IP QoS networks: tuning and performance analysis with internal (profiling) and external measurement tools of packet forwarding capabilities 74
Traffic merging for energy-efficient datacenter networks 74
Totale 11.212
Categoria #
all - tutte 42.517
article - articoli 13.063
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 26.014
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 608
patent - brevetti 198
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.634
Totale 85.034

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.610 0 0 0 0 0 0 645 346 468 627 387 137
2020/20211.227 98 107 220 63 60 134 67 77 107 143 88 63
2021/20221.588 28 62 147 178 57 120 137 365 104 139 72 179
2022/20231.523 153 77 16 140 210 268 2 113 262 20 228 34
2023/2024895 44 99 25 102 84 123 49 57 42 86 56 128
2024/20251.176 62 176 79 122 433 296 8 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.615